
Chapter 393 Red Fate

Unraveling the strings of our past,

Retying the knots of our last,

Love is made of glass, teardrops scatter in the wind,

Anywhere and everyone in the world,

I look for memories to unfurl and redream,

Fallen flowers, if love is too desolate, I will bear it with you,

How far is this road to love?

How long is eternity? Our past no longer dictates

You are my red fate.

Soft and unique music filled the crowd, silencing the conversations. The breeze picked up and scattered wisteria petals high into the clouds. In the distance, the sun sets upon an eternal couple.

A wedding venue deep in the mountain greeted all of the guests. No one knew this location was purchased long ago, when their first wedding was supposed to take place. A mansion filled with ancient memories amongst the cracks in the walls and just beyond the clouds was a tower whose ceilings seem to reach the heavens.

When the sun rose for its final time today, it shines upon a set of golden footsteps where blood was once shed from the neck. When the sunset behind the remnants of a burnt house in Ritan, no one except the loving couple would be able to see the teardrops staining the bathtub.

Three lifetimes of love, two failures, one success.

A mortal girl was supposed to die in the arms of her immortal lover. And she has, not only once, but twice.

A love story between an immortal and a human should\'ve never happened. Half a lifetime of love ends in an eternity of suffering. The wails of the immortal upon their fallen lover should\'ve greeted the couple\'s ending. The life leaving the mortal\'s gaze should\'ve taught him a lesson.

Instead, the only sound filling the air was, "Please welcome the bride."

Lina\'s heart skipped at the announcement. She turned to Isabelle, who was going to be holding the train of her dress.

"Oh god, I\'m going to cry," Isabelle gasped out whilst fanning her face.

"Don\'t cry, I\'ll bawl with you!" Lina sharply hissed, despite the feelings buried in her chest. She desperately turned to Krystal for reassurance, for the woman always seemed to be the mother of our friendship.

"Save those tears for the altar, it\'ll have more impact," Krystal agreed with a serious expression, ever the calculative businesswoman.

"Look, your dad is already crying!" Isabelle choked out, pointing an accusing finger at Linden.

Lina sharply turned to her father. This strict and stern man, for the first time, lowered his guard. He let out a sniff, but kept his face blank. Even so, one could see the remnants of a tear stream.

"Hurry, hurry," Krystal urged them. "The guests have stood so long waiting for us, they\'ll become stone statues when we come."

Lina shakily exhaled as she glanced at her father. Never in a billion years would she think he\'d walk her down the aisle. Putting their problems aside, they were both traditional. As Lina grew older and the months went by, she realized he wasn\'t the best father, but he tried—in his own, futile efforts.

Soon, the grand double doors were being drawn open.

Hazel had stumbled forward to toss white rose petals upon the ground that Lina would soon grace her feet upon.

Soft gasps filled the crowd. People could barely tear their eyes away from the beautiful bride and her brilliant gown that seemed to have combined all three timelines into one.

"Goodness, the creativity of that gown…"

There was the modesty of Ritan\'s historical era of Princes and Princesses. There were the pearls and accessories from the revolutionary era of Ritan, with old cars, wars, and military refinement. Then, there were the heels, flowers, and dress designs from the modern era.

No one except Kaden would understand the meeting of it—Lina had taken three lifetimes onto her shoulders and embodied it today.

They were getting married upon the enormous opening at the top of the mansion with walls that stretched to its connecting house. This place had the best view of the sunset that shined upon Lina\'s back as she walked toward her husband.

With each footstep, each click of the heels, Lina tightened her grip on her father\'s elbows. She couldn\'t tear her eyes away from Kaden. He wore an indifferent expression, but his gaze spoke bounds. His lips twitched every few seconds, just like his white-gloved hands.

"Here comes our lovely bride," the officiator announced.

Lina was so captured by Kaden, that she didn\'t see Isabelle and Krystal quickly making their way to the bridesmaid side, nor Mia who was standing towards the end of it. She also couldn\'t even glance at Kaden\'s best man, consisting of a stone-faced Sebastian, smirking Holton, and smiling Milo.

The four men were a sight to behold, all more devious than the next. Not to mention, the line of bridesmaids, everyone gawked. This was the wedding of two major powerhouses—that much, everyone was aware of.

With every pair of eyes on her, Lina froze. Was this a tradition in her marriages to Kaden? She did the same at their first wedding. Currently, anxiety seized her, and even her father paused to glance at her.

Kaden narrowed his eyes. Was she thinking of running away?

\'Come to me, dove.\' He mouthed, almost encouragingly.

​ Lina shakily swallowed. She exhaled, her heart drumming so loudly, that she couldn\'t even hear the beautiful song being played in the background. Soon, she found the courage to continue onwards.

Finally, Kaden\'s lips spread into a welcoming smile. Lina walked under arches of hanging wisterias, each falling petal swaying over her. The guests all held plastic flowers, with lights on the bulb, guiding Lina down the way.

Lina was so mesmerized by Kaden\'s face that she didn\'t even realize her father was gone. Her attention was glued to the man she\'d be spending the rest of eternity with.

"Dove of mine," Kaden immediately murmured, clasping his hand over hers when she was near.

Lina was awestruck by how majestic this man was. Soon, hundreds, if not, thousands of electric candles were lit earning a round of gasps. This place was truly the envisioning of what dreams were made out of—a wedding at night for the couple who defied fate and the stars.

"You froze again," Kaden teased her, with a slow and sly grin. "Just like our first wedding."

"And you\'re here to encourage me again," Lina let out breathless laughter, her eyes crinkling. "Just like our first wedding."

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