
Chapter 142 Organization

"What are you talking about Dahila? We literally have the same accommodations."

She eyed him dramatically. "Speak for yourself weirdo."

Zavier shook his head. Even after all this time, Dahila still looked down on everyone else. It seemed her sass and \'princess vibe\' was never going to let go of her.

Without even a little regard to her host, Dahila sat down on the bed.

"Aren\'t you going to ask me why I am here? Where are your manners?!"

Zavier eyed her warily. Was she actually serious? How could she speak about manners when she had literally barged into his room uninvited? If he was a volatile person, he would have gone off on her like a nuclear bomb. But Zavier understood that this was just who Dahila was. And because he understood her, he indulged her.

"Fine. What\'s the problem?" he resisted the urge to add; and why are you invading my personal space?

Dahila didn\'t seem to care about his own reservations. "That did not even sound genuine in the slightest possible way..."

"For heaven\'s sake Dahila! Would you just get on with it?!"

There was a short pause. It almost seemed like Dahila was working up the nerve to state her business her. This was very unlike Dahila who never seemed to be on the careful side of things.

"Well, I came to check on you..."

Zavier looked at her with a blank expression, not daring to believe that this was her primary motive.

"...and also to see how things are going in regards to our previous conversation regarding my joining your organization."

Zavier finally understood. No wonder she had been so edgy. She was asking him how his consideration was going regarding her invitation to join a group that wasn\'t in existence. He also realized that this must be hard for her since she had never had to work to get someone over to her side without bullying them or belittling them.

Having realized what Dahila was on to, he took a step back and sat down on the only chair available in the room. It was positioned right beside the open window, thereby inadvertently placing Zavier in a kind of shadow-like region while the sunlight washed over Dahila\'s form on the bed. He crossed his legs and sighed deeply.


Dahila frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Why should I? You haven\'t given me any tangible reason as to why you should join this..." he lifted up his hands in the air to mimic quotation marks; "... \'Organization\'"

It was Dahila\'s turn to exhale deeply. She knew she had some convincing to do. Zavier was clearly trying to bait her into working for it. Normally she would throw in some more sass and bug him till he gave in. But this time, she was looking at a much bigger picture that would ultimately benefit her. She needed Zavier. There was no way around it. So, she began to carefully sort out her thoughts, and laid them out in well worded phrases.

"I think it\'s pretty clear enough as it is. But it seems like your brain can\'t keep up with my complex plans..."

Dahila really couldn\'t help herself. Despite having lined it up in her head, at the point of execution, her attitude had somehow managed to worm its way into her speech.

"... I need to be more powerful. An elite group like yours would provide the resources and right platform for me to level up. Surely you can understand this? Or do I need to elucidate further?"

She did it again. That sass, that attitude!

Of course, Zavier didn\'t take it to heart, at this point he was way above that. From the current look of things, as it stood, she needed him more than he needed her. No matter how she tried to coat the facts, the truth about their current dynamic was clear. So, Zavier politely answered;

"I hear and understand you completely. But unfortunately, that\'s not going to happen."

Dahila stared at him with a mild hint of disbelief draped across her face, like she couldn\'t believe he had just turned her down. Zavier unfolded his legs and pressed on;

"Listen to me, there are extreme draconian terms and conditions that have been put in place for prospective neophytes looking to join the organization. And that is just the first layer. There is also the fact that orders must be obeyed to the letter. If you fall short of any of these, there isn\'t some kind of penalty or fee that you\'d have to pay..."

He looked at her with his best piercing gaze; "The consequence of defaulting is- death."

Zavier watched her to if he could see any signs that shower she might be actually backing away. "And one other thing, this is a lifelong commitment. It\'s a one way door Dahila. Once you\'re in, you\'re in for life."

Zavier observed her like a hawk. What he had just told her was something no one could very easily push aside, especially if they were seriously considering joining. The stakes were high, and he knew that Dahila was smart enough to actually see that. Much to Zavier\'s surprise, he got a very different reaction from her.

Still seated across from him on his bed, Dahila leaned forward and kept her unflinching gaze steadied on Zavier.

"I don\'t know who you think you\'re talking to, but I\'ll be damned if I let something as trivial as that stop me. I am not stupid, I know that the stakes are high. It actually makes sense considering the benefits that are to be reaped. Sign me up Zavier, I\'m still very much interested."

Zavier was still a bit surprised. He hadn\'t seen this coming. Of course he knew that Dahila wouldn\'t be easily deterred, so he had envisaged that she would take some time to further ponder on the offer. Especially since it came with a lot of demands. But she had remained unchanged about her decision even after hearing the whole deal. There hadn\'t even been the slightest hesitation. If anything, she was even more determined than before.

This only made things a little more complex for Zavier. Before now, he had already made up his mind to refuse Dahila. He had already resolved to do this long before now. And all his previous tactics had been aimed at trying to dissuade her from pursuing this any further. But somehow, it had ended up achieving the opposite of the intended effect. There was no doubting it, Dahila was even more invested now. It showed in her eyes brimming with resolve. In her body language that reflected her stubbornness.

Dahila\'s determination was evident, but that wasn\'t what Zavier was thinking about in that moment. A thought flashed through his mind that made him reconsider. Zavier thought of him and Alissa. He didn\'t allow the thought to take root before he pounced on it. There and then, he decided to create this non-existent organization real. Dahila kept staring at him the whole time, but even she didn\'t know that it was in that exact moment that the secret and mysterious organization had been birthed.

Zavier was under no delusion about his current strength. The fact was that he was extremely weak at the moment. But he had just enough juice to make clones if he wanted to. This was great for him because he needed the assistance of the other clones to gain as much power as he could. So did Dahila. With all these issues bothering him, Zavier kept seeing more and more reasons that would back the need to create a mysterious organization.

Of course there was still a lot to figure out. Zavier knew he had to work out the logistics involved with creating and sustaining the image he wanted to project through this organization. Knowing and being friends with someone as smart as Dahila was a two edged sword. She was witty, observant and a quick thinker. Having her as part of the organization would most definitely keep him on his toes. In a way, it was just the push he needed.

Zavier had a lot to work through and he was severely fatigued in mind and in body. His first priority was to get rid of Dahila before he could hope to work on anything else. So, he concocted a well worded fib and spat it to her confidently;

"I have heard you, but it really isn\'t up to me. The best I can do is help you know what you\'re about to step into. But the decision isn\'t exactly in my hands."

Dahila nodded sympathetically. "Of course! I know you\'re probably at the bottom rung on the ladder of influence, so I wasn\'t exactly expecting much from you in that aspect."

Zavier had to stop his face from turning red. If only she knew. But alas, she didn\'t. So he fed her some more assurances crap;

"Gee thanks for the vote of confidence Dahila. But as I said, it isn\'t up to me. However, I promise to report your issue to the top brass of the organization. They are the movers and shakers, and they decide who and what goes. You feel me?"


"Good. For now though, since you have expressed interest to join, I guess you can be regarded as a peripheral member like me. Of course, it goes without saying that you need to pass a rigorous vetting exercise in other to stand a chance of becoming a true member."

"Is there anything I can do to facilitate the process?"

"No." He answered her flatly. Dahila was a proactive one. Much like her schoolwork, she treated everything serious in the same vein.

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