
Chapter 221 - Loriel Makes A Promise To His Mother

Contrary to the words of the servant, Queen Maude's health only deteriorated and worsened over time even as the wedding soon approached them.

Elise's visits to the queen dowager were now a painful time because her mother-in-law was suffering and even with all the powers Elise had, it was a struggle against death and life itself.

"I am so sorry that I cannot do anything for you, mother-in-law," Elise clutched the queen dowager's hand and tried to give her a reason to fight. "If I was stronger then perhaps I would…"

"Elise, you must understand that it is impossible to fight against the inevitable," Queen Maude smiled despite her condition. "I know that this day will come, and I will be reunited with my husband and sons. There is nothing to mourn at all."

"Oh, mother," Elise didn't know what to say as tears pricked her eyes. She had never met her biological mother and knew that death was truly inevitable. Even her father and grandmother who were a powerful wizard and witch couldn't do anything to help her mother, Queen Catalina, on her death bed.

Elise could already tell that the queen's life force was fading away and even if she tried to help, use her magic to strengthen the woman… there was nothing that she could do.

It was truly a helpless situation. She also noticed how much Loriel looked sad whenever he came to see his mother and spent time with her.

"I am grateful that I could experience what it was like to have a wonderful daughter-in-law like you," Queen Maude smiled weakly. "Loriel is in good hands now that you are with him."

"Please do not worry about us, mother-in-law," Elise's tears spilled down her cheeks. "You are right. I will take care of Loriel."

It was difficult to fight against what afflicted the queen and compared to Elise's father whose body was stronger through magic keeping himself alive even when he was gravely ill, there was no miracle such as that for the queen dowager of Summeria.

The queen started to cough up blood, her skin turned deathly pale and ghastly as she lost her appetite and even refused to eat. Queen Maude only vomited whatever she ate.

Zaff, the royal physician did not know what to do at all, and Loriel's attention shifted entirely to his mother. It was impossible to focus his mind on his kingdom when his mother was on her deathbed.

Loriel didn't want to think that this was the end, but the physician only confirmed it when he was summoned in private at the king's residence. 

There was no need to lie or even try to assuage the king. The time would soon come for him to say goodbye to his dearly beloved mother.

It was terrible to give false hopes.

"Your Majesty please forgive me… but the queen dowager does not have much time," The royal physician approached Loriel late in the evening to address the king. 

The man looked so upset at himself that it was even impossible to get mad at Zaff. The royal physician had already done the best that he could do and it was only a matter of time until the end.

Loriel looked gravely at Zaff and nodded. "I will speak to my mother."

It was already past the hours where Elise normally visited her mother-in-law, and so Loriel entered the chamber of Queen Maude alone. His mother was in a coughing fit that no amount of medicine and treatment could stall or recover from.

"Maxim, you've come." A painful smile crossed Queen Maude's face at the sight of Loriel's despondent face. Already losing his brothers, now it was also time for her to join them and leave her son alone.

Loriel approached his mother and knelt down. He held her hand tightly in his and smiled sadly as he said, "Mother. Did you not say that you are looking forward to the wedding between me and Elise?"

"I am, but it is not only for my sake, Loriel." Queen Maude tended to switch now between 'Maxim' and 'Loriel' but Loriel did not mind it at all. "I would like to see you wedded happily."

Loriel sighed inwardly, "Mother, you know that it is not possible for me to love that woman. How can I find joy in the act of pledging my life to a woman that I do not even cherish?"

"As I said in the past, I understand that your heart is grieving and you've shut yourself from the possibility of loving anyone else… but you cannot wallow in misery, my son." Queen Maude touched her son's face. "Even when I am gone, please try to be happy, Loriel."

"I will try to do that, mother."

"And please do not forget about Elise." Queen Maude soon clutched her hand's son tightly with a strength that she should have saved. "The girl has come here to wed you and yet the future that awaits her seems grim because of everything that happened."

Loriel didn't even need to ask, because the queen was referring to the incident not only with Emmelyn but everything indeed. 

The late queen Catalina's misdirected actions placed a wedge of sorrow in the lives of not only Loriel, but also Elise who was going to marry him.

"Mother, I will treat her well." Finally, Loriel reaffirmed his promise to his mother. 

He was being honest with his mother about his feelings. He didn't love his future wife, but he would treat her well. He had also promised to King Alexander, Elise's father, that he would never take another mistress or wife after he married Elise.

"Swear to me, Maxim Loriel Ashborn. Swear to me that you will protect Elise and treat her well. She has not done anything wrong and does not deserve to be treated as she is now," Queen Maude said.

Even though Loriel knew that, intellectually, a part of him still wished that Elise never was born or was a male instead. If that had happened, a lot of pain could have been avoided.

But right now, Loriel only wished to see his mother at peace. 

This mattered to Loriel more than anything right now and so he would do it. Anything to make sure that his mother's worries were alleviated. 

"I swear it to you, mother," Loriel said. "As long as I live, I will make sure that I will protect Elise and treat her well."

The queen dowager looked into Loriel's eyes and then sighed deeply.

"Also… I know it's customary for kings in the lesser kingdoms to have concubines or even more than one consort." Queen Maude halted her words.

Loriel waited for his mother to continue, so he didn't interrupt her. He could guess that just like King Alexander, his mother would also ask him to promise that he would never take another wife.

"Yes, mother." Finally, Loriel replied. "I am aware of such practices."

"I know it's hard for you to love Elise right now because you are still recovering from your love for Emmelyn," Queen Maude looked at Loriel deeply. "But please, give Elise a chance to be your wife and don't take any concubines or other wives."

Loriel took a deep breath. So, he was right. His mother was also asking the same thing. This request actually made him feel slightly annoyed. What kind of man did they think he was?

He couldn't marry any woman without love on his part. Elise was an exception because they were betrothed since birth. He loved Emmelyn so much that Loriel would never even feel attracted to other women.

"Mother, you need not worry about it. I promise... Elise will be the only wife I have," Loriel replied. "I am not interested in love or marriage. Since you have chosen her to be my wife, I will accept her and live with her until the day I die."

His reply was uttered in a flat tone, that made Queen Maude feel guilty. Loriel was still so young but already felt so skeptical about love and marriage.

"Max…" Queen Maude touched Loriel's hand gently. "You have to let her go. She is already married and happy with her family. Now, it's time for you to find your own happiness and build your family too."

Loriel knew his mother was talking about Emmelyn.

"You know I have let her go," Loriel replied curtly.

"Only on the surface," Queen Maude sighed. "You still keep her and her memory tightly in your heart. You have to stop doing that. You have a wonderful wife who is waiting for you and loving you with all her might. Please.. give her a chance."

Loriel only smiled and didn't say anything. His mother finally realized that it was futile to force her son to do it.

Elise who came to bring some potion from Zaff halted her steps outside of the queen's chamber and she stood behind the door. She didn't mean to listen to their conversation, but she accidentally did.

Now, it felt awkward to suddenly enter the chamber and showed her presence. Finally, Elise decided to step back and left the queen's chamber, and gave the bowl of potion to a servant.

"Please bring this to the queen's chamber," she said softly. "It's the potion from Zaff."

"Ah, okay, Your Grace." After the servant received the bowl, Elise went back to her chamber and cried there.

So, she was right... Loriel was still in love with that woman.


After Loriel's conversation with the queen dowager, the festival preparations were completely halted and instead redirected to the wedding. A wedding unlike any other. 

Loriel would make sure that his mother would see the wedding with her very own eyes.

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