
Chapter 85 Alissa's Transform

Both the clone in the closet and the one on the outside were just like wooden figurines at the moment without a speck of life in them.

On the outside, everyone was in despair at what had just happened. Zavier who had been still alive by some kind of miracle had been gobbled up by the monster in his attempt to save Valerie. He had embraced death once again to give them all a chance.

Valerie had forgotten herself in fear in front of the monster. Both Calista and Dahila had prepared themselves for what was in store for them. They had seen how even Valerie, the strongest of them had succumbed to fear and terror in front of the monster. They knew that their fate would be the same.

It was only Alissa who felt as if her entire world had come crashing down on top of her head. She had been holding on to the hope that Zavier might still be alive since she hadn\'t truly seen him falling.

When he had appeared in front of Valerie to save her, Alissa had been unbelievably happy at his heroic return but the very next second, the monster had taken him away from her forever. She had lost that last semblance of hope that she had kept hidden away in the deepest portion of her heart.

She was so shocked that even her tears had dried up. She had forgotten to shed tears in her shock. Even though she was filled to the brim with sadness, despair and shock her tears refused to fall.

The promise that she had made to Zavier, to take him to see her parents, came to her mind once again. She could truly feel that the day would never come now that Zavier had fallen in such a way; after all, miracles didn\'t occur in succession.

In just half an hour her worries had gone from "What she would say to her parents about Zavier" to "What was she going to do without him in her life".

None of the happy things that she had imagined would ever come to pass. All her dreams had been shattered and even the pieces had been swept away so she couldn\'t gather them once again. Her heart was the same; in a million pieces.

In her sadness and grief, she started to walk towards the monster who was the reason that her happiness had been snatched away from her.

She had the subconscious thought that it might let Zavier go if she pleaded with it. She wanted to exhaust all her options to get rid of the guilt that she was feeling upon her survival. She wished that it had been her in place of Zavier that the monster devoured.

She was sure that unlike her Zavier would have been able to figure out a way for the rest to escape. She felt how useless her own existence was at the same time.

More than anything else, she wanted to see him once more. For all that she was able to understand, she had been heading towards Zavier instead of the monster.

It was only when she reached right in front of the monster that she came back to reality and looked at the terrifying giant face in front of her. She wasn\'t the least bit afraid.

The monster couldn\'t have taken anything more from her that mattered anything to her. She had a deadpan expression on her face but the eyes betrayed the thoughts behind it.

​ "Please…please…please let him go. I am willing to do anything you say. You can have me instead of him. Just let him go…please…I am begging you…please don\'t take him away from me…he\'s all I have…please…please…"

Her grief was evident from the red eyes and the tone of her voice. It was the pleading of someone who had lost everything she had in her life and was willing to do anything to get it all back.

The tears that she had been holding back for so long came all at once. The dam had been broken and the tsunami tool over the place. The amount of tears that she shed in front of the monster was enough to be called a massive amount.

The monster of course wasn\'t interested in what she had to offer at all. Instead it showed a mocking expression on its giant face like it was rubbing it in her face even more. It stuck out its tongue and destroyed all the hope that Alissa had. It was the same expression that children made when they were being mischievous but the giant face doing the same thing was nothing if not creepy. It felt as if it was trying to show off the cruel things that it had done.

Alissa lost her footing with such a cruel gesture in return for her pleading and her requests. She fell down to her knees and her tears kept falling and wet the ground as if it was raining.

All the girls on the scene witnessed her grief and couldn\'t help but be sad for her too. They had seen how much she cared about Zavier and how much she wanted him back but they knew that it was close to impossible for him to still be alive.

While the others were busy showing sympathy, Valerie noticed one other thing. The giant face had been staring at Alissa for quite some time but she was not affected by its gaze at all. She was still moving around as if there was no suppression.

The monster was enjoying the expression of grief and hopelessness that it saw on her face. It kept circling around Alissa in an attempt to tick her off further. It wanted to let her negative emotions run wild. As they had already deduced, the monster enjoyed playing with its prey and seeing them terrified out of their minds made it feel happier.

It was circling around Alissa in an attempt to gain her attention and to mock her some more but it hadn\'t expected that it would tick off something darker and more powerful than itself.

The rain of teardrops slowed down and came to a halt unknown to the monster. The expression of Alissa turned icy but no one noticed since she had her face to the ground. The cold chill was even more terrifying than the one that they had felt upon the unsealing of the giant faced monster.

Valerie was the first to notice the change in her followed by the monster floating around her. It stopped its play and thoroughly scanned the change that had taken place in the girl who had been begging and crying in front of it for a while now.

The expression on his face changed to that of curiosity and puzzlement. It was confused since it was unable to determine the change in the girl but it wondered what had happened to her. It no longer felt those enjoyable negative emotions from her, and instead felt that she was devoid of any and all emotions.

Alissa opened her mouth slightly and a voice that was not hers and was colder than any glacier spread out and brought chills to all who were witnessing the situation.

At first the girls were unable to understand what she was trying to say but soon the chorus of words kept repeating and gradually her voice started to increase in sharpness and volume until it became piercing, maddened and devoid of any expression.

"Spit him out…spit him out…spit Zavier out…"

This was all she said but the emotions behind those words changed from the initial sadness to slight anger and then into divine wrath. Her voice felt like a demon from the deepest and darkest abyss of hell.

And when she raised her head and the girls were able to witness the dark expression on her face that they had never seen on her ever, they were unable to believe that she was even capable of making a face like that. They had always seen her to be a cheerful and easygoing person.

What they failed to consider was the importance of Zavier in her life. She was willing to part with her life but wasn\'t willing to let go of him.

As soon as the terrible expression plastered onto her face, endless black smoke spread around with her as the ground zero. The black aura felt ominous to anyone who came into contact with. The monster wasn\'t an exception either. It kept backing out as if it was afraid of something, something it had yet to show.

The black aura wrapped itself around Alissa and converged towards her. She was encased in a cocoon of the dark and ominous energy and was undergoing some kind of change that Valerie and the other were very wary of. They had never seen Alissa as angry as this and they sure as hell hadn\'t seen anything like this before. She had always been someone who had been incapable of using magic but the dark aura surrounding her at the moment was telling a totally different tale.

Gradually the cocoon around Alissa started to take shape and turned into a humanoid monster lying flat on the ground on all fours which was quite a bizarre position for any humanoid creature and a little creepy as well.

The monster that took form from the black aura was about the same size as that of the giant faced monster. The only difference was that it felt even more terrifying somehow.

Alissa had gotten lost somewhere and in her place some kind of demon had come out to bring down her wrath.

This monster was nothing less than those terrifying demons in the stories. If the giant faced monster could be called a nightmare then the monster that had come out of Alissa was nothing if not the Bogeyman himself.

Valerie had never felt such a cold and bloodthirsty aura before this. She was afraid that this monster was even more terrible than the giant faced one.

She could only hope that Alissa had not lost all her sanity and some semblance of memory that might be able to save them. If she really had gone berserk then the chances of their survival might not be good.

Valerie was so cautious and afraid of the newly arrived monster that she didn\'t even dare to breathe for fear that the monster might turn its attention towards them instead of keeping it on the giant faced monster like Alissa had wanted.

Calista and Dahila too were taken aback at the new development. They were unable to understand how a girl like Alissa had turned into such a terrible monster.

The monster was feeling the same thing as them for the first time after it had been unsealed. The appearance of the monster had not only startled it but had terrified it.

Just the aura had ticked it off and it had begun to back out in an attempt to escape and be far away when she transformed. As its luck would have it, the sole target of the humanoid monster was the giant faced monster.

As soon as it felt that it was about to escape the range of the dark humanoid monster, it was held and caught by one of the hands of the humanoid monster. The monster had the ability to stretch its limbs which had enabled it to catch a hold of the fleeing giant faced monster without even moving an inch.

The giant faced monster struggled like its life depended on it and shook its body hurriedly in an attempt to escape the grasp of the humanoid monster but was unable to shake its iron grip on its body.

The monster that had been dexterous enough to dodge hundreds of ice lances shot by Dahila without being hit once had been caught so easily by the humanoid monster in its grasp. It was throwing it about like some ragged doll being played with.

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