
Chapter 19 Calista

As usual, Alissa was there to welcome him. She had already reverted back to her usual routine and there was no akward moment at all. Zavier felt completely at ease with her. If anything, communication with her had gotten even better.

Alissa would now and then take the initiative to talk to him and get close to him throughout the classes.

Some times when she got too close while holding his arm, her ample sized breasts would touch the back of his arm. Once it even got squished between her breasts but when Zavier looked at Alissa, it was like she didn\'t even notice. She was her normal cheery self.

At that moment, Zavier had to stop and scold himself for having such a dirty mind. Alissa had such a pure mind while he was unable to pull himself out of the gutter.

Before long it was time for the class of Miss Mary again. As usual she was unavailable due to personall problems. Her absence was not the problem for teh class but the one to arrive in her stead was.

As the class feared, Valerie walked in with her seductive and voluptous figure, charming her way over to the teacher\'s desk.

The infatuated boys could not help but look at her thievingly as none of them had the guts to overtly do it. They all remembered what had happened to the last guy who had tried the same antics.

He had been hit on the head with chalk in front of the whole class. The boys had even heard that she had hit him so heartlessly that his head had swollen up.

As soon as Valerie put her things on her desk, she gave a scanning glance at all the students.

The students shuddered in their places as if an evil witch had been staring them in their faces.

Valerie gave a smirking glance towards Zavier who was unable to understand her meaning at all. He didn\'t even notice that he had been singled out by her once again.

This was supposed to be a gym class in which practical lessons were usually conducted. Students had the option to practice one-on-one magic skills with their partners.

His partner had always been Alissa since the both of them had been worthless when it came to magic.

To the both of them, gym class had always meant an hour of non-stop talking to each other. They wouldn\'t be bothered by what the rest of them could do and would always do their own thing.

Zavier was planning on doing the same thing today as well which was the reason why he was acting so laid back in Miss Valerie\'s class.

It really was like, "Man proposes and God disposes."

As soon as the thought of breezing through the class came to his mind, Miss Valerie made an announcement to the whole class disposing off all his plans.

"Today, we will not be conducting our usual one-on-one magic spell practice sessions. I have organized a friendly match with Class A that will take place during this time in the school playground."

Immediately there was a ruckus and a series of hushed voices whispering to each other in defiance of the new order. No one wanted to embarrass themselves by going against Class A that was full of heavenly geniuses.

It had to be known that this class was the Class F, the worst of all sections in the junior year. They were the absolute worst students among their year.

The class sections in the school were numbered based on the overall performance of the different sections.

Being given the title of Class A meant that the class average performance was at the peak of all sections while Class F meant that their performance were at the very bottom of it.

At this point, one couldn\'t help but wonder how pathetic Zavier would have been if he hadn\'t received the multi-system before coming to this world. He would have become the worst student of the worst class, the absolute scum of the school.

Before Zavier had shown his talent, the last two seats in term of magical talent had always been reserved for him and Alissa who were always at the bottom of their age group.

One of the students couldn\'t help but think that it was unfair for them to be pitted against Class A. He stood up and asked Miss Valerie whether she wanted to embarrass them in front of the whole school.

Valerie stared at him with eyes full of indignation and wrath.

"Ohh…are you afraid?"

She practically threw out those mocking words. Not expecting to receive any reply at all, she continued to walk towards the exit of the class while the rest of the class followed after her like chicks following after the mother hen in a straight line.

The student who had managed to speak up earlier became the next story that would be discussed for quite some time in the future.

The destination of Class F was the playground where the friendly match was supposed to take place.


The Playground was a stretch of arid green land that was located at the east wing of the school. It was well taken care off and handled by the best landscapers in the city.

The green lush grass blended in with the tree house, the high rise swings, the sea saws and even the sand box where kids played in. It was one of the selling points of the school, for it breathed life into the otherwise serious vibe of the citadel of learning.

It was primarily a source joy for the students, but right now, it was going to serve as a battle arena.

Standing in the middle of the playground, like a lone scarecrow in a field, or a ghost haunting a playground was the slender form of a woman who looked as if she was poised for battle.

Her name was Calista.

Though she was well into her forties, the teacher had the petite figure (as well as the looks) of a little girl. Physically, her most striking feature was the long stretch of silver hair that fell all the way to her back in silvery waves.

It shone brilliantly and was as beautiful as the Milky Way galaxy with the sun as its center. Her silver hair danced in the wind casting her in an ethereal light.

But her stunning white eagle hair wasn\'t the most interesting thing about her. Several rumors bounced around about this particular teacher.

One of such was that she had the enviable ancestry of elf blood from her mother\'s side. Because of her mother\'s elfin blood coursing through her veins, even in her forties, Calista still retained the look and height of an eight year old girl.

Calista\'s cuteness was only rivalled by the air of mysteriousness around her. Much like her counterpart, the ever stunningly vivacious Valarie, Calista was also extremely popular.

Just about every student, teacher and parent knew Calista. The basis of her fame was deeply rooted in the fact that she wasn\'t easy to forget. Her very peculiar look and stature made her stand out.

Both of the female mages were good colleagues, although one wouldn\'t go as far as calling them best friends. But in as much as they were friendly with each other, there was also an underlying rivalry between Calista and Valarie.

Like light and darkness, like fire and ice, both women constantly found ways to joust and compete with each other.

Even unintentionally, both women could never seem to be on the same page with each other. This sense of polarity brought out both the best and the worst in them. There was no doubt that the showdown between both classes would reflect that.

As the children from both classes poured into the playground, chirping away like crickets in the nighttime, and anxious as to the outcome of this impromptu match, Calista tried her possible best to maintain a cool front.

In fact, she was so successful at this that she had succeeded in fooling most people with her fuzzy warmth.

But the indifference she constantly projected outwardly was nothing more than a front. Deep down, Calista was frustrated by the constant back and forth with Valarie.

She had witnessed Valarie\'s birth as a young prodigy. Back then, even Calista couldn\'t deny the fact that the young female mage was destined for great things. But to her uttermost surprise, Valarie had risen to stardom with a blinding unnatural speed.

Like a sick joke, Calista had watched firsthand as Valarie rose through the ranks and not only had she attained the same level with Calista in a short time, Valarie had also surpassed her within an even shorter period! Calista was reminded of this everyday as she dealt with Valarie\'s obnoxiousness self.

Because of the strong elfin blood flowing through Calista\'s veins, she had been gifted with the enviable trait of a strong life force which was the bedrock of the affinity for magic that was exclusive to elves only.

In spite all of these fine characteristics, worse than anything else, Calista was forced to admit the fact that she just couldn\'t keep up with Valarie.

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