
Chapter 14 - Traveling

Luna walked side by side with Ethan. she wore a round hat which was quite wide because the weather this morning was quite sunny and a bit hot. but the morning heat is good for health. Not to forget, Luna also wears sunglasses to avoid the glare of the sun.

Ethan wore a Sweater in combination with black jeans, he also wore black glasses. He looks very cool, many pairs of eyes pay attention to the two lovebirds.

walked by holding Luna's hand. It is his habit. occasionally she held her stomach which felt stiff due to contractions, it seemed that the twins liked to be taken out for a walk.

Currently, they are visiting Merlion Park. An iconic park with a lion statue, the pride of Singapore. Occasionally Luna takes selfies with her sophisticated smartphone.

"We never took a photo together with other than when we were married, now let's take a photo," said Luna while holding her smartphone.

Ethan didn't respond either. He immediately took a position by bringing his head closer to Luna's head. they smile facing the camera and their background is the Merlion statue that is spouting water.

Until several photoshoots, Ethan stole the opportunity to kiss Luna's cheek who was getting Chubby. Luna didn't respond badly, instead, she smiled and kissed Ethan on the cheek.

"Alright, I'll try to see the results," said Luna lowering her smartphone and seeing the results of her photo with Ethan.

"Good, we'll take another photo there," muttered Luna as she showed Ethan the photos.

Ethan smiled at the photo of him kissing Luna. Luna kissed him with a smile. He hoped Luna had started loving him. Hopefully, Luna's humble attitude to him is a pure attitude from Luna's heart to accept him as a husband.

"Good, you are beautiful but the baby didn't take the photo," Ethan muttered. In the photo, Luna didn't see her big belly at all.

"Yeah, well, we'll take another photo later," said Luna. They walked back to enjoy the scenery.

Luna saw the ice-cream seller, she swallowed her saliva, her throat seemed to ask for a fresh give, the desire spread to the nerves of her brain and then to her mouth.

"Ethan, buy it!" asked Luna, pointing to the ice cream vendor.

"Pregnant people shouldn't eat ice frequently. Later the baby will be too fat," Ethan warned Luna, as Luna pursed her lips. She looked annoyed at her husband.

"That's ice cream, it's different from other ice ... let's buy it!" Luna forced her while shaking Ethan's body.

Ethan sighed. He immediately walked towards the ice-cream seller. With a happy smile, Luna followed suit.

"Buy the mix of peanut chocolate flavor," whispered Luna as she followed Ethan.

"Why is it always chocolate, don't you get bored with that taste, hem?" Ethan asked as he walked casually.

"I don't know, there's no desire for another taste, I'm loyal to chocolate," replied Luna as she kept pace with Ethan.

They arrive at the ice cream shop, Ethan buys two chocolate flavors for Luna, so they don't ask to buy them again later. Pregnant women like to ask in a sudden situation.

Ethan handed me two cups of ice cream

"Why two? just one, you said that shouldn't eat a lot of ice right." Luna protested.

Ethan sighed, "Oh God," Ethan complained to face Luna's always protesting attitude. "Yes, it's the only one for me."

"You said that you shouldn't eat lots of ice," muttered Luna as she took a cup of ice cream from Ethan's hand.

Now they sit on a long iron chair that is available there while enjoying ice cream. Ethan seemed to like it, too. Even though he rarely eats ice cream. Naturally, he's busy taking care of the company.


In Dina's mansion. Alexa is still lazing in the room while playing with her smartphone.

"Alexa. It's time for breakfast, mom and aunt Dina want to go away for a while," said Maura as she approached her daughter who was still in bed while hugging a bolster and staring at her sophisticated smartphone.

"Where are you going, mom?" asked Alexa as she sat herself down.

"Go for traveling, Luna and Ethan have already left," Maura replied while folding Alexa's blanket.

"Huh. So I'll be alone at home later?" Alexa doesn't seem to like it when she is left alone at home.

"There is Edward and Viona at home."

"Well, I don't like to be with them. I'll just follow Ethan."Alexa immediately got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Maura immediately excited Alexa's room to the dining room.

Edward, Viona, and Dina having breakfast. while Doni knows where, maybe he met his friends while on holiday from work.

"Where are Ethan and Luna, Mom?" asked Edward while eating Dina's spaghetti.

"Been away since earlier, he said while it was still not too hot in the morning," replied Dina who was also still having breakfast.

Edward sighed and then went back to eating. Fiona glanced at Edward, who looked displeased when he heard that Ethan and Luna had been gone since morning. Viona grew increasingly suspicious of Edward. Unfortunately, she had trouble getting information about who had been close to Edward or Luna. Maybe, Luna had deleted all her photos with Edward. Likewise, Edward has also deleted all photos with Luna on his social media accounts.

"Mom, I will immediately follow Ethan now," said Alexa who had just entered the dining room. she seemed to have showered and was wearing casual clothes.

"Have breakfast first, Alexa," persuaded Maura.

"I'll have breakfast outside, I'll just eat bread now," Alexa took the white bread at the dining table and then spread it with chocolate and peanut butter. Geez, she has almost the same taste as Luna.

Alexa immediately went while eating the bread. She drives her car. before leaving, she contacted Erhan first. Until many times Ethan did not answer the phone.

"Huh, why don't you pick it up," said Alexa irritatedly. she decided to GPS only search for Ethan.

"So he went to Merlion Park," murmured Alexa after finding the point where Ethan's smartphone was located. she immediately drove his car at high speed. The tomboyish girl seems quite reckless and loves adrenaline.


"Have you been here before?" Ethan asked as he enjoyed his ice cream.

"No, I used to go to Singapore just for a fashion show. I haven't had time to go out, I have moved again," said Luna while enjoying her ice cream as well. Her eyes were focused on staring at the scene in front of her.

"You are very famous." Ethan watched Luna eating ice cream.

"Not long ago. About a year, I just got to fame. It was very fun. I and Vira started from scratch. We are always together, support each other until she got married we still often get jobs together until I found out that I was pregnant, even though Vira was the first to get married, " said Luna. She imagined her time to pursue a career from scratch but ran aground when she was rising in popularity.

Ethan saw the sadness and longing in Luna's eyes, from the way he spoke, he felt he had ruined Luna's career.

"I'm sorry, Luna. because of me, you lost your popularity, I was stupid at that time," said Ethan sadly looking at Luna who had finished her ice cream.

"It's all incidents. I was also wrong because I barged into your room," replied Luna with a small remembering the incident. she walked out of Ethan's room and saw that the room number she had entered was wrong.

"Yes, I was also surprised when I lay on the bed, there was you beside me."

"Do you remember exactly what the chronology of our past was at that time?" asked Luna. she was very curious and because she just didn't remember it because he was drunk.

Ethan sighed, he threw away Luna's used ice cream cup and traces into the trash can, then he sat down next to Luna again.

"Are you serious about hearing the story?" Ethan asked while staring intensely at Luna.

"Yes. But don't look at me like that. I'm embarrassed," replied Luna, smiling away from her face. Ethan looked too seriously at her.

Ethan chuckled, "OK, I'll tell you about it casually."

"I'll be a good listener." Luna smiled at Ethan, then looked back at the scenery around the Merlion Park.

"At that time I was pretty drunk too returned to the room and realized you were there, you got up and kicked me out, pushed me until I fell out of bed, "said Ethan starting the story of his unlucky night or lucky night.

"Huh. I pushed you down?" asked Luna as she looked at Ethan with pity.

Ethan chuckled at Luna's expression, "Yes. You are acting casually. I was a little annoyed and then lay back next to you."

"Then what else happened," asked Luna curiously.

"You pushed me again, but I didn't fall. Upset, I just hugged you."

Lina nodded in understanding, "Then, how about after that?"

"We looked at each other, to be honest, my faith collapsed because of your beauty, it was my first time sharing a room with a girl. You also looked at me like I was attracted to me, I kissed you and you reciprocated too then we made love," Ethan explained softly. He remembered the sacred night Luna gave her virginity. Without any legal ties.

"So, I also want to do it, not because you force me?" muttered Luna, staring intensely at her husband. Ethan wasn't as bad as she thought.

"Certainly not. but still, I was wrong, once again I'm sorry," Ethan replied, looking down regretting his creation.

"I've forgiven you," said Luna. She realized Ethan was a nice guy. But she wasn't sure if she could love Ethan. So far, Luna feels comfortable but sometimes feels jealous to see Edward's closeness to Viona.

Ethan smiled with satisfaction to hear that Luna had forgiven him. He felt that he had the hope of making Luna maintain this marriage, if necessary, not to divorce.

"ETHAN ... LUNA ... " called Alex

from a distance walked over to Ethan and Luna.

Luna squinted her eyes at Alexa, who was wearing black jeans combined with a white t-shirt with a skull image. even the t-shirt had no sleeves, and the armpits were very wide open. Alexa looks very tomboy.

"Alexa," Ethan said.

"Don't go away, you forgot me because I already have a wife," replied Alexa with annoyance, pursed her lips, and sat beside Luna.

"You were still sleeping wanted to invite you, but I didn't dare wake you up, "said Luna. She was glad Alexa caught up with her. Alexa was quite humble on her.

"You, girl. but waking up late," Ethan sneered as he glanced at his tomboy cousin.

"You usually do that too, right?" Alexa looked back at Ethan sarcastically.

"Yes. Ethan is also hard to wake up on holidays," said Luna, smiling glance at Ethan.

"Men are natural. Girls don't belong," Ethan replied

"What a preacher?" said Alexa.

"You guys missed it yesterday, now you're debating," said Luna, chuckling at Alexa and Ethan making fun of each other.

"Let's just find something to eat. I haven't had breakfast earlier," said Alexa.

"You mess with people alone," Ethan muttered, glancing at Alexa, who was now standing holding Luna's hand. Luna just gave up on being invited by Alexa. Because she was hungry too.

"I'm hungry too. Let's eat together," said Luna as she pulled Ethan's hand.

because Luna asked him, Ethan immediately stood up and grabbed Luna's hand tightly and then took her to walk to the nearest restaurant.

Alexa sighs. now she is walking alone behind the husband and wife.

"How unfortunate is my fate, I don't have a partner," murmured Alexa

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