
Chapter 45 - Elise's Pregnancy

Ah… that was right. Elise was pregnant when she left. Loriel didn\'t know it until the court physician told him.

That was the reason that prompted him to chase after Elise. That was the reason why he was so desperate to get her back.

Knowing that Elise was pregnant with their child made Loriel took the curse of immortality and bear the loneliness for fifteen centuries… so he could see her again and keep her safe, and meet their child.

The man couldn\'t let anything happened to his wife since she was pregnant. Elise had a weak body, just like her mother, the late queen of Myreen.

Her last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and it was so heartbreaking. After the incident, Loriel vowed to never let Elise have any more miscarriages.

He was careful and always checked her condition every day after they became intimate. He wanted to be ready and prepared should the next opportunity came.

Unfortunately, after the first pregnancy, which ended in miscarriage, Elise never got pregnant again, even though they had sex very often.

Eventually, the court physician deemed his wife sterile after the miscarriage, which further broke her heart. The flowers in the whole Summeria didn\'t blossom for the year when she was feeling that sad.

After one year Loriel stopped asking if she missed her period because he didn\'t want to keep tearing the wound open.

Finally, he accepted the fact that he and Elise would never have children together. He pretended that it didn\'t bother him and focused his attention on developing his kingdom.

They never talked about trying to get pregnant again. Elise became more reclusive and rarely spend her time outdoor. They coped with the devastation in their own way, with each finally learned to be content with never having children of their own.

That\'s why Loriel didn\'t know Elise was pregnant when she left. How could she be pregnant when the doctors told them she was sterile? Maybe it was a miracle? Loriel didn\'t know.

"Why didn\'t she tell me?" Loriel asked with a hoarse voice after the court physician told him that Elise was actually three months pregnant when he checked her health two weeks ago. The king\'s voice roared in the palace hall. "WHYYY??!!"

The old doctor shrank in his spot. He didn\'t dare to offend their young king. He was worried if he told him the truth, King Loriel would lash out at him.

But the king just asked him a question... that means he should answer.

If he didn\'t tell the king what he wanted to know, the king would be angry.

So, finally, the old man cleared his throat and spoke, "I believe Her Majesty just wanted to make sure that her pregnancy is healthy and cross the first trimester before she told you, Your Majesty."

"She should have told me so I can care for her better," said Loriel impatiently. "Instead of telling me about it... she ran away from the palace."

The court physician lowered his head and didn\'t dare say anything else. Who could know what was in the queen\'s mind?

He was not a wizard who could read minds. So, he didn\'t have an answer for the king.

It was something that King Loriel had to find out for himself.

"Lysander! Get my horse now!"

Apparently, Loriel thought the same thing. He could only find out the answers to his questions if he went to find Elise and asked her in person.

The king walked briskly outside the royal hall and went to the courtyard. He waited for his right hand to bring his horse.

Ten minutes later, Lysander came with the impressive stallion that had become the king\'s mount for the past year. Loriel immediately jumped on his horse and dashed to chase after Elise.

No, he couldn\'t let her go anywhere. He must get her back to his side.

Initially, Loriel wanted to give her some space before he went to find her. Maybe they needed to have their own moment to be alone and reflect on their marriage after the incident.

He thought Elise must have gone back home to Myreen. It was a safe place and she would be surrounded by her family. So, it should be okay.

However, when he found out Elise was actually pregnant without letting him know, Loriel couldn\'t let her go.

Not with his child.

Loriel was already three days late, but being late was better than never.


The soldiers who were guarding the palace gate were shocked to see the king dashed his horse and quickly disappeared after he passed through them, leaving only dust behind.

They were all wondering where he was going. Some of the guards who were well connected to the servants in the inner court started gossiping about the queen\'s disappearance.

Maybe the king was going to search for her?

But, why now? Didn\'t she leave three days ago?

Yeah, exactly! Why now?

Loriel asked the same question to himself. Why was he so dumb and insensitive that he let three precious days pass before he did something?

He wanted to cry as he whipped his horse to run faster. The memory of Elise\'s first pregnancy came to his mind and it haunted him with the nightmare of the miscarriage.

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