
234 Chapter 234

He saw Kacie and Nadia leave the building before the rest of the freshmen as he passed them in the hallway.

The freshmen struggled to gather the energy they needed to cast their most powerful spells as they left the stage and began their battle.

The haughty braggart even set up two magical traps at the auditorium\'s entrance.

The enchanted traps transformed into the beautiful tiles below after the mystical light faded. Despite the fact that many students disliked his personality, they couldn\'t easily construct magic traps like the ones he did.

At the same time, several confident freshmen were hiding behind the tall support pillars on both sides.

They were all waiting for the senior class to arrive and step on the magical trap, some with fireballs and others with strange plants.

They had already gathered enough courage from the last time they faced a stronger enemy. Their hearts were racing at this point as they prepared themselves for another attempt.

When he passed by their hiding spots, he heard one of them say, Are you sure we don\'t need help? Maybe the seniors can do something?"

"I\'m sure we\'re fine." A girl\'s voice came.

It was a girl who always stood out among her classmates. He had never seen her face, but there were plenty rumors surrounding her. Some said she was part goblin or half goblin. She always acted cool and seemed to be more confident than the other members of the class.

"We can handle it!"

Zavier, who could see in all directions at the same time, had already fled the auditorium, which was about to become the first location of the battleground.

He didn\'t believe that such some simple traps could reduce the number of mage graduates quickly enough. But he didn\'t want to risk his own life if the trap wasn\'t working.

The students behind the columns began to run away with Zavier as soon as they heard his footsteps. They all looked around anxiously as they tried not to get noticed. They knew how dangerous these traps were.

But Zavier ran faster and deeper into the auditorium, hoping to reach the exit. He could hear his classmate whispering in fear behind him.

The trap wasn\'t working.

Through the crack in the wall, Zavier noticed that three of the graduating seniors had a spell-activated glow under their feet. The three then appeared to merge with the wall as they walked quickly through the auditorium\'s floor and walls.

His first instinct was to seek refuge behind a tree.

Then three mages rose from the ground near the main entrance, and a massive explosion erupted outside the theater\'s main entranced window.


Some students screamed at the sight of the destructive scene that took place beyond the window. The explosions had destroyed most of the nearby buildings and left the auditorium completely engulfed in flames. Even those students far away could clearly feel the heat. Some students fell and slid against the floor from the impact as people cried for help. Others jumped off the walls, trying to escape the conflagration. One student tried to jump onto the stage, but he got stuck inside a large hole. He managed to free himself with difficulty, but only managed to climb halfway up the stage and almost lost his footing. The other students were still running towards him. Many of them shouted encouragement, telling him to hold tight.

The second blast of the explosion caused the students further from the center to fall back into the crowd. There were still some students on the stage, including Zavier himself. Luckily, he wasn\'t close enough to be affected by the blasts. He was still in the safe distance of the stage.

After the initial shock, Zavier realized what was going on: someone, probably one of the incoming seniors from the senior class, was using their Quirk as a distraction, letting everyone else avoid the fatal blows.

The third blast caused the remaining students to turn around and run towards the exits again. They would have no problem getting past the trapped students, because they hadn\'t taken any injuries yet. And they weren\'t too worried about the consequences for being late since the event hadn\'t ended yet.

Zavier felt relieved when he saw that everyone had cleared out from the auditorium. All that remained were a few stragglers that would stay behind for awhile, but nothing he couldn\'t handle alone.

The first blast must have scared them out of the auditorium. It was definitely strong enough for them to break free. They were probably just waiting around until the school closed up for the night. Or maybe they decided to wait for the next day, so there wouldn\'t be too much confusion. Either way, it was definitely time for Zavier to go. He didn\'t know if the other students had escaped safely, or if the seniors had also made a run for it. But it didn\'t matter. Whatever happened, he\'d cross that bridge when he got there.

The three had caught up to the incoming some of freshmen thanks to this period of confusion.

The ensuing brawl was an all-out assault on the children by the adults, and the three made their way to the eagerly anticipated first-years.

Zavier stepped backwards to make space between himself and the three senior students. As far as he was concerned, he\'d been here long enough already. He was ready to retreat and continue searching for ones he would.

The first battlefield lasted only a few minutes.

Almost simultaneously, a group of mages in white robes walked onto the field to assist the sick freshmen.

The mage in white robes was clearly recognized by the majority of the graduates, and a few of them even struck up conversations with him.

Zavier stood up straight and clutched the black magic stick in his hand, the nature of whose power he didn\'t fully comprehend.

It was so strong that even a blood blade couldn\'t cut it, and it was large enough to use as a club or walking stick.

He bolted from the stage, looking for Kacie and Nadia.

Graduates who supported the pursuers made light of the rookies\' clumsiness.

"How romantic! It\'s like going back in time to when I first started college and didn\'t pay much attention to the complexities of magic, instead focusing solely on its destructive potential."

"Only first-year students exhibit such naiveté."

A few older mage graduates persisted in their teasing.

Two of the graduates, on the other hand, cast glances in the direction Zavier had last been seen.

"Don\'t waste time. Let\'s start this party and end it on a high note."

The onlookers all agreed as they looked at the speaker, "That\'s right, that\'s right, let those kids know what it means and what real magic is."

An investigation had been launched after several individuals vanished into thin air at the same location.

When Zavier came across Kacie and Nadia, they were wondering where he was.

The majority of the newcomers, on the other hand, were already grinning and pumping their fists in anticipation of their showdown with the seniors

They wanted to show the seniors the kind of power they lacked.

If only they had known that they were the ones to finally make a mistake. If only they understood...

"Hey. You guys should hurry, they\'re going to attack now. Those seniors really went crazy today."

Nadia and Kacie rushed back into the auditorium and hurried towards the stage.

As the two of them neared the front row, a wave of heat greeted them.

On top of several pillars stood the remains of a magical barrier. The barrier was composed mostly of the remains of a small stone sculpture and the pieces of wood and metal debris left from the previous explosion.

The barrier\'s strength was similar to a shield, but while the shields of the academy are generally constructed of enchanted steel, the stone sculptures used to make the barrier are formed from stone instead of iron and metal.

However, due to the powerful explosion, the entire barrier shattered. This meant the barrier was now useless.

Zavie saw the coming towards the stage from his place.

Nadia\'s face lit up as soon as she saw Zavier, and she rushed over to embrace him.

Zavier felt a twinge of embarrassment at the sight, because there were obviously a lot of individuals outside, and probably another twenty or thirty talking about a possible counterattack not far away.

He swung his head toward the distant eyes of students who were already looking, signaling Nadia to pay attention to her behaviours.

Nadia paused for a moment to consider the situation before saying, "Should we follow them? Those graduating seniors seem to be coming on strong; in the auditorium, they looked at the freshmen as if they were going to eat them."

Zavier said, shaking his head, "Those graduates and these newcomers are not on the same level; will you join them? They will be cleaned up sooner or later."

He was about to continue when he became aware of an ominous mana shift emanating from somewhere behind him.

Zavier cocked his head to look, a bluish-white radiance emitted from his eyes.

He noticed two recent graduates sprinting in their direction as he entered Caesar University\'s main building.

Zavier grabbed Kacie and Nadia and dashed into the crowd.

Then he dashed through the crowd to St. Ansa Castle.

As Zavier had discovered, St. Ansa Castle was a massive, intricate magic training ground.

The landscape was more complicated, with numerous magical practice areas, each protected by a magical barrier. Each individual magical arena was surrounded by different kinds of wards. These barriers were often designed as obstacles or defensive spells, and each arena was surrounded by several smaller buildings which could also serve as defensive structures. However, each arena had its own unique design that was unique to it as well.

This is why the arena walls of many of the arenas were decorated with runes and designs. The runes were drawn by wizards who were skilled in Runescrolls and their specialties: Magic Wordsmiths, Spellcasters, Rune Masters, and even Spellcaster\'s Apprentice.

All three types of apprenticeships are usually reserved for talented wizards and magicians in certain categories.

Magicians can become an apprentice to any type of wizard, but those that choose to take a particular specialty are typically wizards whose specialties lie elsewhere and thus cannot become an Apprentice Apprentice.

Zavier turned back as he ran after the trio had just left when they heard a loud explosion behind them.

After making their way through the crowd, the two were seen acting as if they were on their way to scare a group of first-year students away from campus. The reason why they did that was actually because of something else. A student was running around trying to find an exit from the grounds. As she tried to get to the entrance, a ball came from nowhere, hitting her square in the chest. She flew back against one of the walls, then crumbled to the ground.

After inspecting the deep crater in the ground, Zavier quickly determined that the two men were at least C-level and certainly not weak.

They arrived at St. Ansa Castle quickly. Perhaps because of today\'s ceremony to welcome freshmen, the entire training ground were empty and the powerful mage guards were unavailable  when they arrived.

The magical light from Zavier\'s eyes quickly swept a circular area of the castle, but he couldn\'t see inside the sealed magic training room.

They were the first freshmen to arrive at the castle, and everyone else had already left.

Nadia inquired, "Why do they keep running? We haven\'t even seen what they\'re capable of."

Zavier was speechless inside; if he could, he would have slain them with a single flick of his bloody blade.

But now that they were at Caesar University, he should probably avoid using it whenever possible.

"There is no reason for us to..."

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