
Chapter 14 Query

A shrill gasping noise reverberated in the hall. Valerie was thoroughly surprised at this outcome.

She for one had never expected that Zavier would be the one to pass her test.

Valerie tried to resist for the last time but could not take control of her body at all. The whole world was spinning around her and she was unable to concentrate enough to focus her mana and resist Float.

The effect of Dizziness couldn\'t last long on an outstanding mage like Valerie. As soon as Zavier felt a resistance from Valerie, he immediately released his magic before she could break free from it.

This resulted in Valerie falling towards the ground from the height that she was levitating at.

Zavier moved forward in time to catch her before she fell to the ground and broke something.

Fortunately, he did not let her fall, otherwise he might have had to pay hell at home. After all, she wasn\'t just his teacher, but also his aunt.

Countless jaws were sprawled onto the ground. The students seemed to have forgotten about them as they were all busy staring at the shocking scene that had taken place in front of them.

The kid, that they had always considered to be a complete waste, had pulled off something that they dared not even try.

Valerie was no longer concerned with anything else. She was completely shocked at what had just happened.

She had even disregarded the fact that she was currently being princess carried by Zavier in his arms. She would have definitely found it revolting if it had been in the past since Zavier was nothing more than an ant in her eyes at the time.

But now she was seeing him in an entirely different light. His talent was bursting to come out while she was the first one to notice how extraordinary he actually was.

At the same time she wondered how someone could advance this much so suddenly. After all, Zavier was someone who couldn\'t even sense magic until yesterday or so it had seemed to everyone.

Maybe it had never been that way and Zavier was only pretending for so long. If it was really so, what was he so afraid of? And if he really was purposefully hiding it, why would he reveal at this moment?

The look that Valerie gave Zavier was filled with confusion and disbelief. At the same time she was busy speculating the reasons behind his behavior.

She wanted to know very badly, the reason that could have caused a heavenly genius like Zavier to hide his own talent for such a long time? Or if he really had advanced recently, then what was the reason behind such a fast paced advancement?

The other students were unable to get their heads around the fact that a worthless nobody who couldn\'t even sense a lick of magic until yesterday had beaten them back so badly. Even the best among them had been thwarted.

All of them could feel a burning sensation on their faces. Especially the ones who had laughed at Zavier the loudest were now busy hiding their faces that had been slapped so hard. The worst of it all for them was that they had offered their faces to Zavier of their own will. Thankfully, Zavier didn\'t seem to be bothered about them otherwise it was the perfect opportunity to humiliate them.

Zavier had made a huge ruckus this time with this sensational reveal. Even Dahila couldn\'t help but look at him twice. To her, he seemed full of mystery that she couldn\'t see through.

Dahila was a strong willed girl who looked cold as ice on the surface. But in fact she was just too focused to care about trivial things like socializing.

She had a one track mind that wouldn\'t let her wander off of her path. This was the reason she always pursued what she wanted to do no matter the consequences.

And at this moment she had decided that she wanted to find out how Zavier had pulled it off when even she had failed. She wanted to know more about his secrets because even she had never figured out how deep he had hidden himself.

Zavier put Valerie down almost immediately after he caught her. While Valerie was lost in thought, Zavier had already turned around and was heading back towards his seat at the back of the hall.

"Did you see how cool I was?"

Zavier jokingly said to Alissa who was sitting beside him. Alissa refused to even look at him, let alone give him an answer.

He tried to get her to respond but Alissa wasn\'t ready to talk to him at all.

This was the first time according to his memory that Alissa had acted like this with him.

No matter how many times he called her, or how many times he apologized in general, Alissa refused to respond to him. She was avoiding him like he was some kind of plague that would dirty her if she tried to talk to him.

The rest of the lesson she didn\'t say a single word. Zavier planned on talking to her on their walk back to the school entrance. In the normal routine, they walked back together to the entrance where they would board their respective carriages and proceed towards their homes.

The situation continued until the afternoon following which Alissa up and left leaving Zavier dumbfounded. She hadn\'t even stayed to wait for him like usual. She seemed to be quite mad at him but Zavier had yet to understand the reason behind her anger.

Zavier, who had no experience of how to handle such a situation was at a loss. He didn\'t know how to resolve such a situation but before resolution, he had to figure out why she was mad at all.

Zavier pushed his mental faculties to the limit just to understand where he had gone wrong so as to have drawn Alissa\'s ire.

Zavier was about to rush after her to find out more but a figure blocked his path right when he was about to leave.

Dahila was looking at Zavier curiously as if he was some kind of rare specimen. She half raised her hands with her palms facing towards him to indicate to him to stop for a moment.

His eyes were darting towards the exit where Alissa had just disappeared. He was in a hurry to go and stop her before she left but he didn\'t know why the icy beauty had blocked his path.

"I want to ask you something. I hope that you will answer truthfully."

As soon as she said this, Zavier looked at her with hope in his eyes. Since Zavier was unable to understand Alissa, maybe he needed to change his perspective. Only girls could understand girls, therefore he wanted to ask Dahila about the solution to his problem.

"It turns out that I have something to ask of you as well."

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