
Chapter 205

Chapter 205

It was the week when congress was returning from a hiatus. The palace was busy with servants preparing for the meetings. Belice had just ended the morning schedule with a simple meeting amongst the nobles. Before going to her next appointment, she headed to her personal study to rest.

She turned to Karune, who walked along next to her, and asked, “What’s the reason of absence for Duke Skad?”

“None, that I know of. I was just told that he wouldn’t be attending.”

“Really? Nothing else?”

“No, Madam.”

Alexcent, who was a workaholic, had never missed a meeting where it was the Empress and the nobles coming together. No matter how casual the meeting, he was always there by the Empress, like he was her protector. He would stand beside her and observe the noble’s reactions. If anyone showed the slightest sign of disrespect, he gave them a warning.

Since Amethyst left, Alexcent had become more withdrawn, which caused Belice to be a little worried about his absence. She wondered about the reasons for him not being there as they arrived at her study.

“I would like to be alone for a bit,” she informed Karune.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Then I’ll come before the next meeting starts.” Karune turned and walked up the hall.

Belice opened the door and immediately felt a tension in the air. Inside, sat Alexcent, with no formal invitation, glaring at her.

“Talk,” was all he said in greeting.

Belice stared blankly at Alexcent, not knowing what this intrusion was about.

“Duke Skad,” she started. “It’s been a while. I’m honoured that you would show me your face personally when you didn’t bother to show up at the meeting. Have you been well? I’m doing fine, thank you for asking. Shouldn’t we at least have a greeting? I’m an Empress before being your sister. Even if it’s just the two of us…”

“Belice,” Alexcent cut her off with a warning voice.

“Duke Skad, I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about. To say ‘talk’ after just randomly showing up? Talk about what?” Belice was becoming annoyed.

“I don’t have time to play with words,” Alexcent stated.

“I also have no such intention.”

“Really? Good.” Alexcent handed a document to Belice, who took it, glaring at him in frustration. Scanning it, her face slowly turned stern and dark.

“Don’t tell me it was a purely a donation.”

“Alexcent.” Belice lifted her head and looked at him.

“So, tell me. What does that son of a bitch have on you?” Alexcent demanded.

“Don’t call the High Priest a son of a bitch,” Belice snapped back.

Alexcent gave her a death glare. “If you try to change the subject, I won’t hold back. So, tell me the weakness.”

“There’s no such thing,” Belice responded, hesitantly. She was definitely afraid of revealing something.

“Nothing? So, you donated that much money for no reason? Every time Celios came for a visit? Belice, do you think I’m stupid?”

“No. It’s not like that. It’s just doesn’t concern you. Please, ignore it.”

“Ignore it? You don’t think it concerns me? I decide whether or not if it concerns me. I have no intention of ignoring this, so you better tell me the truth.”

“Duke Alexcent Skad if you continue to be rude…!” Belice was trying to give off an air of authority, but it had no effect on Alexcent.

“Duke Skad? There must be something you’re hiding, Your Majesty the Empress, if you are talking like this. Celios was right.” Alexcent didn’t even try to hide the sarcasm when he addressed his sister.

“You spoke with Celios?” Belice turned a pale white.

“Yes. He told me to come to you. So don’t try to hide anything.”

Belice frowned and avoided Alexcent’s eyes. “It’s nothing like that, Alexcent. It’s really just…just once, this once, ignore it and let it go. Please, as a favour to me.”

Alexcent approached Belice. He didn’t know what she was afraid of and what she was trying so hard to hide. What possibly could she be hiding? he wondered. He grabbed hold of her arms and locked eyes with her. She was unable to look away from the anger in his gaze.

“Belice, you didn’t use magic, did you?”

It was the only thing he could think of. The magical ability that only a child of a goddess, and the Empress, has. The ability to alter, destroy or control a soul. The ability that is banned from use because it tampers with a person’s dignity, morality and ethics. It was the only thing that the High Priest Celios could hold over the Empress. Encroachment magic.

Her eyes opened in fear. He knew he had stumbled across the truth. “Oh my god!” Alexcent was at a loss for words. “Damn it, why would you?”

“Alexcent, it’s not what you think!”

“Really? Then what is it like? Tell me!”

“It’s just…” Belice could not utter an explanation.

“You really used that evil magic? You thought you could do whatever you want with a human’s soul?!” Alexcent could hardly look at his sister.

“No, it’s not like that!”

“Then what is it! What’s the reason Celios was threatening you!” Alexcent shook Belice’s body with rage. “Did you forget that your magic is different from other magic? Your throne could be in danger because of that magic! Do you know what would happen if Celios even speaks a word to the nobles? Those hyenas will tear you apart!”

“Don’t worry. There’s no way they will find out.”

“Stop with the bullshit! You have no idea what kind of a rat Celio is. Tell me the truth. What did you really do?” Alexcent was screaming in his sister’s face.

“Alexcent, please!”

“Tell me !!”

“I did use the magic, but I didn’t alter a soul.”

“Then you destroyed one?” That was the worst offense of all.

Belice stood with her mouth wide open, but no sound would escape. Alexcent realized that if she had destroyed a soul, there would have been no evidence left. Celios would never have know. That left only one option.

“It’s not that. You revived a soul.”

Belice shook her head, but her denial was more of defeat then obstinance. Alexcent knew he had the right answer.

“Who did you revive? Tell me!”

Belice struggled to get out of Alexcent’s grasp, but he just gripped her tighter.

“Alexcent, please stop asking. I did it all for you.”

“What do you mean? Who was it? Just tell me that. I’ll take care of the rest!” It took a moment for Alexcent to process that his sister just said that she had done it for him.

His mind was spinning. Voices from the past echoed within the confines of his brain, it were of Amethyst’s.

“I need to go back. I have to go back.”

“Your Majesty, Madam became much healthier after being sick before the ball.”

“I just can’t accept you without being who I truly am. Then we both will become unhappy.”

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