
Chapter 140 - First Day Part 2

They went to grab wooden sticks that look like a one-handed sword. By the looks of it, they will be having some kind of duel. A duel that will make you stronger. Just as they were getting ready, their teacher coughed to make an announcement.

"Ahem! Attention everyone! Due to unknown reasons, you will all be training with the one and only Grandmaster Troan! Hahaha! Be honoured students!" Delmund shouted.

The students jolted at the announcement. They haven't thought that the day would come that they will face the grandmaster themselves. It was then, a domineering aura was felt to approach them. Pulsating while he steps closer and closer towards them.

"Ahhh! We are doomed! Everyone fall back!" Somebody shouted at the back.

"I didn't sign up for this! I don't wanna die!"

"Ahhhh!!! Run for your lives!"

"Hey! We haven't started yet!" Shouted their teacher. All of them calmed down for a moment. The Grandmaster's aura was so wild that the students panicked after seeing and feeling it.

"Oh, sorry. I like to have a grand entrance but it was too much for you all young lads, ahahaha," Grandmaster Troan said to them.

They all slammed their butt on the ground after he subsided the killing intent he has released. It was then, a kid who was standing while hugging his sword was seen by the Grandmaster. He was sleeping while standing that it surprised Grandmaster Troan. It was a technique in the past that they were training themselves when they were still young. Grandmaster Troan reminisced the past as he saw the child. He was eager to know the name of the kid and so he asked their teacher.

"Who is that child? He seemed to be unaffected by my killing intent. And was sleeping at that," He asked Delmund.

"Hey, what is your name?" Delmund asked the kid. It was then, he opened his eyes and twitch them several times. He yawned then said his name.

"I am Joan Emsworth, sir!" He snappily said.

"Good! Now go to the Grandmaster. He needs to assess you," Delmund said.

"Okay sir," Joan went to the Grandmaster confidently while still hugging the sword.

"Hello, Grandmaster Troan! How will I be of help?" Joan asked.

"Your sword," He replied.

"My sword? Oh, okay!" Joan said to him then handed him his sword.

The Grandmaster grabbed it and then Joan was handed another sword by his teacher Delmund.

"Wait? We're gonna spar?" Joan asked.

"Yes of course! Good luck!" Delmund shouted then winked at him.

Joan can only gulp his saliva. Even if he will face him with his Master rank, it will still be a tough battle. How much more that he became a beginner this time. Or maybe he reached Adept or advance now. He still didn't check. After a night of training in the arena, it was still not enough. He didn't check out his stats but he thought it was not a beginner now.

The enemy he faced was not something to trifle with. He made his stance and his killing intent was released again. Joan then prepared himself. He crouched and then gripped the hilt. Lifting the sword above his head then prepared to dash.

As he did so, in just a twinkling of an eye, the opponent just approached like there has no distance at all. He slashed his sword vertically towards his face. Joan jolted but he blocked it with his sword, sliding it towards his left. Joan then slashed him but he disappeared in his front. Joan then felt that there were feet that tripped him.

Joan was surprised as no one made that kind of move on him for many years. Yet here he was, being treated like a kid.

He back-flipped at the moment he has still momentum then landed on the ground. It was then, the Grandmaster dashed towards him and landed many blows. Joan blocked it left and right but he had ample strength and dexterity to repel them all. It was not enough to just rely on sheer instincts.

Joan turned serious as it was not so good to be beaten up black and blue by such a person. He could just heal you up and then beat you again. Joan took the opportunity to use stat cultivation at the moment. Clashing their wooden swords together and Joan felt that he was getting stronger. Still, Joan felt that his opponent was just playing with him. He would just repel his attacks or just evade them graciously. Sometimes he would just counterattack him when he can.

"You are lousy. Come at me with your all. Is that all you got?" He said to Joan.

Joan felt that he was just being tested. Still, his limits were what he can do currently.

'Easy to tell me that when you have higher stats eh?' Joan can only smirk.

He dashed towards him and then went aggressively towards him. He slashed vertically and the Grandmaster just side-stepped. Hitting him on the stomach with just a flick of his hands.

"Uhuk!" Joan breathed out air after he hit him.

It was then, he kicked him and he was blown towards the side. Rolling several times. Joan groaned then coughed a bit.

"Okay, everyone come at me!" He said then they all attacked him simultaneously.



They were attacked left and right with smashes on them. They approached him without fear and then he obliterated them all. Boys and girls were healed by their teacher and then they attacked again. Joan then just watched them attack their opponent. It was still a one-sided beating. No one can stop him any moment from now on.

Joan then went to join in on the fray. He attacked him but when Grandmaster Troan countered him, Joan blocked it with his sword. It made him surprised at the moment. They continued their duels but they still haven't made any progress. Only Joan can make a lasting duel with him. They were all thrashed to the dirt, panting at the moment. They were all healed then they all rested.

"I can't keep up. I'm too tired to move!" Said, one student.

"The Grandmaster is one hell of a monster,"

"He sure is!" Another one added.

The Grandmaster then excused himself. They all bowed their heads towards him.

"Thank you for your guidance!" They shouted.

It was then, he left them and waved his hands. Their teacher then gathered them all. Tired students stands up and then gathered together, encircling him.

"Everyone listen up! You all now know how strong Grandmaster Troan was. And you all should make him your goal. Either become like him or become stronger than him. I know you will all become stronger as time passes by and I want you all to reflect on your shortcomings. Class dismissed!" Delmund said to them.

It was then, they went to their dorms. Joan prepared his room. Removing the dust and sweeping the floor. They arrived a little later after Joan prepared his room.

"Whoa, this is your room?" Asked Patricia.

"Well, not much, please do come in," Joan said to them.

They entered inside the room and soon after settled on their respective chosen places. They brought baskets of snacks with them as promised. Now that all of them has settled, Joan then proceeded with the instructions.

"Thank you all for coming here and I am glad you all went here even my room was crowded. Please do enjoy my humble room. And now, I need you all to cultivate your mana wells first. You need foundation at the very start," Joan instructed them.

Some of them knew what mana cultivation was while others didn't know what to do. It was then, Joan instructed the ones who didn't know.

"Feel the mana in the air, then breath it in and absorb it into your solar plexus. Your mana well will then expand when you accumulate more and more mana in the future. Breath-in mana then exhales impurities. It will be a cycle that needs to be practised," Joan said to them.

It was then, the others did get the hang of it. Managing to leap one stage higher than before. They felt ecstatic especially the ones who first time did it. They felt a little bit jumpy at the moment when they felt they ascended. It was then, Joan made them practice their Holy element affinity. First was they made a ball of light then injecting more and more mana into it. Others were able to make it bigger, while others were struggling just to make a speck. Joan then knew who was weak in the element and who has good potential for cultivation.

It was then, Joan announced that they will have to eat their snacks. Just to replenish their lost energy at the moment.

Their snacks were doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, banana cakes, others brought sodas and beverages. Others did just ate without contribution. Such one was Joan. Still, he only wanted to eat delicious food. Nothing more. Time passed by and Joan instructed them to continue their mana cultivation in their rooms.

It was then, they went to say their goodbyes and went to their rooms.. Joan then cleaned his room and then went to the arena later on that night.

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