
Chapter 79 - One Versus Twenty-seven

Liu Ye didn't really have a choice. If he let all the White Knights leave, they could return back with a stronger army and kill him. Liu Ye was strong but he wasn't some Immortal God who could face hundreds of players on his own. 

At least not yet. 

"Damn it, do you really want the White Knight Guild to be hostile against your Guild? The moment you attack, it will be a done deal. I am giving you one last warning," Lancelot called out annoyedly but Liu Ye already knew what he was doing. He was simply stalling for time so all his players could recover.

Liu Ye wasn't in a hurry though and simply laughed. "Haha, do you really believe our Guilds can be friendly? Everyone is competing for the top so we are bound to clash. Don't worry, I will wait for all of you to refill your HP. I don't want you to later spread rumors that I was unfair to you guys or that I ambushed you. Now we fight on equal grounds." 

All the White Knights frowned. How could any of them spread rumors about their own death? It would naturally be better to simply stay quiet and accept it with dignity. 

Too bad, Liu Ye had different plans. If he didn't show his strength to the world, there would be many top-rankers or bounty hunters who would try to challenge him. It was best to make them think twice before they decide to fight him. 

[Ding! You turned on Live Recording. The footage will be sent after the server closes.] 

When Liu Ye was talking with Xu Yue, he noticed an option to record and he didn't hesitate to use it. Exposing some of his secrets wasn't as annoying as other players bothering him all the time. 

"So, are you ready to fight?" Liu Ye questioned calmly, wanting to put everything on the record. "One versus twenty-seven. Shouldn't be that hard for you." 

He began to wrap his body with water which caused the enemy to anxiously raise their defenses. 

"Focus, everyone! He is just one against all of us! Go for the kill and don't hesitate to use everything you got!" Lancelot announced as his team prepared to advance but Liu Ye was faster. 

The passage was small, only enough for 10 players to stand next to each other so the real number of enemies was much lower. A water screen appeared in front of him and he started his assault with Ice Bullets. They shot randomly at the width of the passage which halted their advance completely. 

"Walls up!" Lancelot commanded as Earthbenders stepped forward to create another barrier before it was their time to counterattack. "Fire!!!" 

White Knights were blinded by the Walls but that didn't stop them from launching an overwhelming assault. They bombarded the passage with everything they got but Liu Ye wasn't concerned in the slightest. 

Earth Boulders? Water Jets? Fireballs? All of them missed the target as Liu Ye gushed water ahead of him and froze the ground which let him slide forward like a penguin.




He was only hit three times by some random abilities but it was negligible and was quickly healed back up after gulping down potions. After bouncing off the walls with his legs, Liu Ye reached the Earth Walls before they even realized where he went. 

"He ran away!" White Knights pointed out while peeking through the empty holes, not expecting Liu Ye was right underneath. 

"Shall we chase after him?" 

"No, he simply backed away to dodge our assault but once we stop, he will come again," Lancelot explained as he ordered, "Move the walls forward to create more space and then create suppressive fire to stop his advance! He is after the King Scorpion so we have to get it before he can." 

"Yes, Boss!"

The White Knights agreed eagerly but before they could even do anything, Liu Ye stood up abruptly and snuck Water Whips through the holes. 

"He is her—" 

The Earthbenders didn't have time to finish their warning as Liu Ye smacked them left and right.




Their bodies slammed against the walls and Liu Ye swiftly hopped across the wall to greet them with his Ice Claws. The White Knights's high morale was momentarily shattered as they burst into pixels one after another. 

"Kill him!" They cried out in panic as they began to launch abilities at the shiny burst of pixels but Liu Ye was already moving elsewhere while mixing with other players. 

Even though one could still see in the dark thanks to the bright moon, it couldn't be compared to fighting in the daylight. Liu Ye was like a shadow dancing between the players and used his Ice Claws like five sharp knives at his disposal.

"Don't shoot! Attack Melee!" Lancelot scolded loudly as the place became a literal shooting range. White Knights attacks only hit each other, causing many to suffer from burning. 

Liu Ye only managed to kill 15 of them before they followed his tactics and decided to fight him with their fists instead. 

"Three-time national boxing champion at your service!" White Knight announced as he raised his guard with Earth covering his fists. He seemed confident but unfortunately, this game wasn't about boxing at all. 





Ice Claws shot out from Liu Ye's fingers and pierced all over the boxer's body. They dealt the same amount of damage as Ice Projectiles but they were so much easier and faster to create. His 290 HP melted down instantly before he turned into mist, together with the confidence of the rest.

"How does he deal so much damage?!" White Knights questioned in shock. 

"Eleven left," Liu Ye announced before shooting two spears at the last two lower leveled Firebenders. They tried to defend but their fireballs didn't even halt the spear before it rag-dolled them back.


The follow-up announcement was like a nail in the coffin that made everyone take a step back. They went from 27 to 9 and Liu Ye didn't even take one minute to clean them up.

"How much do you want? I will pay you 20 gold for—" 

Lancelot couldn't finish talking as the Red Dragon eyes on Liu Ye's outfit were on the move again. The nine of them had nowhere to run, why would he let them go?



His Large Water Whips dealt so much damage with all the buffs applied and Liu Ye simply brute-forced against them. No matter what they sent his way, he dodged what he could while taking the rest head-on. 

"I will remember this!" Lancelot vowed, seeing he was the last one standing but Liu Ye only shrugged. 

"You are welcome to come. Make sure you level up first though or else I won't get any experience from you." 

[Ding! You killed a Player: White Knight Lancelot. You received 2,800 Experience and a Player Bag. Due to the difference of 7 levels, you earned 700 less Experience.]

[Ding! Congratulations! You reached Level 27!]

[Name: Grind God]

[Level: 27] [SP: 1]

[Exp: 2,250/175,000]

Liu Ye actually hoped to get more Experience but a surplus of 2250 wasn't that bad. He swiftly added the new Skill Point into Intelligence and climbed the Earth Wall blocking the King Scorpion Lair. While he was battling the whole White Knight Guild, the team of NPCs was challenging the Field Boss without even paying attention to them. 

If he were to be honest, their situation was tragic. 

[King Scorpion - Lvl. 40]

[HP: 12,424/30,000]

[MP: 5,833/10,000]

The King Scorpion's HP only dropped by around three thousand while the team of 5 NPCs was on the verge of dying. Liu Ye couldn't help but throw an Ice Spear at the giant scorpion as he jumped into battle. 


The damage of his spear was halved but that was still good enough compared to the Bear King he faced with Avi. All he needed to do was strike one of its eyes once it reached 6,000 HP to execute it. 

"Who are you?" One of the NPCs called out warily but Liu Ye was already prepared. 

"Don't worry, I'm here to help. One of your mothers paid me to come and help you. The old lady was worried that something bad had happened." 

They immediately ignored him after his explanation and focused on the King Scorpion who was already counter-attacking with his claws. One of them was close to being snapped in half but then he spewed flames from his mouth, causing the scorpion to back off. 

"Help us kill this bitch then!" he yelled while wiping his forehead from sweat. "It is afraid of fire so don't get too close unless you can Firebend." 

He then glanced at Liu Ye and added, "Don't get distracted either or it will stab you with its poisonous— Ahh!"

Liu Ye wanted to facepalm seeing the King Scorpion stab his arm with its stringer. He was talking about being distracted only to get hurt himself. 

[Ding! The NPC you had to protect has been poisoned. If nothing is done within the next minute, he will die.] 

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