
Chapter 763 Volume 5 Epilogue

Miaomiao raised his brows as he thought of the players, who had conspired against him earlier.

"There\'s trouble on my ship. By the way, where can I meet you?"

\'Head to Wan and regroup with the team over there. I\'ll send Joshua to pick you up.\'

"Oh? Joshua is there, too?"

\'Always been. Anyway, excuse me. I have work to do. Also, good luck on dealing with terrorists on board.\'


Miaomiao stopped paying attention to the voice transmission and scanned the ship with his senses.

Outside the ship, several groups of players were in combat against the local cultivators. Randomly energy swords, beams, and Dao Avatars slammed at each other while the protection array prevented the skill from damaging the ferry ship.

As the players were the minority here, the local cultivators and the ship\'s protectors killed the terrorists before they could destroy the expensive vehicle.

Miaomiao shrugged as the situation was under control.

\'Nothing to worry about. The cultivators here are no vegetables.\'

After mocking the players for overestimating themselves in his mind, Miaomiao decided to withdraw his Qi sense. But as he observed the dying players, he noticed that their eyes and karma seemed strange.

Their karma looked the same as the players, whose real bodies on Earth ceased to function. In short, they were Pangu\'s slaves.

The players vanished. However, Miaomiao was certain that they would soon reappear somewhere that he couldn\'t reach.

Miaomiao thought of the trouble when the first Player Calamity happened. These undying players would soon return to haunt him and his family until either Pangu or Miaomiao was killed.

\'This will be annoying.\'

The situation on the ship was soon under the control, and the journey resumed.


Hours later, the ferry ship stopped at Xinye, the provincial capital of the Xinye Province, located north of Xiangyang.

The province was a lot smaller than Huiji and Xiangyang as there wasn\'t anything to see other than commoners\' farmlands - No sect, no landmarks, nothing.

Miaomiao paid for the fare and asked the crew how he could travel to Wan City. The crew advised Miaomiao to take another ferry ship to this city.

Thanking the crew, Miaomiao proceeded to the recommended ferry station. He booked a VIP cabin and got on board.

As Miaomiao was entering the new ship\'s cabin, Devil sent him another update.

\'Good news, Miaomiao.\'

"What\'s up?"

\'Five former sages on Hongjun\'s side have been killed. We got Diaochan, Long Meifang, and He Mingzhu back.\'

"Cool. Is there any bad news to surprise me?"

\'There is.\'


Miaomiao took a deep breath. He prepared his heart to hear the bad news, and he guessed that one of his wives died in the battle.

\'Before I tell you the bad news, I want to confirm something. Has Mu-Nyang told you about the 12 dangerous protagonists in this generation yet?\'

"Yes. Lu Bu, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Chase, Xie Tian, Shepherd, and who else, I forgot."

\'James Huntsman, Bianca Dullahan, Ran Tae, Lee Jinyong, and Damocles Caesar.\'

Miaomiao counted his hands. After confirming that he got 12 of them, Miaomiao thought of Hiiro Narukami and his son. He wondered why they weren\'t included in the top protagonist list.

While thinking, Miaomiao kept the conversation going.

"What about them? Has anybody appeared and troubled you?"

\'Bianca Dullahan and Lee Jinyong are on our side.\'

Miaomiao tilted his head. He didn\'t understand what Devil was hinting at.

"Isn\'t it a piece of good news that two of 12 main characters are on our side? What\'s the problem?"

\'Don\'t you get it? If only two protagonists are on our side, the rest are our enemies. We\'ve already confirmed that Lu Bu betrays us, and Xie Tian has ceased all communication with our agents. Sima Yi and James Huntsman came to negotiate with me, but they\'re untrustworthy, so we will eventually duke it out with them. Zhuge Liang is on Hongjun\'s side, and we haven\'t found Ran Tae, Caesar, Chase, and Shepherd yet.\'

Miaomiao burst into laughter. He puffed his chest as he knew more information than Devil.

"I hate to break it to you, but Chase is my disciple. I also saw Shepherd, but he\'s my son\'s subordinate. You can cross those two from the hit list."

Devil stopped talking for minutes, but Miaomiao heard faint whispers from Xu Chu and the other girls.

She coughed and resumed the communication.

\'T-Thanks for the updating. Anyway, back to the main topic. We have bad news.\'

"I thought you already told me the bad news."

\'I haven\'t. Anyway, it\'s about the aftermath of the rescue mission. We managed to rescue your wives, but they got a new prisoner.\'

"Who is it?"

Again, Devil paused. She seemed to be saddened by something.

\'Bianca Dullahan, the disciple of Adam, Eve, OG-Buddha, and Kunwu. Well, the mentors are fine, but that protagonist is kinda... trapped in another dimension.\'

Miaomiao snorted. He didn\'t care about the fate of the new protagonist. As long as Diaochan and her teammates were safe, the mission was successful.

"Why should I worry about that protagonist? Won\'t she be alright on her own? Her protagonist\'s fate should be stronger than the rest of the filler protagonists, right?"

Then, Devil dropped a bomb.

\'That dimension belongs to Hongjun\'s dantian universe.\'


Miaomiao shook his head when Lu Bu\'s name was mentioned. That Alpha-OP type protagonist might be too challenging for a newborn protagonist with a one-life worth of experience. Even Miaomiao wasn\'t 100% confident that he could take on Lu Bu alone when the latter reached the final form.

\'Anyway, thanks for sharing the info. Where is Chase Sheffield, by the way?\'

"Mao Manor. He\'s training there."

\'Find the right time to migrate your manor to Luoyang. We will need to gather all our family members here.\'


Devil and Miaomiao continued to chat and catch up with the changes in their life. The former told Miaomiao of the arrangement of Mu-Nyang.

The second world was 80% under Mu-Nyang\'s control as all cultivators and commoners worshiped him as the creator of this world. Devil, Xu Chu, and the other wives of Miaomiao were designated as the saints of the Cathulhu Religion.

The first world already fell to Pangu, and the Cathulhu Church was destroyed. However, Mu-Nyang deployed Lilith, Lilim, and many strong apostles to weaken the Pangu Church. The fight for influence occurred, but they were still losing.

As for the third world, Mu-Nyang deployed Tlaloc and Chang\'e to coordinate their attacks on the players and the Pangu Church. However, things were complicated as Tlaloc acted on his own, and he fought with Nian several times.

In short, the third world\'s situation was unclear. It would take a long time to determine who would reign that game world.

\'So, for now, we will focus on eliminating Hongjun, Lu Bu, and the goons of Pangu from the second world. Once only the undying players remain, we will do something about them.\'

The plan was set, and Miaomiao now had a clearer goal in this life.

As they continued chatting, the ferry ship took off from Xinye City and reached Wan City.

Miaomiao ended the long-distance call and stepped out of the ship. He looked around for a sign or the aura signature of the people that he knew.

\'Qi Hong, Qi Ning, Fan Niu. Eh, none of them can remember me. Should I return them to the harem or leave them be? But they\'re Devil\'s agents, so...\'

Miaomiao hesitated about how he should approach the women.


Wan City was a merchant hub for cultivators. Skyscrapers and helicopter pads were common, and the streets were lively. Commoners and cultivators mingled, exchanging exotic goods and minding their businesses.

Food stalls were abundant. Trinket shops sold low-grade to high-grade artifacts, while major supermarkets put a wide range of pills and potions on the shelves for sale.

Miaomiao explored a random supermarket and saw several rare pills, which he couldn\'t get his hands on when he was still weak. Many foundation-building pills, golden core pills, and soul-strengthening pills were as common as cabbages.

He envied the local cultivators. Now, he knew why so many cultivators reached the 8th stage or the 9th stage while the people from before the great reset never reached that far in their lifetime.

Continuing exploring the malls and the markets, Miaomiao came across a casino building, which was located at the center of Wan City.

Miaomiao reminisced about the past when he was cheated on by Huang Hansheng. He wondered if there was a game that a cultivator like him could play.

But then, he remembered that most customers here were cultivators. The house would not allow him to use his power, and he might not be able to cheat.

Giving up the decision, Miaomiao looked away from the casino. He glanced at the red light district and thought of the old time. He visited a luxurious hotel, which featured night services.

As Miaomiao came here for a meal, not the service, he walked straight to the restaurant area, hoping to get a calm meal and a quiet time to relax.

Miaomiao paid an essence core to the waiter, and he got a nice lone table by the window. He looked at the menu and found surprising dishes.

Without hesitation, he ordered a Wagyu Steak, Salmon Sashimi, and Alaska Lobster that showed up on the menu. The waiter received the order and went to the back bar right away.

Several minutes later, the dishes were served. Miaomiao stared at the glittering dishes while he was drooling.

\'It has been ages. I miss this!\'

For the first time, Miaomiao was grateful for Devil that she replicated the modern world here in her country. Now, he regretted that he didn\'t bring Xiong Zhenzhen, Liu Guang, Tang Ting, Sun Yun, Zhu Qiao, and Chase here.

Although regret, his mouth and hands spoke otherwise. He began nom-nomming the food.

10 minutes later, Miaomiao ordered 10 different types of exotic food and finished what he had ordered earlier. Again, the waiter took the order and went to the back bar.

As Miaomiao was waiting for the next dishes to serve, a group of cultivators entered the restaurant. The leading cultivator was a 6th-stage young man with the player\'s cash shop fancy clothes. Following the young man were two big guys and seven young maidens.

However, among them, two of the girls were players.

Miaomiao glanced at them and smirked. He thought of plot templates in novels.

"Restaurant and taverns in the wuxia world is the place for a protagonist and an arrogant young master to trigger a feud. Will there be a protagonist around here?"

Miaomiao muttered to himself. But suddenly, his right eyebrow began to twitch.

He frowned. He thought that Samael had been reincarnated.

What was Samael doing in his eyebrow again?

While Miaomiao was confused, he accidentally looked at the most beautiful woman in the young man\'s group, and the woman turned toward Miaomiao.

Their eyes met. The woman smirked and whispered to the young man.

"Bastard! Did you ogle my girl?! Do you know who I am?! I\'m the eldest son of Wan City\'s Prefect. Kneel, and beg for forgiveness, and you will have a chance to live!"

The young man drew his sword and pointed at Miaomiao\'s face. His two followers sneered at him and brought out their great swords as well.

At that moment, Miaomiao realized who the protagonist in this restaurant was. He facepalmed.

"Ah, shit. Here we go again."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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