
Chapter 119 - Fiery Distraction

Though bewildered, Cassidy has no choice but to follow Adrian when he suddenly starts running to a different direction. 

She can't afford to talk now if the smoke bomb is indeed a trap. Alerting their enemies to where they are is the least that she wants to happen. Not to mention, her sensitivity to danger is telling her that the best thing to do in the meantime is trust him. He must have noticed something.


'But where is he planning to go exactly?' Cassidy wondered as Adrian pulled her further and further away from their companions. 

She then looks down at the hand that is gripping hers. It sure is big that her own fits well in it - a thought makes her think that he can be quite a man indeed. She probably didn't realize before, but his hand was also a little rougher than she expected. Being the wealthy big shot that he is, she assumed that he got better skin care or something.

'Wait, why am I thinking about this now? I don't have a fetish for hands,' Cassidy grimaced while shaking her head back and forth, trying to flush out her thoughts.

'Seriously, though, where the heck is he going at this situation-'

Right then, she got cut off by the loud scream of an all-too-familiar voice.

Olivia had shrieked in the midst of the chaotic exchange of fired bullets.

Cassidy could tell that it's different from the ones she kept making earlier. It's louder this time, for one - so loud that she even managed to hear it despite the deafening noise of all the gunshots around them. What's more, it almost sounded like she was calling out to someone. It was very dreadful and spine-chilling.

The first presumption she came up with was that one of their companions had been shot.

"H-Hey... W-We have to go back..." Cassidy stuttered, her saucer-like gaze slowly turning dim and terror-filled.

"We can't lose anyone. We have to go back."

"It'll be worse if we do that, Cassidy..." Adrian reasoned out, feeling just as distraught as her but chose not to show it.

"Don't worry. It'll be over soon. Besides, I don't have any more ammunition. I doubt you still have too. Just what can we do there-"

"We have to go back!"

He halted on his tracks the moment he found her making a desperate expression. She is nearly pleading at that point - she really does want to go back. However, he can't risk getting any more casualties or wasting all of their efforts so far. They're still not even sure what the scream was about in the first place. 

  And she can't get caught no matter what.

"Listen, Cassidy. Help is already on their way-"

Then, he paused.

Right when Adrian was about to calm Cassidy down, the sound of approaching footsteps alarmed him. They're nearby. That gets him taking action in an instant and dragging her out of there again. He had to do it with a little bit of force this time since she wasn't giving up with her idea.

"What're you doing?! No! We have to go back!" she kept bolting out to him, infuriated.

Call her unreasonable and retarded, but she didn't want to sacrifice anyone's life in exchange of hers. Knowing that she was the one that those people were after, she felt even worse. Involving people in her mess is one of the things she can't stand. In this case, it doesn't matter if she caused it on purpose or not. 

After all, they are dealing with life and death here. She can never let anyone take her place.

Earlier, she could still manage getting help from them. She wants to survive this as much as everyone does. That's why she is determined to back them up, fight alongside them, and make sure that no one is going to get hurt badly.

But now, she finds herself leaving the others behind - just like last time.

'Huh? Last time...? What was last time...?' Cassidy thought in utter confusion, suddenly recalling a blurry memory along with the rise of the unbearable feelings of loss and grief.

'Huh? W-What?'

While she was lost in the haze of her foggy memories, Adrian finally managed to get themselves a hotel room to hide in.

The door was left open. It's most probably when everybody in the building evacuated. He hurriedly entered the place with her in tow, making sure that none of their pursuers saw them when they did. Now, they're back to their original plan after they retreated earlier - to hide and wait for back-up, that is.

After locking the door and backing away from it, Adrian turns around to look at Cassidy.

This time, she is strangely quiet. It's like her mind is in another universe at the moment. Her expression is oddly inscrutable, and her usual composure is absent. She looks like a lost cause.

"Cassidy? What's wrong?" he asked as he approached her.

That's when she finally snapped out of it, focusing on him again. Almost instantly, she went back to ranting furiously. It was as if she changed the subject on purpose, but because she was making too much noise now, he had to let her off the hook.

"I said we had to go back! Didn't you hear me...?!" Cassidy hollered despite herself, giving him the impression that she was already losing control of her emotions. 

"Someone might have been badly injured! We can't just hide like this and do nothing!"

Indeed, this is not the normal Cassidy. 

Adrian did get reminded that she acted similar to this when they were stranded on the road before. She told him about not wanting to involve people in her mess before going out to the rain by herself. Even though she was afraid of thunders and she knew that one was going to happen, she still left because she did not want to trouble him anymore like he claimed she was. 

Right now, Adrian has to make sure that Cassidy is not going to do the same thing again. He has to make her settle down - to stop her from running out there by herself. To do that, he needs to make her pipe down and distract her from her anger until help arrives.

"Fine! If you don't want to, I'll just go back on my own!" Cassidy bolted out before heading for the door.

"No, you won't! You don't know what you're getting yourself into!" Adrian retaliated, blocking her path.

"Oh yes, I know! Why'd you even care, anyway? You could just stay here...! Or better yet, go and search for your secret lover! Make sure that blondie's safe or something! Just don't get in my way-"

"What are you saying now?"

"I said leave me alone! I don't wanna stay with a two-timing, stuck-up scumbag like you-"

That's when he had enough.

Without any warning, he cuts her off and slams his lips on hers, silencing her at last.

Completely thrown off guard, she flinches the moment he suddenly starts kissing her heatedly. Despite her attempt to break free by shaking him off and all, he only proceeds to slide his arms around her waist and pull her closer to him, caging her in an embrace.

For once, he has the upper hand.

Overwhelmed, she can't stop herself from shivering at how intense he keeps pressing his mouth against hers. His touches somewhat burn her. They are too fierce. The way he holds her so intimately makes her senses lose out of control. It does things to her, but she can't describe them well with words. 

It has been a while since Adrian did something like this.

As much as Cassidy doesn't want to fall for it, he is too much of a good kisser - a damn good kisser, indeed. He is so good that he is able to shut her trap like this. It's probably even better than she remembers. It infuriates her so much, but at the same time, it makes her all weak on her knees.

"I'll say this now, but I'll never cheat on you, Cassidy. No matter what anyone thinks - or even what you think, I'll never replace you for anyone. I can never do that..." Adrian muttered breathlessly as he pulled away for a second.

"I love you... I love you so much."

Right then, he tries out something unprecedented.

He suddenly lifts Cassidy, hoisting her up with both of his hands before gently slamming her onto the wall beside them. While she gasps in surprise, he pins her there and hugs her tightly again - possessively even.

They exchange looks for a couple more seconds until he unceremoniously pounces like a ravening beast. Once more, he sweeps her off of her feet with a passionate kiss - literally this time.

Adrian savors Cassidy with so much hunger that she feels like he has always been craving for it. His onslaught of affection is overwhelming her to the point that all she can do is capture his kisses - unable to move away or retaliate. She tries to keep herself from reacting with pleasure every time he dives further in, but she can't help but shudder in ecstasy despite her will.

Her own body is betraying her. She feels so weak that it's almost benumbing. Yet later on, she learns that all of that are only but the tip of the iceberg.

As Adrian continues deepening the kiss and enveloping her lips more firmly, Cassidy suddenly starts feeling something hard from below him.

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