
Chapter 112 One Year Of Madness (Part 7)

Since the first time he explored the city, Adam always suspected the existence of a monster that was extremely powerful.

The whole city was under the influence of this monster, or so Adam thought, and because of that, the other monsters no longer fought against themselves for dominance.

"We need to reach the hidden area before the monsters reach this place. We don't have much time," Adam said, as the group made its way through the underground sewer.

The sewer was as humid as always and full of disgusting substances, however, it was not the time to be concerned about such a thing.

Even though Liu used her power to freeze the area around the hole that Blanca made, the monsters were now aware of the group's presence, and they would do anything to hunt Adam and the others.

Adam understand that the monsters had evolved, and despite trying to be as stealthily as possible while exploring the city, the monster managed to somehow notice the disruption in the atmosphere when Adam used his power.

Consequently, it was more disadvantageous for them to move stealthily as they would waste a lot of time, and time was something precious in a situation like this one.


The underground area shook violently as if there was an earthquake, but the group knew that it was a phenomenon caused by monsters and not the low-level ones.


It seemed like the huge snakes were the first ones who managed to catch up to Adam and the others because their flexibility gave them a certain advantage when moving inside dark and narrow areas.


Those monsters began to block the way by entangling themselves together until the path was completely shut off.

After seeing what was happening, it was Liu who acted first by freezing the giant snakes to their bones.

The snakes' bodies turned into a frozen block of ice, and Adam finished the job by pulverizing them with a huge black orb made of Darkmatter.

The block of ice broke apart like statues made of glass and the group continued to advance.

All of that happened in a very short amount of time, and Adam and Liu didn't even need to talk with each other.

However, they were still far from their destination, as the hidden area was right below the most iconic building of the city, Noble's residence.

The underground sewer system was a maze in itself, but Adam managed to create shortcuts by making holes in the walls, but even so, they still had a long way to go.

Besides, now that they were moving in a group, the monsters could detect them more easily as their presence created a sort of disruption in the atmosphere when they used their power.

This was a sort of instinct, like how high-level gift holders could pinpoint the location of another gift holder, but in the monsters' case, it was more of an innate ability. Moreover, it seemed like they had evolved.


This time, goblins were trying to block the path, and these green creatures were riding on top of giant wolves.

"Weapons?" Adam muttered, seeing the doubling wearing some kind of armors and holding swords made of Stellarium.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The goblin riders rushed at the group with twisted looks on their face.

But suddenly, a black wall appeared in front of Adam, and the goblins along with the wolves that they were riding crashed against it.


After that, another wall appeared behind the goblins.

Then, the two walls moved toward each other and crushed the goblins in between as the group moved forward.

Adam was as careful as before, so during all of this time, there was a black wall behind the group, so they didn't have to worry about sneak attacks. Well, Adam was wearing Cristal's helmet so he was already aware of the goblin's, but it was unavoidable.

Crack! Crack!

The bones of goblins and the wolves broke apart and finally they all got crushed, unable to do anything.

However, the group didn't have the time to contemplate Adam's ability, they needed to move forward.


,m All of this time, the whole underground area continued to quiver, and some part of it crumbled down.

Boom! Boom!

Huge debris began to block the way as the whole city felt like it was on the verge of collapsing.

The monsters were more active than ever as if they were waiting for a situation like this to happen.

Adam had always taken this risk into account, but trying to overcome this situation and theorizing about it were two different things, because this time, he wasn't alone, which was in a way a good thing but also implied more responsibility. He already made himself the leader of this group after all.

Bianca and Adam began to deal with debris blocking the way by using their power.

Adam created huge digging tools that spun without stopping just by using his thoughts, and Blanca used her blood to meet the rocks.

This is the first time Liu and Zax witnessed Adam's and Blanca's real power so they were stunned by how good they were at controlling their abilities.

After all, Liu still lacked this kind of control and could only create a wall of ice at most. She knew that her power would freeze everything if she did something else, so she tried to focus on what she could do instead of trying to show off needlessly.

"We are almost there!" Adam said, trying to tell the girls that they could do this.

Still, among this group, there was a person who felt like she was useless. For a while now, Zax didn't do anything, or more precisely, she couldn't do anything and just continued to tag along while being protected.

Even though Adam already made it clear that she was important, as she was a specialist when it came to the spaceship, which would save them a lot of time, Zax felt that she would be able to do more if she had a gift.


After the goblins were taken care of, this time, giant spiders began to appear in front of the group.

It seemed like there was some kind of huge cocoons all around the area, and sticky webs covered the walls and the pathway.

Adam knew that these monsters weren't there before, so they must have appeared thereafter Blanca and he fought the tentacle monster.

These huge black spiders were extremely horrifying, with their long legs and their body which was covered with something similar to fur.

In his life, there was something that Adam dislike, and it was arachnids and insects with numerous legs, so the sight of the spiders made him frown.


The spiders began to move toward Adam and the others and their legs made a very unnerving sound. Just seeing their red eyes and the environment where they dwelled could send arachnophobic' screaming, if not passing out instantly.

Fortunately, Adam could still keep his mind calm and think rationally, but his reaction was still slower than usual.

Thus, it was Liu and Blanca who moved first, showing that even though they were women, they were not bothered by the ugliness of the monsters in front of them.


The spiders shot their webs, but Liu and Blanca protected the group against the monsters' attack by creating a wall of ice and a red crimson tornado.

After that, Liu reached her hand and the wall of ice fell apart and turned into a white fog.

At first, the spiders didn't feel anything because the white seemed to have no effect, but suddenly, their movements began to slow until they couldn't move. Their body was frozen from the inside after they inhaled the white fog.

Blanca finished the spiders by using the blood to create an explosive wave.


All of that happened in a second, and Adam smiled a little after looking at the two women in front of him. Even though he still had to make sure that the black wall that he created for the group could keep the monsters that were pursuing them away, he also needed to concentrate on finding the best way to follow, so it was always good to have reliable allies around.

Adam might be strong but he wasn't omnipotent, and his human traits and fears were still there even though he had better control over them. Insects and arachnids happened to be the things that he couldn't stand.

"Let's continue!" Adam said, knowing that it was a race against time from there.

Even though Liu, Blanca, and he were powerful individuals, their strength wasn't unlimited, and they were still humans who needed to sleep and eat.

Adam was the one who was using his head and his body the most, and although he constantly kept track of his mental and physical state, there was no telling when a critical situation where he needed to use his full strength would arise again.

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