
Chapter 234 - Trying To Escape

Luna blinked while holding her head which felt dizzy, She glanced to the side and found Edward sleeping hugging her. Instantly the woman was wide-eyed and felt uncomfortable wanting to let go of the hug, but she gave up her intention and thought of leaving quietly.

'He must have kept the keys to this villa in his room,' Luna thought while glancing at Edward who was still asleep.

Slowly, Luna let go of Edward's arms carefully so as not to wake up. Then she got out of bed and examined her own body. 'Looks like he didn't stain me.' Luna was relieved that her clothes were still intact inside and out and she felt fine with her body. It's just that the dizziness continues to hit, maybe because it had hit the table.

Luna sneaked out of the room, towards another room which was also upstairs. She searched for the door key in every cupboard, drawer, table, clothes hangers, behind the frame of the Monalisa painting, but he did not find the key.

"The phone . . . Edward must have a phone." Luna guessed. Then she left the room and went back to her room to find Edward's phone.

Slowly and carefully, Luna groped Edward's clothes until she finally got the phone. She smiled with relief and immediately left the room, down the stairs while trying to contact Ethan.

"Why is it so hard to get a signal here?" Luna paced trying to contact Ethan or SOS, but couldn't connect.

"I can't waste time, I have to get out of here right now," Luna muttered then glanced at the dining table chair.

Luna took the chair and then carried it into the living room, smashing it against the windowpane that had no shutters.


The glass shattered into pieces and fell to the floor. Luna rushed out by stepping on the broken window.

"Aww... it hurts so bad!" Luna looked down and realized that her feet were hit by broken glass because she was not wearing shoes.

Edward, who was sleeping, heard the sound of broken glass and woke up. "Where's Luna? Damn, she must have run away!"

With panic and eyes that sharpened like the devil, Edward walked out of the room at a brisk pace down the stairs.


Edward shouted for Luna while exploring all the rooms in the villa.


Edward's eyes successfully widened when he looked at the broken window. "FUCK, SHE ESCAPES!"

Edward immediately took his car keys and jumped over the window. He got into the car parked in the yard and immediately started driving.

Luna ran limping because of her torn foot, she ran in any direction in the night and could only see the road dimly. The moonlight helped him to see a little.

"It's so dark, I'm afraid. What if there's a beast or a scary creature?" Luna glanced around, there were only trees and the sounds of wild animals, and many mosquitoes biting her smooth skin. She was standing right under a big tree quite a distance from Edward's damn villa.

"I'll try calling Ethan."

Luna, who was still carrying Edward's phone, tried to contact Ethan again because there was a signal even though it was only a little.

"Ethan, Answer me..! Edward must be looking for me and I'm scared here alone!" Luna was crying and frustrated with fear until the phone finally connected.

"Hello, who is this?" asked Ethan over the phone.

"Ethan... help me," Luna began to sob because she could finally hear Ethan's voice.

"Luna, is that you? Where are you, honey, where did Edward take you?" asked Ethan sounding panicked.

Luna was still sobbing and was afraid to glance around her. "I don't know where I am in the woods. I'm so scared, Ethan, it's dark in here and Edward must be looking for me."

"I'm coming right now, stay right there, and don't turn off your phone. I'm coming, honey. I'll save you."

"I will be waiting for you."

Luna immediately hung up the phone. She sat under the tree without looking anywhere, because she was very afraid of the dark and lonely places let alone the forest.


Ethan rushed to remove the IV tube that was still attached to his hand. the news from Luna seemed to encourage him. He got up and got off the bed. But before leaving, the man kissed his two sleeping babies.

"Love, Daddy will bring your mother home safely," he said sadly.

Ethan rushed out of the room while wearing his shirt even though his shoulders were still hurting because tonight was too cold without clothes. the man also contacted Andrew to help save Luna, as he was worried that he would not be able to fight Edward alone because he was still injured.

"Hello, Drew, where are you?" asked Ethan when he hooked up with Andrew.

"The police team and I are on our way to the villa where Edward is," Andrew replied.

Ethan heaved a sigh of relief because Andrew could have found Luna sooner. After all, the distance might have been close. "Track the number I'm about to send. because Luna was hiding in the forest," he said later.

"All right, send it right away," Andrew called.

Ethan immediately sent Edward the number that Luna used to call him, then he also traced the number with his cell phone.

"Jack, come with me," Ethan called as he got into the car. He had to invite bodyguards to help him too because there were already many bodyguards guarding around the house.

Jack immediately got into Ethan's sports car and drove it towards where Ethan directed him according to Luna's location as seen from the GPS.

Ethan contacted Luna again to make sure she was safe and waiting for him in the same place.

"Hello, Honey."

"You took so long, I'm afraid." Luna's voice sounded like she was crying.

"Be patient, Honey. I'm on my way there," said Ethan sadly, imagining how frightened Luna was in the dark forest alone. "Wait a minute, hold on, and stay calm so Edward doesn't find you," he continued.

"Jack, even faster!" Ethan exclaimed, then focused on the phone.

Jack increases the speed of Ethan's sports car which can indeed go faster than usual cars, he is also excited to find Luna or catch Edward.


Luna felt a flashlight shining sideways from behind her, her breath starting to catch on with fear.

"Ethan, someone's coming, what if it's Edward?" She said in a low voice, then covered her mouth so the person with the flashlight wouldn't hear her cries.

"Stay calm, honey, I'll be there in a minute," Ethan called over the phone.

Luna was getting more and more scared as the light got closer. And it was true, Edward came and saw her whereabouts.


"HAHAHA...YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME!" Edward laughed evilly and approached Luna who was very frightened by his arrival.

"Ethan, is he in front of me now?" Luna is still hooked on Ethan. She cries and gets up.

"Are you trying to ask for help? I won't let you get away from me!" Edward approached Luna but Luna immediately ran away with her injured foot.

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