
Chapter 76 - Waking Up Late

It was Sho Anagi, the first seat of the class and the man who challenged Rein to a fight. Unprepared, Rein turned back around and hid behind the corner, wanting to hear their conversation to get a gauge on the situation.

"He… He won't talk to me… After all this time… He still doesn't trust me…" She wept as Sho listened.

"'He'? Do you mean that menace to society? Rein Xilris?" Sho furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fists in anger.

"It's just… I can't do anything to help him… He seemed so sad…" She continuously wiped her tears as they flowed down.

Suddenly, Sho put his hand on hers and held it tightly, making her tears stop momentarily.

"This pain that he's inflicted on you, I'll send it back at him ten-fold," Sho declared as Chloe looked at him wearily, shaking her head.

"No… Why are you both fighting..? It's all pointless!" She protested as she closed her eyes shut, her tears getting caught on the ends of her golden blonde eyelashes.

Suddenly, Rein could hear a shuffle in clothing, as if two pieces of cloth dragged against each other. Sho had brought Chloe into his arms and embraced her.

"It's not pointless, princess. I'm fighting for 1 reason, and 1 reason only. It's also the reason I came to this school in the first place," Sho exclaimed as he reached to the back of her head and grabbed her horn, making her jump in shock.

"M-my horn…" Rein heard Chloe say in an embarrassed tone.

"Considering both our positions, this is the best course of action for both our countries. We were destined to be together. Winning this battle is only a way to get rid of all doubts. After I win, let's get married, princess Chloe," Sho proposed.

Rein took a deep breath, with the intention of standing up, turning the corner, and saying something. However, with nothing to say, he held his breath and departed from the scene.

He arrived back at the dormitory and found Emria and Saphrilla both awake, standing outside of their room, awaiting the arrival of their older brother. He was still wearing his pajamas and wore no shoes on his feet as he entered. The girls didn't ask any questions, they more or less understood the situation just by looking at his turmoiled face.

Needing comfort, Rein hugged them both, trying his hardest to hold back tears. The girls both patted his back as he trembled in their contact, no words being exchanged between them as they all went to bed.

The next morning, Rein awoke at 9 AM, an hour late to class. He missed the entirety of the mathematics portion of the day, which wasn't a problem since he was already adept at it. He arrived at the school and checked in late, making his way to his homeroom class. As soon as he opened the door, he sensed an object bulleting at him at mach speeds.

In the nick of time, he was able to catch the object between his index and middle finger, stopping it millimeters in front of his eyes. He could see the glowing cigarette shimmering in between his fingers as he lobbed it back over to Zophie, who put it back into her mouth.

"You're late, but since you survived the penalty, I'll let you off with a warning," she said as she went back to explaining history on the board, everyone in the class now terrified to arrive late.

"Haha… Thanks..?" Rein nervously laughed, then let out a sigh of relief.

He looked around the classroom, seeing Core and Xenia taking and sharing diligent notes at the top of the class. He continued scanning the class, seeing Quint dozing off, Reggie scratching his head, and beside him, Lance and Elaine sitting next to each other, looking away from each other with an awkward atmosphere around them.

As he looked at the S class, he noticed the princess looking at him with the corner of her eye, then swiftly look away, turning her attention back to the teacher's lesson. He then made eye contact with Sho Anagi, who frowned at him aggressively, Rein giving him a fabricated smile, then looking away. He subconsciously felt relieved that Clyde sat between Chloe and Sho as he made his way up the class and took his seat.

He opened his notebook and began taking notes, listening to the teacher's surprisingly interesting lecture about the history of the continent.

"During the dark ages of the Lomia continent, Springs didn't exist. Each person had to work for power, it wasn't something that some people were born with. Some people argue that the world would be better that way, weeding out true conviction through hard work rather than natural-born talent.

But, in the end, people mysteriously began developing Springs, abilities granted by a higher power, something that has no explanation in the continent's history. Different races began developing Springs that fit their archetype.

Elves would manifest to magical Springs, Orcs would get strengthening Springs, Sirens would get water-based Springs, Dwarfs would get stamina-based Springs, and Humans would get eccentric Springs, and the list went on.

However, somewhere along the line, most of these divisions between races became blurred, and most of them don't exist anymore. This is also unexplained, and researchers have been looking for the answer for years now. Of course, Sirens still wield the water Springs, and other exceptions also arise, but for the most part, diverse Springs were now universal to all races.

Now the rise to power of the Econican Empire and the Kingdom of Orthlys…" Miss Zophia continued explaining, Rein beginning to lose interest as she began talking about the monarchies.

He already knew about them during his time reading when Leona wasn't home. He knew everything from the different elements represented by the countries to the different Emperors and Empresses, Kings and Queens in the continent's history.

Eventually, as they powered through subject by subject, the class was nearing its end. For some reason, Zophia stopped her lesson early and caught the class's attention. She coughed and relit a cigarette, puffing it out and beginning to speak.

"Yeah, so Julianne told me to dismiss you guys a little early today. Apparently, there's going to be a special match going on at noon," Zophia looked at the blonde-haired man sitting in the S class front seat, then looked into the back of the class at the uninterested Rein.

"What? We're stopping class early for this? Since when did this become an official event?" Rein protested.

"Stop complaining, or are you scared to lose in front of the entire campus? I put in an official duel request to the principal herself. She even assigned a reward for the winner. 50 points and 50000 Rol," as Sho said that, the entire class was shocked, all of them looking at each other in amusement.

"Haha, this is a joke, right?"

"The number 1 vs the number 30? I think I know who my money's on"

"Damn right. I'm gonna enjoy watching that loser get his ass beat," remarked the man who tried commission starving Rein, Xenia, and Core.

"And the loser?" Rein asked, wanting to make certain of the loser's punishment, which some found weird as they hadn't even thought of that.

"Embarrassment? Shame? Are those not enough? I certainly don't plan on losing. I don't even care about the prize. This is all for the sake of my future queen," Sho reached over to put his arm around Chloe, but his wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone standing between them.

"Let's not get hasty here. You haven't won yet," Clyde stopped him, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he felt bad for Chloe, brushing his arm away and turning his angry scowl towards Rein, who was looking away in disinterest.

"Tch, fine. I'll beat him then assume my rightful spot," he said as he saw Rein walking out of the room, not listening to what he was saying.

Rein marched with his hands in his pocket, looking at the ground as he walked in a melancholy fashion towards the arena. Before he could leave the school, he was stopped by a voice behind him. It was a familiar voice that called out to him.


He twitched, then continued walking.


The voice was getting closer, Rein began walking faster. As he was about to exit through the door, he felt something grab onto his hand. It was a familiar hand with a familiar pulse and a familiar shape. He instinctively retracted his hand away and stopped in front of the door, Chloe standing directly behind him.

"Rein…" She said again. He took a deep breath, then put on a smile.

"What's up?" He happily remarked as he turned around to face her, his fabricated facade giving her a pitied expression which made Rein's stomach turn.

He couldn't help but break character, letting a frown slip through his mask, then quickly recovering.

"You're… What are you planning? You're gonna do something during the match, aren't you?" She asked, frowning at him.

Rein turned his head away from her and grit his teeth as he heard her words. He thought that she was worried for Sho and came to make sure he wouldn't try anything funny during the match. It made Rein angry, but at the same time, slightly sad.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything. Trust me. You don't have to be scared of the outcome," he walked out of the door, and as it was closing, he heard her say one more thing.

"I'm rooting for you!" She remarked.

One would think that this would revitalize someone, which it did for a brief moment. Then that happiness turned into dread as he continued walking without turning back.

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