
Chapter 225 - What He Has To Lose

Adrian knows exactly what thoughts Cassidy is trying to hide from him, so he gently reminds her, "This was your idea."

"And I have the worst ideas," she grumbled, making him laugh a little. 

"I beg to differ. There's a reason we're following through it."

"So, what did you find? Did you get a layout like you said?"

"Yeah. And I got more."

Nodding, he confirms that grimly. She falls silent then, impressed that he's able to move this fast. It's no wonder he's able to expose every single filth in Millicent Inc. all those years ago, including his grandfather. This goes beyond being intelligent - her husband must be some sort of genius. 

"My suspicion about their illegal activities are correct. I didn't get to access their database for so long, but the fact that they're using victims to do their dirty work speaks of their scarcity in number. They're a flimsy organization, but they're growing steadily stronger. The figurehead, though, the leader - I still have nothing on him."

Cassidy distinctly recalls the image of a top hat and slim, iron-gloved fingers.

She remembers a tower of darkness looming over her, tilting its head just enough to flash her a wicked smile. Just by remembering the man in a cloak makes her shudder.

"Was he at the facility you went to?" she asked to which he shook his head.

"That was just a facility. His headquarters are somewhere else. He's better at hiding himself than he is at hiding his comrades, which is a flaw we can utilize."

"I still don't like how you're infiltrating enemy territory like this, Adrian. What if you'd gotten caught?"

"I know how to take care of myself. But I can't say the same for Damien."

His gaze darkened at the mention of their nephew. And she immediately recognizes the dangerous look in his eyes.

"Don't push yourself too hard again. You can ask for reinforcements whenever you want. I can help too..." she tried to reassure him, though he still did not look convinced enough. 

"I hope that this can be solved as soon as possible."

Adrian smiles at Cassidy, obviously sharing the same sentiment. Thoughtlessly, he then promises her, "By the time Christmas arrives, it'll be over."

"We can do it..." she enthused, determined.

"We just need to do it together, yeah?"

Still smiling, he stares at her - at the resolute set of her jaw and the confident crease of her brows. He still has his doubts, of course, and he wonders if they can truly pull off something like this. But gazing at her powerful stature, which is much stronger than he can ever hope to be, he decides to believe.

Because it's Cassidy.

'What do I have to lose if I'm standing with her?'


Cassidy's phone rings much later.

They've snuggled up together on his couch and have fallen half-asleep. Her arm reaches out to press the end-call button. But in her daze, her fingers swipe the wrong way.

"Ma'am Cassidy, where in this godforsaken planet are you?!"

It's too early to get a scolding from Bryan, but considering that he's not the type who shouts at his boss first thing in the morning, it must be something urgent. 


Ray's apartment is, quite frankly, a chaotic mess.

No wonder he'd come down to talk instead of just buzzing Aira up like a normal person. She steps over a large garbage bag that's blocking the threshold, smiling when he sends her an apologetic look.

It's like Cassidy's room, but ten times worse. The thought causes Aira to frown, but she shakes her melancholic thoughts away as Ray clears up the kitchen table.

"Sorry for the mess, little miss..." he chattered, throwing some empty jars into the bin.

"I haven't exactly had the time to clean the place up these days."

"It's okay, Sir Ray..." she replied in understanding.

"I'm the one who asked to come with you out of the blue, anyway. Besides, I know someone who is just as... disorganized, I guess?"

Ray laughs a bit, earning a smile from Aira again. 

He offered her some peanut-butter sandwich and a glass of juice before he settles down in front of her. Recalling what she came there for, she then fumbles around her schoolbag to search for her phone. She notices she has a lot of missed calls from Cassidy, Bryan and Asher, which makes her grimace slightly. Grinning apologetically at the screen, she ignores all the notifications in favor of tapping on Adrian's contact number.

The phone only rings twice.

"You rascal! Is this you, Aira?!"

Cassidy's fuming voice screeches over the line, and Aira has to pull back in surprise. Now, this doesn't look good. 

"Eheh. Hello, big sis," she greeted awkwardly. 

"Hello my ass! Where are you?!" 

"At Sir Ray's apartment. He went to Asher's place, but I was the only one there. Some things happened, and I ended up deciding to come with him."

"What things?"

"Why're you answering Sir Adrian's phone, anyway? Can I talk to him, please?"

"You didn't go to school, and all you can ask is if you can talk to Adrian?! Seriously?! Bryan's sick worried, you know!"

"How can I just go to school and act like Damien is also doing the same? Please, big sis. Just this once. I promise I'll behave."

Aira tries to ask sweetly. It seems like it's done the trick as she hears her sigh loudly.

"We are not done talking, young lady. "

After that warning, there's a shuffle that signals the phone being passed over. When Adrian's stern tone graces the line, Aira is not sure which one is worse - his severity or Cassidy's reproach.

"Aira, when I told you about the detective who's handling Damien's case, I did so with the notion that you'd tell us when you'd take action," he chided. 

"Sorry, Sir Adrian. I sort of forgot," she apologized, not so remorsefully. 

"Sort of forgot?" she heard Cassidy snort.

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yes, you are.We're in the car now. We'll pick you up and take you to my place-"

"Wait, Sir Adrian! Please, let me in on this too! Don't take me anywhere! I want to help! Asher won't let me, so I had to use desperate measures!"

"And that involves you going all the way to the detective's place?"



Adrian sighs.

It seems like Aira has taken after Cassidy even though they're only pseudo-siblings. This reminds him of the time she went after him and Asher when they were setting up traps at a back alley before. She stubbornly insisted to join in without grasping the dangers of doing so. 

But since he's weak to stubborn girls like them, he eventually gives in and lets her be. 


"Thank you, Sir!"

Aira grins, looking quite accomplished. 

She then finally pulls the phone down to end the call - but not before Cassidy's voice shrieks through the speaker once more. It appears like she's not done yet. 

"And if you're calling us, why the hell didn't you answer your phone the last fifty times I called?!"

Aira just hung up. 

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