
202 Chapter 202

Its fighting spirit was still very much strong and aflame. Its majestic movements, and intimidating form further augmented its terrifying aura. Nothing was normal about this dead-looking, terrifying killer dragon.

For some odd reason, Zavier just couldn\'t take his eyes off the dragon. After Ibneiah\'s horrible transformation had been completed, the tall zombie-dragon stood in the middle of the field, and in a very dramatic fashion, it looked up to the sky, and roared in the most horrifying sound ever to grace Zavier\'s ears at all. The monumental size of the beast completely filled up the entire space of the very spacious field. But that was about all the free time anyone would get to observe the dragon.

Almost as if he had decided that the time for regaling was over, Gabby sprung into action immediately. as though he was mimicking the voice and somber tone of the dragon, he roared a string of incoherent commanding words at the dragon. No one picked up what exactly he had said, but it seemed the dragon not only heard, but understood its owner. Immediately, it opened its large mouth and expanded its jaws to a very disturbing ratio.

To an open minded individual or to a simpleton seeing this sight for the first time, what came next could have been very easily misconstrued as divine judgment. It was completely illogical, and totally inexplicable, and yet somehow very very real. A rush of hot devouring flames rolled out from the throat of the hideous creatures in voluminous streams, and rushed directly at Sabrina with hot angst. The entirety of the audience in the venue gasped as one.

Of course, on some level, they had all expected something like this to happen the very moment the sixty foot monstrosity appeared. An attack of his magnitude, directed at a girl so innocent looking and cute, was definitely something no sane mind could easily digest. It was like a storm, only this time instead of water, or wind, it was matter\'s worst enemy- FIRE.

With a destructive ferocity was could only be matched with that of a volcano spitting out live fire from the bowels of the earth, the dragon opened its mouth and rained down hell on poor Sabrina. The width and intensity of the fire was such that it could very easily skew a whole herd of cattle in one breath, and turn them into barbecue or charred beef in an instant. Zavier could almost tell just how raw and sizzling the heat of the flames were from a distance with his time-space eye.

All eyes watched as the scalding red-hot acetyl flames descended on the girl in question. Everyone was thinking the same thing in that moment; "Was it possible that she might be able to actually withstand these flames? Was her mysterious defence enough to stop the fire storm?"

Everyone got their answer alright. Just as the lengthy towering flames came at Sabrina, as expected, her rose petals rose up from the basket and formed a kind of bouquet right in front of her. The mysterious looking petals took on the full blast of the dragon\'s flames! Everyone feasted their eyes greedily on the spectacle, and totally devoured the scene with wonder and theatric zest.

Something dangerous awakened in Sabrina\'s eyes after that attack. Only Gabby and Macbeth saw it, and for some reason, it made them recoil inwardly. Sabrina might have appeared to be relatively calm through out the incident, probably because she was in control of the whole situation. But also because she had been baiting them into doing something drastic.

​ She knew that because they were confident boys who were pretty used to getting their way in victory,  they would become desperate after being unable to successfully land a single attack on her. she had been banking on the fact that this desperateness would push them into revealing their ultimate trump card. Since she was all that stood between them and their precious finals, it was evident that they needed to beat her at all costs. Hence, their ultimate hand.

The plan had worked like a charm. The dragon was clear evidence of that. That was when her countenance changed. That was when Gabby and Macbeth began to see her in a very different light.

Without making any ostentatious moves, Sabrina closed her eyes and took in a lungful of oxygen. This was a pretty daunting move for her considering the fact that there was a sixty foot monstrosity right in front of her that was threatening to reduce her to a pile of ashes. But she obviously didn\'t regard it as a real threat. Honestly, her aloofness, and soft disdain for her enemies cast her in a very sinister light. Gabby wanted to attack, but his instincts restrained him for some reason.

Sabrina pursed her lips, and then finally exhaled deeply after a few seconds. Then it all began.

Gabby, Macbeth, and Wallice watched keenly as the first stage of the end gradually began to play out in quick successive scenes. As soon as Sabrina let out the breath from her nostrils, flower petals began to rise from her basket. By now this was already a common sight for everyone who had been watching this battle closely. But for some reason, almost everyone could feel something different about the ascent of these petals.

An astute observer could argue that maybe it was because the petals had never risen without an imminent attack before. This time, their ascent took a different formation. They began to blossom and grow successively, filling the entire arena like waves, and converting it to a lush flowery vegetation. The dragon seemed to have excellent instincts. As if it could tell that this wasn\'t good at all, it began to try to resist the advance of the encroaching petals.

But it couldn\'t do much in the way of movement. Having been surrounded in a sea of petals, it found itself with little to no room to manoeuvre. The dragon let out a horrible wait. For a monster of that magnitude, no one would have thought that they could feel any atom of sympathy when its time came.

But now, hearing its wails of helplessness aloud, filling the air with what was the equivalent of a stadium filled with agonising humans writhing in burning flames, it was difficult not to feel for it. That was just how effective and timely Sabrina\'s move was.

In the same way a cobra charms its victims with hypnotising eyes, and while under the trance of the serpent, it slowly and leisurely wrapped itself around the entirety of its prey, that was just how Sabrina\'s attack had swayed the tide of victory. The sight of the rapidly blooming flowers had been  sight too appealing and too passive to suggest that something was indeed brewing. It had all seemed so innocent, and too bland for it to be something other than a pretty sight.

That had been the illusion. That had been the way in.

Like a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean, the terrible dragon sank into the bed of magic petals and disappeared- COMPLETELY. There wasn\'t even a trace. It had all happened so damn fast for any eyes to follow. There hadn\'t even been enough time for the audience to enjoy the show. The dragon\'s defeat had been like throwing a piece of bread into a barrel of water, and watching it being swallowed by the water itself. The petals had been deceptively efficient. They swallowed everything they touched.

Truly, it had been a marvellous display of power, and in the subtlest of ways too. By the time the dragon had been fully submerged in the bed of petals, everyone noticed something almost at the same time; Where the hell were Gabby and Macbeth? Everyone had been too busy with the dragon\'s slow and steady disappearance that they had missed an even more significant disappearing act.

Tongues immediately started to wag.  Spectators held their hands on their heads as the search began for Gabby and the other one. It seemed very implausible, but by all count, it seemed that the sea of petals hadn\'t been designed to swallow monsters only. Apparently, fight was already over even before they could figure out what was happening. The audience broke into a state of frenzied gossip. Questions flew up and down with rapid speed.

Were the boys dead? Could it really be that this innocent looking girl really killed them? There were so many questions. Where were their bodies? Was she allowed to do that?

Once again, Sabrina got on top of the situation without even as much as uttering a word. Almost as if she could sense the growing panic amongst the crowd, she gave the answers everyone wanted with literally a wave of her hand. As she flicked her hand over the sea of petals before her, they began to disappear at an alarmingly disturbing rate. No one could understand the mechanism behind the sudden appearance and even more disturbing disappearance of the petals.

In a few brief moment, she field that had been engulfed with a sea of pink and red petals, suddenly returned back to its normal state.

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