
Chapter 88 - Disorientating Dodgeball

"Aww shit! Why are we against them next?!" The muscular brown-haired man entered through the door along with a navy-blue-haired girl.

"Is that the Econican prince and the Rein guy? Haha, tough luck for us I guess," she laughed.

It was Reggie and Stacey, who had just beaten Quint and Tanaga in the previous round. Rein thought about the matchup and realized how powerful Reggie's Spring would be in dodgeball. Nonetheless, he didn't feel worried, and stuck with his plan of 'wing it'.

"So you guys beat Quint then? Yea, don't think beastifying will do you any good in this game. He'd just make himself a bigger target," Rein surmised.

"Haha, it wasn't too much of a challenge. I barely even broke a sweat," Reggie remarked.

"I heard that you dick!" Quint retorted, hearing him from the other room.

Reggie made a stiffened smile as he heard Quin's yell, laughing nervously for badmouthing him.

"Well, we've gotta get to our sides and wait for the teacher to announce the start. Here's to a good game," Rein outstretched his hand to the navy-haired girl, who then began reaching in to shake it.

Suddenly, Reggie stopped her hand from touching his.

"Oh no you don't. Don't think you're gonna pull a fast one on us Rein," Reggie affirmed as he pushed Rein away from her, not allowing him to copy her Spring.

"Guess I can't fool you then," Rein smiled as he got back to his side, joining Sho.

"What's up Reggie? Shouldn't we shake his hand for good sportsmanship?" Stacey asked.

"Oh, uh… He doesn't wash his hands. I know, dirty ass gu—"

"Hey, don't go spewing bullshit. I can hear you," Rein interrupted him as he began laughing nervously, the teacher suddenly starting the announcement for the second round.

"Alright, looks like you pussies are all set. K then, 3, 2, 1, start," she unenthusiastically announced.

Rein and Sho took off at incredible speed to grab the balls as they began, managing to grab 2 each before running back, all of the balls in their possession. However, to their surprise, Reggie and Stacey didn't move an inch. Instead, Stacey conjured up a black circular figure that floated in the air, Reggie punching it continuously as Rein and Sho saw flicks of thrusts appearing in an array across their side of the arena.

"The hell? What's that Spring? Why was Reggie punching through it..? It shouldn't be an issue right? Unless…" Suddenly, Rein came to a revelation.

"Screw this, here comes a fastball!" Sho began charging up a throw, imbuing the ball in a fiery blaze.

"Huh?! Wait, don't throw it!" Rein stressed, however, it was too late.

The ball was sent flying at sonic speeds, flickering in flames as it bulleted to the other side of the room. The two of them didn't try to dodge though. The ball suddenly impacted onto solid air, then was sent bouncing back to the direction where it came from, coming straight for Sho, who had not time to react. Due to Rein's preemptive sprint towards Sho, he was able to tackle him down so that he dodged the ball, which then bounced off the wall and back to Reggie's side, who then picked it up.

Rein and Sho both sprung up instantly.

"The hell? What was that?" Sho sounded.

"I'll explain later. Just dodge for now!" Rein warned as Reggie threw the ball.

However, he didn't throw it at any of them, in fact, he threw it backward. Suddenly, the ball began ricocheting between different points in the air around Reggie, speeding up as it continued propelling through the air. Once it was at unseeable speeds, Reggie motioned to his teammate, making her open another black wormhole.

"Hey! They're about to do that thing again! We can't just sit here and let them, can we?" Sho panicked.

"Hold these for a bit," Rein spoke, throwing the balls he was holding to Sho as he freed his own.

He cracked his fingers and took a horse stance, readying himself. Reggie wound up his arm and punched through the portal, making a large smacking sound that echoed through the room, sending the ball flying at unimaginable speeds towards Rein.

"You want to know how we'll fight back? Well, this is how," Rein answered Sho as the ball impacted with him, sending him flying into the back wall of the room, the ball vigorously spinning in his hand, smoke rising from the friction.

"You're out, Reggie," Rein pointed at him with the ball in hand, Reggie flabbergasted as to what just happened.

"How the hell… Well damn, guess it wasn't strong enough. Thought we could beat you with a little bit of strategy, but you've got sheer power on your side. I guess I see why you weren't worried," Reggie remarked as he walked over to the wall and sat down, eliminated from the game.

"That was amazing…" Sho complimented, Rein smiling in his direction.

"Thanks man. Now we've got one left. And I'm not holding back because you're a girl," Rein turned his gaze to Stacey, who stood there amazed and terrified at the same time.

"W-w-wait! Don't throw it yet!" She begged, but it was too late.

With Reggie gone, Rein could see no reason not to throw the ball, as the ricochet that was clouding their attacks before was now gone aswell. Despite saying that he wouldn't hold back, he held back yet as to not injure his opponent but still threw the ball so that it would be uncatchable by the girl. Stacey panicked, putting up a wormhole in front of her.

The propelling ball went through the wormhole, Rein continued smiling nonetheless. Suddenly, the ball reappeared above him, flying downwards at him at the same speed he threw it at. He had no time to react, the ball hitting him at the back of the neck, making his face slant downwards as it impacted.

"Well shit, I guess the only shot that could eliminate me would be my own throw," he carelessly laughed as Sho facepalmed, Reggie celebrated, and Stacey not knowing what just happened.

Rein walked to the wall in apparent shame and sat down to spectate the rest of the match, meticulously smiling as he was curious as to how Sho was going to beat her.

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