
Chapter 34:

Chapter 34:

“You will have to make this movie a part of the Annual Film Festival.”

Will said, making it clear that he won’t back down from this point. The original [The Blair Witch Project] movie gained its popularity from the Annual Film Festival, to begin with.

After discussing it with Carl, George smiled faintly and said.

“We have ourselves a deal then. I see a promising young man in you; I just wish those instincts aren’t a false alarm.”

Will just grinned at his words, and then they had some further discussions, and after that, Will went back to his apartment.


*Knock* *Knock*

Will knocked on his apartment door and again was reminded that he had yet to fix his doorbell. He decided to leave it as it is since he will buy it soon anyways.

As the door opened, Will could see June looking at him with loving eyes, trying to suppress her expectations. She was wearing short jeans and a tank top.

Without giving her a chance to react, Will pounced at her, hugging her body close to his, her breasts pinned on his chest. He dived onto her lips, immediately kissing her, making June widen her eyes in surprise.

The kiss didn’t last long as he separated from her and grinned at her face, his cheeky smile bringing a smile on June’s face too.

“Guess what?”

He asked in a voice that barely hid his excitement. June, who had already guessed the reason behind his pure childlike excitement, still asked, her eyes raised as if genuinely curious.

“What happened?”

“We got a distributor!! And not only that but also a very favourable contract.”

Will replied, the smile still on his face.

“Yay, come inside already. I’ll prepare something good to celebrate.”

June said as she dragged him inside.

After that, she cooked chicken nuggets and pizza while Will brought some coke. They started laughing and eating happily, tickling and touching each other’s bodies all over.

After eating and finally sighing in contentment, Will called Jeffrey.

He gave him the good news. The gruff man, Jeffrey, who heard this almost cried from happiness, continuously shouting at Emilia to come and listen to the good news throughout the call.

Will called Josh and Mike too– Ahem. He called Marcus and Zach too.

Everyone was really happy and excited to hear about the good news, and their movie was finally going to make it on the big screens.

He told the main cast and Jeffey about how the contract will work and how everything will be, including the talk about taxes.

After that, he called Benjamin and told him about it, and his uncle couldn’t help but jump from his chair and congratulate him again and again.

For an independent director, getting their movies in the theatres was already an accomplishment worth admiring, especially someone like Will, who suffered a lot due to the nature of his movie.

– One more thing, Will. Sign the contract as an individual instead of a company. It would be better that way, and you will have to pay much fewer taxes.

Benjamin advised.

Will contemplated the issue and thought that it was better to do it as Benjamin had told him.

They talked a little more, and Benjamin gave Will the number of Walters Law firm. A medium-sized firm that could help Will through the complications of the contract.

He thanked his uncle and cut the call off.

“In just some time, a movie made by me will be in the theatres.”

He muttered and smiled broadly.


The next day, Will was ready to go to Walters Law firm to meet a lawyer. It was then that he had got a phone call from an unknown number.

He picked it up, and a gruff voice came out from it.

– Hello, is this Mr Will Evans? This is Henry Matt from Lauson Studios. Do you remember me?

Will took a moment to realize that Lauson studios were one of the studios that had rejected his movie. Henry was the company’s CEO and had been there during the showcase.

But they have rejected it, saying they wanted to focus more on real movies.

“Yes, I remember you. Why are you calling me, Mr Matt?” He asked, wondering why they had suddenly changed their views about his movie.

– Actually, our company recently watched Blair Witch again, and we felt like it’s way better than the horror movies these days. We are interested in buying out the movie for 200k dollars. What do you say?

Will didn’t expect such an offer and took time to take it in. What was happening? In two days, he had gotten two offers.

It seemed like he was finally in his lucky phase. But in the end, he shook his head and replied.

“I’m sorry, but I already got a better offer from another studio. And it’s one that I really like too. I’m sorry, but I have to reject it.”

The voice on the other side of the phone didn’t really expect rejection and quickly said.

– Don’t be so hasty. At least let’s meet and discuss some terms. You haven’t signed the contract with the other company yet, right?

“I have not, but there’s already a verbal agreement.”

– Then, I’m sure Lauson studios can give you a better offer. Let’s just meet once to discuss it?

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. I am quite happy with the current terms, and I don’t wish to meet you. I’m sorry but let’s cooperate sometime later in the future.”

After saying that, Will cut the call and left for the law firm. But on the whole way, he kept wondering why Henry had called him after already rejecting him once.

‘And he wants to buy the movie for $200k? I should have told him that I gave that much money to my distributor like it was some spare change.’


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