
Chapter 124 - Epilogue

"Joan, you are so humble. You are uncomparable in your past life right?" Isaias said to him.

"Ah, yes," Joan said to him putting a thumbs up.

"Let\'s go, we don\'t have anything to do here," Isaias said to him.

It was then, just as they were about to prepare to leave, there was a Ranger that approached them. Clad in leather armour and robes to cover his body. A man in a hood and has a scar on his face. He was in his thirties and was still brimming with energy.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. How rude of me to disturb you but I am a scout sent by General Tullius the Third. My name is not important as I was just a measly scout.. If I am not mistaken, are you one of the adventurers who survived the nightmares?" He asked while bowing. Head bent down then look up at them.

Isaias was about to speak but Joan gestured at him to speak for himself.

"Are you perhaps from the kingdom\'s army?" Joan asked. Letting him stand straight.

"Ah yes, my eyes will not fool me. You are the adventurer who I saw and several others. Wait, where are your comrades? Did they perished?" He asked confused.

"Ah, I don\'t know what to say but maybe you are just mistaken. My only company is that old man there. We are travelling for some time and we are only two all this time," Joan said to him.

"What? You don\'t have more comrades? Ah, maybe I was just mistaken, sorry for the disturbance. I will be on my way," He said then clicked his tongue.

Joan then smiled at Isaias. Isaias just laughed then smacked his back. They went on towards the exit of the tomb.

"Excuse me, Prophet Isaias," A soldier said to him while saluting.

"What is it?" Isaias replied.

"May we do the honour to escort you home to the Kingdom? We are preparing to leave this instant," The soldier said.

"Ah yes, sure!" Isaias replied.

"Ready Priscilla Joan, we will leave together with them," Isaias said to him.

Joan then left to the carriage and absorbed the remaining essence in the air before he left. Just to make sure there was no essence wasted.

Just as he finished, they marched with escorts of the remaining soldiers. Bodies were carried on the back of the carriages to be sent to their families. Isaias sat at the driver\'s seat of Priscilla\'s carriage. Sitting beside him was none other than Joan. They met no enemies on the road and were on their way towards the kingdom.

Marching on for days, they travelled the roads towards the capital. Arriving at their destination without struggles and the way was clear. Citizens cheered at their presence and the road was full of people. They arrived at the gates and many waited for their arrival.

Hail the Heroes!!!

Hail the Prophets!!!

God Bless Humanity!!!

The citizens hailed them and threw flowers on the roads. Also, the prophets were cheered on, especially Isaias who has many supporters. They waved at him and he waved back. The parade was so long and they made their way towards the prophet headquarters located at the heart of the school.

Arriving at the place, the prophets dismissed the army and they went inside the headquarters. Joan too was with the prophets and then he was met with a feast.

He was greeted with food of all kinds. It felt like they prepared the food beforehand. Upon the celebration of their success. He was also going to be anointed at the same time. Making Joan feel uneasy by the formalities it has. Remembering also that he was anointed by Isaias quickly and directly. No formalities and just kneeling impromptu.

Thinking that this time around was more formal than before, he prepared himself. It was then he will be anointed by them and so he kneeled in one knee and bowed down his head.

"Now Joan! We the Prophets will anoint you as the Child of Hope! The Hero of Humanity! The bane of all evil!" Said the Prophet leader. Anointing him with oil and the room was covered with gushing air. They all felt the wind and then it was absorbed by Joan. Making them all in utter confusion. It was the first time that a child of hope was successfully anointed.

"Alas! It is finished! We should celebrate!" Isaias said to them.

They resumed eating and then lifted their cups for Joan.

"To the Child of Hope!" They cheered and toasted a cup for his name.

Just as they were eating at that same time. Cults were recruiting all over the kingdom. The villages were all visited by them and even the school was not exempted from their influence. Spreading their believers like a wildfire. They inherited their Demon lord\'s powers after they became their Child. Rumours of the cults already infiltrated the kingdom was heard. Whispers of enemies in the shadows were working more active as they have failed their master\'s revival.

The news of successfully sealing the Demon lords was spread and the kingdom rejoiced. Making the King happy about it. After dispatching his Order of Paladins, he was ecstatic with their mission\'s success. Even more so, the King was looking forward to expanding into the depths of the dark lands on the north. Supporting the adventurers in their missions with a steady supply. He was looking forward to their mission there.

It was then on, days went by and the Academy entrance exam was getting near. Joan stayed inside the inn for a while and did a few days of vacation. Eating in the food district at the night and meditated by the day. Reaching his mana well in the space realm–the first stage in due time. Joan successfully absorbed the remaining essences and his stats came to five hundred. Making him reach Master officially. Just while sitting in the lotus position, he stretched his back while the rays of the sun enveloped him.

[Spirit and soul duplication]

It was then, Joan summoned Duplicate and talked to him. Duplicate who was summoned was deeply delighted as he was on the rank of Master now. Making him almost leap in utter delight.

"So what\'s the news? You summoned me for a purpose right?" Duplicate asked.

"Yeah, I will go to Academy but you are tasked to be an adventurer. I will use stat manipulation before the entrance exam but you are not needed to do it. I will train in the Academy while you stay in Master rank and collect essences for me. You will be reporting to me and use teleportation if needed. Disguise for a while, while being an adventurer," Joan said to him.

"Okay! Is that all? Well, this sure will be an adventure! I am looking forward to the Dark Lands. What mysteries await there?" Duplicate asked.

"It is for you to see with your eyes," Joan replied.

"Ah, yes of course! Naturally! Hahaha!" Duplicate sneered.

End Of Volume 1

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