
Chapter 81 [Bonus Chapter]Did I Pass?

[Mass Release is here! I worked so hard to get this together, and I really hope that you guys enjoy this. Consider gifting to show your support, and encourage me to do this again in the future.]

The moment she said this, I felt a strong suctioning force. It was trying to take me away from this place. And I was no idiot. Why would I want to be stuck here with this psycho any longer? I let go of all my resistance almost immediately.

The world turned black. It was like I was not looking at anything. And maybe that was the problem. My eyes were still closed. This world that I entered, I entered it through my dreams. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. Many others were sitting around me. Their faces were pretty comical as well. They had these weird expressions on their face.

But I knew what they were going through. And that troubled me. How was it that I was released so early, but they were still in this daze? Didn't that mean that all of them kept going and that I was the only one who got out this fast?

"Looks like you are up already." I heard the voice of the Senior sister who brought us all here. I looked up to her, and nodded.

"That was disappointing. I thought that this generation was actually full of strong people. To think that all of you have no will power. What can I say? You are pampered too much." the senior sister shook her head. I had no way to refute her. I thought that I fared pretty good, but what was the benchmark that I had to beat? Did I really fare that well?

"He passes. He gained the recognition of the Pavilion. Let him go to the resting room. He will go to the next trial." an elderly voice rang in my ears. It was clear that the same voice rang in the Senior Sister's ears as well. She changed her expression and looked at me like she was looking at a monster.

"You gained the recognition of that psycho? What kind of monster are you?" she asked me with a trembling voice.

"She said something about finding the crazy people and that I was one of them. I guess that this was what she meant?" I mumbled.

Just go in. Who would have thought that I would meet one of the monsters of this batch." the woman shuddered as she pointed to the door on the other end of the pavilion.

I shrugged as I walked past all the people who were sitting beside me. I was careful not to disturb them. I did not want to cause any trouble, especially with the kind of trial that they were going through. That amount of pain was enough to cause anyone to go crazy, and not the good kind that the mysterious girl was looking for. I headed on to the opening and looked at what lay ahead. There were a few couches, and good lighting. But the number of seats were far less than the number of people who were outside. There were exactly a hundred. That meant that only a hundred people would pass this test.

"So out of the people who pass, the trial of combat will probably be used to rank them all." I realized.

"Hmmm, but what about that other Senior brother? The Senior Brother Riyal. He was directly taken as a disciple, was he not? Won't he be ranked? I really hope not. He seems too powerful for me to take on. I should get stronger." I thought to myself as I took a seat on the couches laid out in front of me and glanced at the door.


All of a sudden, I could feel a piercing pain in my head. All that torture that the girl caused me actually messed with my head a little. I was getting a piercing headache and it was not comfortable at all.

"I should just sleep." I murmured as I took the whole couch for myself and closed my eyes. Within mere seconds, I drifted off to sleep.


"Who the hell are you? How dare you hog all of this place? Are you looking for a fight? And you dare sleep like this? Who do you think you are? The king?" a loud voice woke me up.

I squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I looked up to see who the person trying to wake me up was. Coincidentally, it was the bald man who was the first to pass the first trial. I got up and yawned.

"What is the problem here?" I asked.

"The problem? The problem is that you are sitting in my space." the bald man shouted at me.

"Your place? Aren't there more couches for you to-" I looked around and swallowed my words immediately. Every other couch was full. They were all looking at me, trying to see what the commotion was.

"I slept for this long? Who would have thought I needed this much sleep even after getting that rest after the first trial. It seems that the torture session did a number on me." I murmured.

"What the hell are you doing? Get up now. I need to sit." he shouted.

I nodded and moved to the edge of the couch, giving him the other side.

"Sorry about that. I did not expect to sleep for this long. Why don't you have a seat?" I asked.

"Have a seat? Why don't you get up so that I can sit down? You slept for long enough. Now you can sure as hell stand." the bald man shouted again.

"Now, you are the person who is causing a fight. Don't you think that the consequences that you will face are your fault?" I shook my head. It was blockheads like this that irritated me.

"Do you really want to take a go now? I will crush you in seconds." the man looked at me haughtily.

"You are just in the second layer of the Foundation Establishment Stage, like I am. Do you really think that you stand a chance against me?" I chuckled.


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