
191 Chapter 191

Shiranui didn\'t even have the energy left to defend herself as the pace of the battle was being controlled by Rebecca to the fullest.

Only the muffled groans and the dull sound of a rock hitting a fragile body could be heard.

Even though the one being thrashed was Shiranui, there were countless in the audience who could feel her pain and the anguish that she was feeling at that moment.

The match proceeded towards its conclusion without a single change. The aggressor and the victim remained the same till the end. Shiranui was pummelled into the ground by Rebecca with a smirk on her face as if she was enjoying every bit of her new strength. The smile was for the audience though. She had to display her confidence to them if she wanted to keep her prestige and pride in front of them. But on the inside she had long since started to feel uncomfortable.

The girl was close to being a maniac. She was unwilling to lose despite the clear difference in strength. Rebecca had assumed that Shiranui would back out once she displayed the clear distance between them through her strength but Shiranui\'s stubbornness surprised even her. Shiranui only became more desperate as the gap became clear to her.

Rebecca didn\'t know what was it that Shiranui wanted so desperately but she was sure that there must be some good reason behind it. As such she didn\'t hold back at all and decided to defeat her with absolute strength so as to not hurt her more than what was required. She knew that the more the fight would be prolonged, the more injured Shiranui would get.

Still, Rebecca had failed to take her tenacity into account in that strategy. No matter how hard she was hit, Shiranui had refused to fall down as if by instinct.

Rebecca had grown desperate since the fight was taking longer than she had anticipated despite having used her full strength in the attempt to take her down.

Shiranui was like a zombie and refused to give up. Rebecca was afraid that the next attack would take her life if this continued. Just as her diamond fists were about to make contact with Shiranui\'s abdomen, they came to a halt. Because there was no need to attack any more.

Shiranui had finally run out of juice. Her body plummeted to the ground like a full sack of wheat with an unstable base.

Rebecca let out a sigh of relief as she didn\'t have to fight that zombie anymore. She was afraid of killing her by mistake which would have automatically disqualified her from the competition.

Shiranui had fallen to the ground but she had not lost her consciousness. She was forcefully trying to keep her eyes open despite the fact that her eyelids were growing heavier and heavier with each passing second. She wanted to use her fingers to pry her eyes open but her arms had long since been out of commission. She didn\'t even have the energy to lift a single finger let alone her arm.

She lay on the heated ground while facing the ground. Her body was as tired as her mind but she still refused to go down or accept her fate. Her whole body became numb as she became unable to feel a single thing despite having suffered so much. There was no pain or heat that could reach her brain. It was as if her brain was shutting down. She began to forget what she was doing but she desperately struggled against it. Her throat felt parched and she felt as if she was gurgling with sand whenever she ingested the saliva in her mouth to keep it moistened. Still, she continued to glare at her enemy as if in defiance that she still had the will to fight back against Rebecca.

Her body on the other hand was not fit enough for her to even glare at her enemy. Her vision started to blur like the pixels on the television had exploded into fragments. She was unable to focus and darkness was coming from all around her to surround her. She was experiencing tunnel vision but nothing had ever felt as horrific to her as the darkness encroaching onto her from all sides waiting to devour her whole.

Her eyes closed involuntarily and her body shut down completely as she fell unconscious.

Shiranui felt that she was lying on a cold surface. The cold was piercing into her and was making her bones shiver from frost. She remembered that the field had been like an oven due to the fire skills she had used. The ground had been scorched and had been like an oven when she had fallen on the ground.

She desperately wanted to know what had happened and why she was feeling cold. The cold current in her body jerked her eyes open.

She found that she was in a familiar place but it wasn\'t the competition field where she should have been. Instead of the clear blue sky and the bright sun, cold and blood colored moon from hell adorned the equally bloody sky on top of her.

The astringent smell of blood and corpses assaulted her nostrils and she felt nausea overtaking her senses. Her head spun like a merry go round and her stomach would send out bursts of acidic water since there was no food to begin with. Even when she tried to vomit, nothing came out as if she had not been fed for decades.

She breathed in and tried to control her runaway senses as she took in the bloody sight that had haunted her both when she was awake or asleep.

The broken window and the bloodied floor was a reminder of all the lives that had been lost that night and all the souls that were still wandering around the crevices between the living and the dead waiting for someone to avenge them.

The voices of those souls were as vivid to her as if they were right around the corner. But Shiranui knew that no matter how much she ran around in this tragic place, she wouldn\'t be able to see those that she wanted to look at once again. This nightmare was only the reminder of her promise; the vow that she had taken to avenge this injustice.

She had finally broken her final vow as well. Since she was in this place she assumed that she must have lost the battle that she had been fighting earlier. She had been unable to keep her promise to those she felt guilty to.

As soon as Shiranui began to think along those lines, she finally lost her will to survive. She didn\'t have anything to live for any longer. To her, it didn\'t matter any longer if she ever left this place or not.

She laid down on the bloody ground and stared at the blood colored sky with indifference. Her eyes that viewed this world were as lifeless as the people who had lost their lives in this place. She had carried the burden for far too long and felt that it was time that she let it all go by giving up on everything.

Rebecca felt that it was time to break her connection to the living world that had given her nothing but pain. As she thought that, a figure appeared in her mind that almost brought a smile on her face, however she couldn\'t remember who it was any longer.

Zavier had had enough of it. He wasn\'t willing to let her suffer any longer. He wanted to rush into the field to get her out of there as soon as possible. The sight of her body lying there lifelessly leaking blood from all over her body made him want to shout out loud into the sky with the angst he had been holding back. While knowing that any interference in the match might lead to them being disqualified, he still wanted to rush into the field to carry her out. He had lost many things in his previous life, and he wasn\'t willing to give any space in his heart to something useless like regret. Standing by while Shiranui was in that condition was something that he was unwilling to do.

Zavier stood up with a jerk as if he had just come to his senses and intended to rush out of the audience stands. But a hand came out of nowhere and pressed him back down on his seat.

Zavier looked up in order to determine who the owner of that hand was. It turned out that Mabel had blinked in front of him the moment he had decided to rush out. Zavier was a little apprehensive at the sudden appearance of the woman but he wasn\'t deterred. He tried to get up again but the hand pressed him down forcefully.

Mabel made eye contact with Zavier who seemed to have lost his mind. She shook her head at him while increasing the force of her grip on his shoulder.

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