
Chapter 200 The Multiverse Of Madness (Part 3)

"My wife?" There was something not right about all of this, Adam had the feeling, but he couldn't tell what exactly was wrong.

Everything appeared to be real, the sensation when he touch something, the smells of the aroma spreading inside the room, the voice of the person talking to him.

Adam reached his hand and touched Liu's face. She didn't say anything and smiled at him.

"…I" Adam began to shake, there was something deep within that fought hard to deny everything he saw. Something trying to say, 'this is not real!'

However, apart from him, nothing looked out of place. Why is that?

He had no memory of this place, and even though the person standing in front of him were all vaguely familiar, he couldn't remember them clearly. All he remembered was Liu's face and an intense pain…

However, Adam knew that he would find the answers to his questions as long as he didn't give in to despair. For now, he needed to find a way to regain his memory. Something was preventing him from remembering everything that had happened, and that was why he felt that something was not right. It was as if he wouldn't belong there, to this world, if he recovered those memories…

"Sorry, it seems like I lost my memories. I am sure I will recover them though," Adam said, smiling at Liu who looked surprised by his words.

"You don't remember anything? About our marriage? About…"

"Calm down, sister," Misaela interrupted Liu who was getting very emotional. "You shouldn't force the process. This might be a temporary memory loss, so we need to be patient. He needs you now to be there for him more than ever."

"I understand. I am sorry. It's just that it was so sudden," Liu said, regaining her composure.

"But what are we going to do now?" Timothy asked. Adam didn't understand what he tried to imply.

"Yes, this might be a problem. Professor Adam is a key element of the simulation. There will be a lot of repercussions if we suspend the project now," Azalea explained. From what she said, Adam understood that he was a pretty important person in this world. "We need to be able to perform all of the simulations before we reach the Beta Earth."

"Beta Earth? Where are we?" From what Azalea said, Adam had a hunch of what was going on. He still had most of his memories, apart from the things that he didn't remember.

"You really don't remember?" Liu asked again as if still hoping that Adam would regain his memory. "We are in the year 2108. We are on a spaceship heading toward the planet Beta Earth as the first colony to populate the planet. You are the one who discovered the way to create simulations that could let humans achieve all of this. You are humanity's greatest hero, my hero."

Adam immediately started to analyze the information that he had just acquired. From there look of it, they were in space, traveling inside a spaceship, and he was the one who created all of this technology. So in the world, he was a kind of genius… Some characters like Tony Stark.

Tony Stark? Iron Man? Somehow he knew about this character, and he knew that he liked to watch movies. But what happened after that? He tried to recall what happened before he woke up on this bed.

He had a dream, and it was so realistic… But was that really a dream?

"Have you seen the movie Iron man?" Adam asked, causing everyone else inside the room to look confused.

"No…" Liu answered meekly, trying to recall a movie that had that title.

"Iron man? I remember that classic. It has been a while since I heard about that title," Timothy said, showing that he had the hobby of watching old movies.

With the technology of virtual reality that had progressed to the next level, people could become the main character of their fantasy, in a world that they created themselves, so movies were a thing of the past.

As expected, Adam realized that the timeline didn't match his memory.

"Did you recall something?" Liu asked excitedly, looking at her husband with her beautiful eyes. She was lovely, Adam thought.

"Yeah, just bits of memory. I am sure I will be able to recover my memory soon," Adam said and tried to stand up from the bed.

Then, he realized that he had more muscle and he was taller than he had expected.

"Where can I find a mirror?" Adam asked.

"You don't even remember your face?" Azalea asked. She looked like she respected Adam and was probably one of his apprentices.

"I will when I see myself," Adam said, and then a mirror appeared in front of him, or more importantly a projection of himself. It was done by a much-advanced technology, but Adam kept his composure.

He was taller, and his hair was shorter and combed nicely. Apart from this, his face was also more defined and mature with a nicely trimmed beard. His appearance was pretty cool, Adam thought. He had this air of a genius and capable leader.

Everyone looked curiously at Adam who posed in front of the mirror.

"Can I see every data related to the simulation? This will help me," Adam said, turning to Misaela. His voice carried an unwavering confidence and even Misaela was surprised. Was he really his brother?

Her brother was smart and reliable, but the man standing in front of him was different. But she couldn't tell what exactly was the difference.

"Okay, it's all stored inside the terminal anyway," Misaela said, implying that anyone could access the data.

Adam followed Misaela to the terminal, and everyone else followed him.

"Hmmm." Adam didn't have any difficulty operating the device after he saw Misaela doing it. "I see so that's how it is."

"You remembered?!" Liu said joyfully.

"No, I just understood how the simulation work and everything related to the migration," Adam said, and then smiled at Liu who looked disappointed. "This is an opportunity for me to get to know everything about you again. It's like a second chance. I am pretty excited."

"Wha?!!" Liu was taken aback by what Adam said. Her face turned bright red, and her hands were wandering in every direction.

"Haha. Look at her. You are pretty good at this dude. Are you sure you are not pretending?" The mood had shifted and everyone appeared to be relaxed. At the very least, Adam didn't look like he was in bad condition.

"Stop being lovey-dovey here and go back to your room," Misaela said, but she looked somehow more relieved than when she heard about what was happening.

Liu used her hair to hide her face. It looked like she didn't expect Adam today such a thing in this situation.

"Don't worry. I think I will be able to continue the simulation just fine. I just need to take a look around the ship for now. Help me, Liu," Adam said, looking at Liu who was still bright red. She was very adorable, he thought.

"O-okay," Liu said meekly, closing the distance between her and Adam, almost as if she was whispering to Adam and only him.

"Look at the going at it. It looks like we were worried for nothing," Timothy said, shaking his head lightly and looking at the two of them leaving the room.

Swoosh! The door closed behind Adam and Liu's back as they made their way into a corridor.

Everything about the place reminded Adam of those spaceships in those sci-fi movies; no, it was even better.

He was holding Liu's hand as they walked. He took a glance at her face and saw that she was also looking at him. They smiled at each other.

"Tell me about us. How did we meet?" Adam asked, smiling at Liu.

"Well, we were always together since we were little. You were always there for me, but you were also dense and stupid. People called you a genius but you were always looking at those screens, those numbers, not noticing that I am always beside you," Liu pouted, pursing her lips, almost as if she was complaining. But there was that hint of happiness in her voice as if she was talking about a cherished memory.

"I am sorry, hahaha. It must have been hard to put up with me," Adam said.

"It really was! Hmph!" Then Liu looked at Adam with eyes full of affection and love. "Well, until you said that you will never be able to do anything if I am not next to you. That made me happy. That was the happiest day of my life. I thought, 'so he was looking at me after all. He-he-he. You made such a face when you said these words."

"D-did I? Man, that must be embarrassing, but I am glad I did it," Adam said, hugging Liu in his arms.

Both of them didn't say anything. They felt that they were connected and will be always together…


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