
Chapter 326 Meeting The King

"It's not right to keep His Majesty waiting." Cai Guo nodded.

"Then lead the way. Let us get going." Liu Feng nodded. He then glanced at Min Wan, wondering if she would be considered a vagabond along with him.

She was ready to move though, so Liu Feng guessed that she would also be coming with him.

Cai Guo disappeared, and so did Liu Man, Feng Wang, Liu Feng, and eventually, Min Wan as well, leaving Tian Ju in front of the entire Cai family.

He looked at their empty spots blankly. They were so fast that he couldn't even follow them. But he did know where they were going, so he also started moving toward the palace.

It didn't take long for Liu Feng to come in view of the majestic Imperial Palace.

It wasn't an architectural wonder of any kind, with a tower that tried to touch the very skies. It did nothing of the sort. Instead, it was just a show of power.

The palace was just like any other palace. As large as it could get, wide and long. The area that it covered, a while kilometer in every side, was a large spot in the crowded capital.

It was much, much bigger than the space that the Hong family occupied. And even around the imperial palace itself, there was not a single building in sight from the walls.

There were just neat roads, gardens, and then roads that led to buildings. It was like they wanted to make a beautiful garden around the palace walls, and they just decided that no other person would be allowed to stay around the palace.

Looking at the hundreds of guards that were standing around the walls, guarding this majestic palace, Liu Feng chuckled. They were so fast that the guards couldn't even sense the arrival of their guests.

But the imperial palace was still the imperial palace.


A majestic and terrifying voice jolted everyone's blood as a large man with a white and purple cloak behind his back suddenly appeared above the castle walls, right in front of the path that Liu Feng and his party was traveling in.

Cai Guo skidded to a halt and stood a few meters away in front of the man who had appeared.

The moment that he showed himself, all the guards on the wall realised that there were intruders, and they were about to sound the horn, when this majestic large man raised his hand, stopping them.

"Cai Guo. The King is expecting you. And these people must be the ones who had participated along with you, disregarding the orders of His Majesty." he swept his cold and arrogant eyes looking at all four behind Cai Guo.

"This one is the newest entrance to the Succession war, Your Highness." Cai Guo pointed at Liu Feng.

"The dragon princess' son. I am aware."

"We shall go in then. Right now?" Cai Guo asked.

"Do you think that what just happened is something small? The king is furious. You have weakened the forces of the very kingdom! Do you understand the significance? Now, the Handu kingdom knows that we are eight Soul Evolution Stage Experts short! Eight! The throne has never been weaker because of you!" the large man shouted at Cai Guo, but he just took it all to the face.

And Liu Feng had an inkling as to why.

He understood the difference between the Imperial Palace and the other families that had the audacity to think that they could match the power of the imperial palace.

The arts and skills that the Imperial Palace held were much better quality than the ones these families held. Perhaps the sects came close, but they were still no match for the defining arts of the Imperial Palace.

And Liu Feng could feel it in this man. The presence of a roaring lion within him. This was the Roaring Lion Technique, something that made the Tian family the strongest power in the entire kingdom.

It was inherent. The Qi of this man was stronger than most. It was not as strong as Liu Feng's own, but he knew why. His Qi was the purest that it could get, coming from the Heaven Devouring Art. He never cared for other inheritances because he knew that it was unmatched.

"And these people. They are the reason that you actually went ahead with it? They are who you backed?" he glared at Liu Feng and the other three.

"You must be the green gale tiger of Kaishi city. The imperial palace has always respected the ancestor guardian of Kaishi. I do not understand why you had to disregard us to such extent though." he asked.

"You are not the only one at the peak of the Soul Evolution Stage boy. You are a thousand years too young to think that you can intimidate me. You know well what happened. They were going to die by my hand one day or the other. That day came now. You will just have to deal with it." Feng Wang said coldly.

"And as for the king of yours, don't be hypocritical. I supported his father and the father before that. But that was because they interested me and no more. For once, I think that a little change will actually be interesting. Why not have someone with a different surname at the helm for a short while?" Feng Wang chuckled.

To this, the large man looked at Liu Feng once again.

"You will be the one that has to answer to His Majesty anyways. I will not delay his judgement. But I will only say this. How arrogant and selfish must this young generation be, to take the help of so many experts just because of a small hiccup?" he said coldly.

"Look like the information gathering abilities of the palace are still not that great. Maybe you forget a little. The Hong family fell because they offended me. They tried to kill me. And I did not use the help of those around me. They used mine." Liu Feng scowled back as a glow appeared around him.

He was not going to back down today.


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