
Chapter 292 - 291 - Exchange Of Information

Chapter 292 - 291 - Exchange Of Information

"Are you kidding me? You're really trespassing in my nation and right in front of me, at that? Do you have a death wish or something? Because I know you don't have nearly as much Divine Magic as you used to, Belia," I remarked with a frown.

"Shall we just keep killing her till she stays dead?" Suggested Az coldly, stepping forward and freezing the ground in front of him as he did, frost appearing on Belia's feet and legs.

Right after Az and I finished sparring, one of Belia's portals opened and she stepped out of it and entered Abyss like she owned the place. This definitely can't be anything good.

"Wow, that's cold! And relax, I'm not here to fight. I don't fight one-sided battles, be it in my favor or otherwise, and since I can't bring anyone else in here thanks to your intruder-killing barrier, I'd be at a huge disadvantage if I fought you now. I'm just curious about something...I was watching you two fight just now, using my Observation Magic. And I missed a lot of context, I have a lot of different places to observe after all, can't keep watching you guys all the time...so, tell me, how did you tame the Water Spirit? How are you able to use the Elemental Sage form? How-?" She began to ask, a look of curiosity and intrigue in her eyes.

"What makes you think we're gonna answer your questions?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, uh, because-...ooh, I know, because we can swap information! I know things about Sant and the other races that you don't," She pointed out with a smirk, before continuing, "And right now, you have information I'm interested in, so I'm willing to exchange. All I want to know is how you did it! I'm so curious that it's killing me!"

"Then die," Az and I both replied in unison.

"Wow, did you guys practice that or something? Anyway, let's simplify it, shall we...you tell me how you tamed the Water Spirit despite being human, and I'll give you some useful information in return. I don't lie, you know...and besides, it'll serve for better entertainment for me if you're more well-informed," She remarked objectively.

That checks out, she doesn't think in regular strategic terms, everything she does is for the sake of her 'chaos'.

"Alright, then...but you go first," I replied, making my decision.

"You sure about this?" Inquired Az skeptically.

"Nope, not at all...but any information about the other races and their leader is worth its weight in gold right now," I sighed reluctantly.

"Fine, this'll be a good opportunity to see if your word can be trusted, I suppose," She responded with a grin, before continuing, "I'm assuming you already know about the basic details regarding the other races, considering the fact that you've obviously got both Lazarus and Diablo inside you, am I wrong?"

"No, that's right. And yeah, I know a decent amount about the other races, I suppose. So, if you tell me something I already know, then no deal," I replied.

"Yeah, that's fair...but don't worry, I can guarantee that what I'm about to share is knowledge that only I know. Here it is...you know how I use Observation Magic to spy on you and everyone else, right?"

"...unfortunately, yes."

"Well, Sant used to be able to do that too...but not anymore. See, I like spying, but I don't like the idea of being spied on...so I cast a powerful Divine Magic spell on him that would prevent him from ever using Observation Magic again...well, technically speaking, he can still use it if he really wants to, but I made it so that his Divine Magic would get drained in an instant if he did use it. Tch, and then he countered with a Divine Magic spell that prevented me from using Observation Magic on him, which has been a real pain in my-...oops, got a bit carried away there," She cut herself off with a grin, "Okay, I think that's some pretty useful info...I've got more to share, but before I do, how about you give me a bit of the information I want to know about?"

Well played, I could easily go back on the deal if she'd given me all the information she has, but if she gives it to me bit by bit, that forces me to do the same...well played indeed...but you messed up a little, because one of the things you just said gave me an excellent idea...

"Fine, Az can use the-...what did you call it again...-oh, right, the Elemental Sage Mode because-," I began to explain.

"Actually, 'Mode' isn't a part of it, so-," She started to correct me.

"It doesn't matter, it sounds cooler that way anyway. And interrupt me again and I won't tell you shit. Anyway, he can use that form because the Water Spirit no longer has a say in it," I explained vaguely.

"Huh? What does that mean?" She inquired, her eyes wide with intrigue.

"I'll elaborate after you give me a bit more of your information," I replied with a smirk.

"Ohh, you're such a fun opponent in every way!" She grinned, her eyes narrowing slightly, "Fine, next I'll tell you which forms of Divine Magic Sant can use without using up his divinity. Like how I can use Observation Magic, Dimensional Magic, Weathering Magic and monster Telepathy without any cost to my divinity, he can use Restoration Magic, Clone Magic, Destruction Magic, Defense Magic, and Telepathy with all races besides humans and monsters."

"Elaborate on Clone Magic, Destruction Magic and Defense Magic," I responded with interest.

She'll probably refuse until I give her more information, but it's worth a shot, so-...

"Clone Magic is a more powerful version of the Quintuple Cross that you possess...it can create upto twelve copies as opposed to your five, and while your technique splits your power level among the clones, his clones are all equal to his own full power, and if one is killed, he can instantly replace it with a new one, there's no time limit as far as I know."

That sounds like an insanely broken ability...

"Destruction Magic is what I based the Demons' Obliteration Magic on...it's literally the same thing. And Defense Magic is his most annoying ability...he can instantly create highly durable protective barriers within a meter of himself. I actually got the idea to use my Dimensional Magic for defense from that," She explained.

It seems like she's enjoying this, to the point where she forgot that this is an information exchange...let's see how much more I can squeeze out of her before she remembers that she wants information out of me too...

"Hm...how does it compare to my Absolute Defense Cross?" I inquired with a frown.

"Let's see...well, your Absolute Defense has a very wide range, you could use it to engulf a small town if you wanted to, but Defense Magic can only cover the user, within about a one meter range. Oh, and just like how your Absolute Defense has a time limit and cooldown period...so does Defense Magic! First off, just like my Dimensional Magic, it doesn't activate automatically, so if he doesn't see an attack coming, it will almost definitely hit. And also like my Dimensional Magic, he can't keep it up indefinitely...though the time limit is longer than mine. But then, so is the amount of time it takes before he can use it again, after having fully used up the time limit."

"If I remember right, your portal defense lasts for twenty continuous seconds, and then has a five second cooldown time...what are the specific limits of his Defense Magic?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not fully certain...but I think it's more than double of my Dimensional Magic time limits."

"Okay, that explains all the forms of Divine Magic you mentioned that I didn't already know about...so now I'm going to get to the magic you mentioned that has me the most concerned...he can use Restoration Magic indefinitely? Are you serious?" I inquired with a worried frown.

"Oh, yeah, I am. I'm stronger than he is in a lot of ways, but thanks to his Clone Magic, Defense Magic and Restoration Magic, he's a really annoying opponent to fight. Also, he's really boring, like...REALLY BORING! The main reason he created the floating island was because the other races wanted revenge on the humans and he didn't want to see all that violence...he's so pacifistic that it makes me sick. He doesn't have the heart to use violence or force when the races he rules over disagree with him, though unlike humans, none of those races have the capacity for betrayal, so they won't ever totally go against him," Informed Belia with a wistful sigh.

"You mean they're physically incapable of betrayal?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow, "That's kinda hard to imagine."

"Well, deception and betrayal are actions that come as easily as breathing to humans, so I'm not surprised that you find it hard to imagine...and on the other side of that coin, the other races find it incomprehensible that you humans are so easily capable of betrayal. Whenever disagreements or conflicts arise among the other races, it's remarkably boring how quickly and efficiently they resolve those issues. I, for one, think betrayal is pretty great, it's a highly effective tool for generating chaos! Like how I made the King of the Rustlands and many of the citizens betray you!" She laughed cheerfully.

I'll ignore that comment...

"Right...so, what else can you tell me about Sant and the other races?"

"Hm...not much. I mean, it's been over a thousand years, a lot has probably changed, so I'm pretty sure than most of my knowledge is no longer relevant. Everything I told you about Sant are facts that I'm confident are still correct. But how about this...I'll give you a glimpse of my full power," She suggested with a smirk, before a shockwave of power suddenly burst out from her, a dark aura flowing out of her halo and surrounding her...

And then, she suddenly and abruptly cut it off, dissipating the aura. Whatever that was, I didn't like it...

"Thanks? Well, uh...bye, I guess?" I said with a wave, "You can leave now."

"Yeah, see you lat-...wait, no! Oh, wow, I completely forgot about the information that I wanted...and you realized that, didn't you?" She remarked with a wry smile.

"Yup...and was kinda hoping that you wouldn't remember. But a deal is a deal, I suppose...hm, but it's kinda hard to explain...I think it'd be easier to show than tell. Mind closing your eyes?" I asked, as an idea crossed my mind, "I give you my word that I won't attack you or anything."

"Hm...okay, I'll take your word for it. This feels like a gamble, but that's what makes it fun!" She responded with an intrigued tone.

She frequently fluctuates between the most dangerous enemy I've ever had and the most idiotic enemy I've ever had, I seriously can't believe that just worked...

"So, basically, what I did to the Water Spirit was this...oh, you can open your eyes now," I remarked with a faint smirk.

The instant she opened her eyes, I met her gaze...

"Okay, I-...what the-...oh...heh, that was a dirty move...nicely done," She smirked with a slight grimace, "What...what did you just do to me?"

The moment she closed her eyes, I entered Diablo Mode and activated a new Chaos Magic spell, one that Diablo had created just a couple of minutes ago...

"Oh, nothing much, just a little spell that'll keep you from using Observation Magic on me, Abyss or anyone else from Abyss...I got that idea from you, by the way, Diablo started constructing the spell soon after you mentioned that Sant used Divine Magic to keep you from spying on him. Don't worry though, I'm letting you use your Observation Magic on everyone else...after all, they're my enemies too, so it's in my interest that you continue to spy on and torment them," I replied with a grin, "And as for the Water Spirit...we just brainwashed it, that's all."

"...you know, with the way you are, we may not need to be enemies...the thought of going up against Sant and the other races with you as an ally is a mouth-watering prospect," She remarked with a slight smile.

"Not gonna happen, not as things stand, anyway...true, I don't have that big of a direct grudge against you in particular, but I despise most of your allies...I can't stand religious fanatics, and that's the entirety of the Silvland...I want Shiro dead with a passion...Hacte comfortably falls into that category too," I pointed out with a grimace.

"Fair enough, I suppose. And for now, we will be enemies...but things can change, and I thrive on unpredictability, as it is the very essence of chaos. And you, Kuro Black...your existence may be even more chaotic than mine, you've only been in this world for three years, while I've been here for more than fifteen hundred, and yet-...well, let's just say that the fun's just getting started," She concluded with an ominous look in her eyes, as she opened a portal behind herself and sunk into it...


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