
Chapter 249 - 248 - Chaos In The Rustlands(Part 9)

Chapter 249 - 248 - Chaos In The Rustlands(Part 9)

Point-of-View: Rion Xester


"I do not need protection from the likes of you!" Snapped Aurich Goldway, as we made our way through the streets.

"Chill out, bro, it's no biggie," I responded with a grin.

Not gonna lie, though, this is hella awkward.

"If you don't want our help, you can find a safe place to hide on your own, and we can go hunt down more of the enemy!" Added Azeria, getting irritated.

We'd happened to be near the Guild when the attack broke out, and Aurich had been there too, and since we were the strongest Adventurers there right then, we were told to take him somewhere safe. But he wasn't too happy about it, considering the minor fact that we were a part of the force that may or may not have wiped out his nation with Zombies and Blood Crystals.

And I guess that's fair, a lot of his family probably died back then. I was only involved in the cleanup operation to prevent the Zombies from overruning the entire world, and Azzy wasn't involved at all....uh, I mean, allegedly. Still, can't say he isn't still justified in his dislike of us.

"Crap, in front of us!" Suddenly exclaimed Azzy, halting with a look of concern.

I stopped as well, and followed her gaze...to see two dark clouds ahead of us. Are those Demons? Yeah, they match the description we've been given. Crap, we're totes fucked here...

"We need to get away!" I yelled, but it was too late...those dark clouds moved too fast to run away from, they reached us before we could get away from them...and entered Aurich and Azzy's bodies.

They both collapsed to the ground, not moving an inch. This is really, really bad...worst case scenario, I'm going to have to fight both of them, and they'll both be stronger than they were...forget Aurich, I'm already way weaker than Azzy, I won't stand a chance if she gets even stronger.

Damn it, all I can do right now is wait till they wake up and hope that they're still themselves. What am I supposed to do till-...I suddenly stiffened as I felt a presence behind me, as I spun around to see three more Demons behind me...two flew off, while one shot straight towards me, enveloping me before I could react.

Shit, this just went from bad to so much fucking worst...I don't think I'm conscious any longer, everything's dark...looks like I'm inside my own subconscious. And I can feel something pushing against me, it felt like my consciousness was being driven towards the edge of a cliff...and I could tell, that if I didn't push back...I'd die. And there's no way in hell that's happening...!






Holy crap...that was way too fucking close. I opened my eyes and let out a huge sigh of relief, though I was still pretty shaken...I came really close to getting overwhelmed by that Demon just then, I thought I was a goner for sure. But I managed to push back right before it was too late, and then I just kept pushing for all I was worth...my head felt like it was drained of all my mental energy.

"Rion? Or are you a Demon?" Came a cautious inquiry from ahead of me.

"Azzy? That you? Damn, you look badass," I responded, turning to face her.

She had three bone-like spikes growing out of each of her forearms that curved backwards and looked really sharp, her claws had turned black and the white of her left eye, the one with the orangish-red iris, had also turned black.

I had some changes too...the turtle shell-like armor on my pecs had two straight horns growing out of them, my fingernails had turned to black claws and I had a third eye...the right foot I lost back during the battle against the Vampires was still gone though, too bad, I'd hoped that it might grow back if I resisted the Demonic possession...but no dice, it was just wishful thinking on my part.

Apparently, Kuro can't heal injuries that have already long closed up, so it was too late for him to try and regrow my foot by the time we joined up with the Rustlands. I'd been using a wooden and metal prosthetic to walk and run on, and during tough fights, I tended to use Flight to hover around, I'd gotten pretty good at moving around in the air.

"Good, looks like you were able to resist too," She replied with a look of relief.

"Aw, that's so sweet, you were worried about me!" I grinned at her teasingly.

"Hmph, in your dreams," She huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Well, anyway," I remarked, nodding at Aurich's body, which was still unconscious, "He sure is taking a while, isn't he?"

"Yeah...what should we do if the Demon successfully takes over his body?" She asked with a frown.

"Restrain or knock him out, I guess, killing him would be pointless."

"True...if it looks like it's the Demon, then I'll melt the ground beneath him."

"Cool, sounds like a plan."

"By the way...those spikes on your chest look a little weird, like really long, pointy nipples," She suddenly remarked, staring at the horns I'd grown.

"Wha-...where'd that come from? And, heh, you said nipples."

"What are you, twelve?" She sighed with another roll of her eyes.

"By the way, how come you don't have a third eye?" I inquired, staring at her forehead.

"I think it's linked to my True Anima Mode...it should appear when I transform. I can feel that most of the Demonic power I gained is restricted right now, and when I try to release it, it feels the same as how transforming into True Anima Mode feels like."

Suddenly, Aurich's body then stood up, a horn growing out of the front of the middle of his head and black claws on his fingers, along with a third eye right below the horn. Alright, moment of truth...

"Hm, what an unusual host body...the Mana flow is different...this body does not replenish its own Mana, instead it feels as though it can absorb natural Mana from the air around it...quite interesting."

Shit, it's the Demon!


"Yeah, I know!" She yelled back, swiftly placing her hands on the ground.

Smoke began rising from the ground beneath the Demon, whose eyes widened in alarm as it began to melt...when suddenly, a familiar looking portal opened up behind him, a hand emerged and dragged him in before his feet could sink into the lava, before someone emerged from the dark shimmering portal...her again, Belia Lasmodeus.

"You...," Growled Azzy threateningly.

"Hope you don't mind, I'll be taking that one for myself! I just can't resist a Demon with a host body capable of using Light Magic, can I!? All monsters are fueled by Dark Magic, so this is a combination of Dark and Light Magic, something that has never been seen or done before! Now, then, I think it's time for me to fight again...tell you what, if the two of you can impress me, then I'll spare you as a reward!" She declared with a menacing grin.

"Don't mess with us, you bitch!" Snapped Azzy with a glare.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I benefit from this too...if you're weak, then there's no harm in killing you now, but if you're strong, that means you have greater chaotic potential, which means you'll make next time even more fun!" She explained with a hungry gleam in her eyes.

Damn, she's pretty crazy.

"Guess we gotta make sure that there is no next time," I responded, as wind-enhanced black flames swirled around my hand...woah, nice, my output has increased by about seven or eight times over.

"I agree," Remarked Azzy, entering her True Anima Mode, a third eye growing on her forehead just as she'd expected.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come at me with everything you've got," Taunted Belia with a slight smile, a calm glint in her eyes, sending chills down my spine.

Azzy shot towards her on all fours with flames swirling around her, letting out a roar as she closed in and fired out a massive black and orange fireball from near point-blank range. Belia didn't move, instead responding by raising her hand in front of herself and making the air in front of her shimmer...the fireball disappeared into the shimmering air without reaching her.

Damn, did she use a portal to teleport the fireball away? Azzy then got ready to pounce again, the flames around her intensifying rapidly. The air to Belia's right then shimmered and she drove her elbow across towards it rapidly, it seemed to disappear into it...

In the next split second, Azzy let out a cry of pain before getting sent flying across at a blinding speed and crashing onto a building with a devastating impact. She fell to the ground with a weak groan, but managed to stay conscious and keep her True Anima Mode active, though she looked pretty dazed. She fired out a ball of flames from her mouth at Belia as she struggled to get back onto her feet, but before her attack could connect, Belia teleported away instantly.

My turn...I zipped up using Flight and rapidly swooped down towards Belia, firing out a barrage of wind-enhanced fireballs with rapid punches aimed at her, all of which disappeared as the air around her got dark and shimmered...damn, she's using her portals as a defense, it's pretty creative and really effective.

But maybe there's a limit to it...this'll be risky, but I think I'll attack her from up close! I continued to swoop down till I landed in front of her, before unleashing a barrage of rapid, powerful punches with my fists coated in black flames, which she was evading pretty easily. Wait, why's she dodging instead of using her portal defense? Maybe there's a limit to how much she can use it

"What's the matter, can't use that shimmery shield of yours anymore?" I taunted with a smirk, as I continued to throw my fists at her relentlessly.

"I don't need to use it if I don't have to," She responded vaguely, as she continued to evade effortlessly.

Oh, is that so? In that case...I swung a punch to her right, she responded by going left...her dodges are pretty straightforward, if I attack from the sides, she hops over in the opposite direction, and if I attack straight, she jumps back...she's way stronger than me, so I can't win this with brute force...gotta use my head. I began channeling Mana into my mouth...

I kept flying after her to keep her from expanding the distance between us, and swung a fiery punch to her left as I closed in again, and as she dodged to the right...I unleashed the Mana I'd been charging up in my mouth to her right, forcing her to halt in alarm...now's my chance! I took a quick step forward in her direction and drove my left fist towards her midsection as fast as I could...let's see if there's a real reason why she isn't using her portals...!

As my fist reached her midriff...the air shimmered and my arm went right through it...and reappeared behind her...she opened a portal in front of herself for my fist and arm to go through and then a second portal behind herself for them to come out of...but with the flame attacks before, they all went in but they never came out.

Does that mean only non-organic matter can go inside her portals, and organic matter can only go through them and have to emerge right away? So, then she swallows up attacks made of non-organic matter, while she displaces direct physical attacks...

"Not bad, but not good enough," She remarked, as she formed an ice shuriken and spun it with wind while lightning crackled around it.

I'm not done yet! She's probably expecting me to leap back...but instead, I'll do this...before she could fire her attack, I flexed my left arm to raise my forearm that was behind her as subtly as I could, before firing out a large black fireball at her back, striking her and eliciting a cry of surprise and pain from her. Yes! It worke-...I let out a hollow gasp of pain as her knee slammed onto my midsection and sent me flying back.

I used Flight to try and soften my crash, but I still hit a building wall pretty hard...ow, I'm definitely gonna feel that later. But more than my back, the spot where her knee struck me hurt even more...damn, she's really strong, even with my armor-plated torso, that was a really heavy blow...this hurts worse than getting hit in the balls...

I stood up with a groan, my entire body rattled from that strike...the instant she struck me, it felt like the impact traveled through my body several times and shook up my organs. Not a nice feeling. My vision blurred for an instant, as I stumbled back and coughed out blood.

"Okay, I'll admit, that wasn't a bad move," Remarked Belia, as she walked over, "But now, you're-!"

She was cut off as Azzy suddenly appeared to her left in a blindingly rapid blur and swung her hand up at Belia's face, incredibly intense black flames swirling around it...and connected, sending her zipping away and crashing through a window with immense force, streaks of fire dancing through the air as she got sent flying.

"Woah, nice hit, Azzy! Did you get her!?" I inquired, getting back on my feet.

"It felt like a killing blow, but she's not human, so I don't know..."

As the smoke began to clear, a blur jumped out through the broken window...it was Belia, and more than half her head was completely incinerated off. Holy crap...how the fuck is she still alive!?

"Not bad at all! If I were a mortal, that would have killed me for sure! But this body is just a container that I can repair no matter how damaged, so long as I have even a little Divine Magic left in me, I can't die."

Her mouth wasn't moving, her voice seemed to be coming from nowhere. Damn, that's just not fair...we could only watch as her head instantly reappeared, and even the damage to her clothes disappeared in an instant.

"Grr, you bitch..."

"Well, you put up a good fight, so as promised, I'll let you two live for now! This is my first time fighting properly in a very, very long time, so I don't want to overdo it, you know? I want to save some fun for next time! Well...bye!"

And just like that...she disappeared into a shimmery portal with a smirk. I had to say...we were lucky that she isn't more ruthless and bloodthirsty than she actually is, otherwise, considering how powerful she is, we'd be totally screwed...


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