
165 Chapter 165

So, when they saw that the middle fingers and angry stares weren\'t working at all. They started to get more creative with their contempt and moved to loud aggressive sentences and offensive words.

"Look, it\'s the privileged bastard. The prince of ineptitude!"

There was some other string of inchorent words that were barely audible to Zavier, but he knew that they wouldn\'t be good for him at all. The whole scene was just like that of the last time during the day at the venue for the competition. Zavier really wished he had left all that behind him there. Not because he couldn\'t handle it, but because of the girl with him. Their hostility was apparent.

Zavier had actually been dismissive about the whole incidence earlier on for a couple of reasons. Compared to the secrets he had been trying to hide, at the time, he didn\'t mind being tagged \'privileged\' even as a derogatory term. He had also seen the hostility as a byproduct of the classist system that cut across cultures, generations and timelines. But the one thing he couldn\'t understand wrap his head around was his own case was so different.

He definitely wasn\'t the only privileged high school student here? Why was he being targeted? No matter how Zavier looked at it, he just couldn\'t see the difference. The entire cafeteria now seemed to be aware of his presence. When he and Shiranui had first stepped in here about half an hour ago, it hadn\'t been like this. And yet, within a very short period, the gossip had spread through the open space like venom working its way through a living organism.

If Zavier hadn\'t been so focused on Shiranui, he might have actually seen the signs. The hushed whispers that usually ended in piercing looks from the different groups of students huddled together at their respective tables. The overbearing atmosphere that was now tainted with the foul odor of reproachful dishonor hung over Zavier like a cloud of nerve gas. It had gotten to the point where he could no longer ignore it even if he wanted to.

His dinner date, as well as his appetite had been ruined for good. How had his reputation gotten so foul within a very short period? Zavier knew this had gotten out of hand. His initial plan to ignore it till it died away was nothing but a flop. He had to fix this and face the problem and its source squarely. But now wasn\'t the time, not when Shiranui was by his side, and in need of one hundred percent of his focus. The best time to quash these unflattering innuendos would be in the competition itself.

In his battle to come, it would be legal for him to go as far as he wanted. Zavier\'s mouth watered at the prospect of teaching someone\'s child a lesson on the battlefield. He truly pitied the unlucky fellow who would end up having to face him in a one on one round. He wasn\'t a monster, but it looked like it was a monster that these people deserved to see. If he did anything here, outside of the competition, (even if he were to win or lose,) it would definitely backfire on him.

Zavier wasn\'t the only one who had felt the morbid tension in the cafeteria. Seated opposite him was the volatile Shiranui. She was visibly boiling, and was only keeping it in check because of Zavier. The frown on her face and her quivering lips were clear pointers to the fact that she wasn\'t pleased at all. She didn\'t understand why they were treating Zavier this way. In her mind, they were not even anywhere close to him in skill and in class. So, what ground did they have to act all high and mighty as though they were better?

Zavier was quick to discern the change in her mood. Immediately, he swooped in with kind comforting words, trying his best to set her heart at peace;

"Don\'t pay them any heed Shiranui. They\'re not worth it okay?"

"What\'s with them anyway? Do they have some kind of trouble with our school or what?"

Zavier shrugged, "No, not our high school. Just me."

"You should teach them a lesson Zavier. You know they\'re just going to keep being idiots if you don\'t put them in their place right?"

"I know. But now isn\'t the right time. If I make a move on any one of these weaklings, I may end up permanently scarring them, and in so doing, I may jeopardize my chances of getting in to Caesar University. Either way, I don\'t think it ends well for me."

Despite the clear analysis of the situation, Shiranui still wasn\'t satisfied. She scowled, "I still don\'t think they should get away with their annoying attitude."

Leaning forward, Zavier admonished her; "Really Shiranui, it\'s okay. Now finish up your dinner and let\'s get the hell out of here. This place is really starting to annoy me."

On cue, she slurped down the remains of her banana smoothie and Gave Zavier the signal that she was done. Together, they rose up from the table together. As they made to leave, Zavier caught the full outline of her heavy bust as she rose up from the table. The sight itself was more than enough to spark a rush of sensual urge through his being. In an instant, Zavier became hard on the spot.

Zavier only wanted one thing in that moment; to take her to a secluded corner and just fuck her brains out as she bent over on the wall or something. The image from the forest the other night was still very fresh in his mind, and he couldn\'t wait to recreate that same way her had seen the other guy take his girl from behind like a mare. Of course there was no way he would get caught since he had his trusty time-space eye with him.

While Shiranui took his dick in constant fear of being discovered, he would relish the godlike position of seeing and knowing everything, while at the same time delving in and out of her soft flesh. He couldn\'t wait for this imagination of his to materialize. So, not caring at all if others saw, he held Shiranui\'s hand as they walked hand in hand to the exit. She tensed at first, she wasn\'t used to being on the receiving end of physical affection. Especially out in the open.

But Zavier\'s firm reassuring grip calmed her nerves. And slowly, she eased into the feeling of being held in public by her man. Together, suspended in a cloud of young love, they both glided down the path towards the door. They were completely oblivious of their surroundings, and they kept to themselves, shutting out the outside world and everyone in it. But their bubble didn\'t last for long.

The venom of spite that was hovering over and around them finally found its way into their safe space through the mouth of one very unfortunate fellow in the crowd;

"You enjoy being her little boy toy, don\'t you?"

Zavier felt the pang of that single sentence in a way he had never felt before. It tore right through his armor of confidence and struck his pride in a vicious attack. Like the shattering of a broken glass when a stone was hurled at it, Zavier felt his own internal walls crumble. It took all of his will not to stop dead in his tracks. But he surged forward and swallowed the hurt. He was determined not to let anything interfere with his peace at that moment. He was almost out, just a little bit more and…

Zavier found himself suddenly being pulled back by an unknown force. He turned around apprehensively, only to find out that Shiranui had stopped dead in her tracks. She had that crazy homicidal look in her eyes that said she was fed up. She let go of Zavier\'s hand with a cold expression. And with the theatrics of a protagonist in a hot action drama, Shiranui slowly turned around until she was backing Zavier completely.

Her steely cold eyes swept across the entire cafeteria, searching desperately for the owner of the voice that had dared to malign the love of her life in her presence. The whole cafeteria fell silent. There wasn\'t a single sound, not even the usual clattering of cutlery, or the shuffling of feet, or at least the occasional chatter that one would expect in a refectory. All went silent, as if everyone knew some showdown was about to occur.

Zavier wasn\'t completely sure if the sudden calm was because they all knew who Shiranui was and what she was capable of. Maybe it was simply because the altercation they had been waiting for was about to happen. Either way, things had gotten very chill and this level of chill wasn\'t good at all.

Suddenly, someone dared to rise up to disrupt the stillness of the room. A very masculine dude rose from the herd of douchebags that were huddled at one edge, drawing all eyes to him as he dared to defy the silence. He looked every inch an asshole. He wasn\'t particularly tall. However he was of average height. But that didn\'t in anyway affect his cool- controlled aura he was giving off.

He stood for a minute and basked under the numerous pairs of eyes feasting on his catchy form. It was as if he wanted to let Zavier and Shiranui know that this was his turf. These were his people, and of course; he had power here.

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