
Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Duke Michen mui Roden sat in his office in the late hours after everyone had gone to bed. He couldn’t sleep because of the urgent message he had received from the empress. She had reached out to him, not only because he was the ranking noble of his family, the strongest of all the noble families, but he was also the empress’ fiancé. She had chosen him, out of all her potential suitors, because she knew him to be a fair and just man. He never allowed his personal life cloud his judgement when it came to business matters.

Still, he couldn’t help but worry about the empress’ state of mind concerning her brother. Even he had trouble making sense of what Duke Skad had done. He had been going over all the possible scenarios in his head when there was a knock at the door.

“Enter,” Michen said, wondering who was awake at this hour.

A man entered who was not of his house. Duke instantly reached for the knife on his desk that he used to open message. “Who are you?” he demanded.

“Greetings, Duke Roden. My name is Gerald Artin.”

The personal aide of Duke Skad. Michen glanced at the darkness out the window. This man certainly wasn’t let into his home by his butler. To show up in the middle of the night like this meant that Alexcent’s aide needed to meet in secret.

Michen smiled. “Are you a skilled spy? Or are the Roden family’s defenses that bad?”

“To tell you the truth, it’s both.”

“I see.” Michen made a note of upping his security in the morning.

“Please sit,” Michen said, indicating a chair.

“I’m fine. I prefer to stand.”

“So why are you here, showing up secretly in the middle of the night?”

“I’m sure you know that it’s about Duke Skad,” Gen answered.

“I’m afraid that I have nothing to say on the matter. If he is innocent, the trial will vindicate him. If he is found guilty, there is nothing that I can do. His punishment will be served. You must know that I believe in the fairness of the system.”

“That is precisely why I came here.”

Michen stared at Gen. “So, what then is the reason for your visit?”

“I would like you to review his case.”


“Yes, we can’t have the duke falsely accused?”

Michen was annoyed. “I don’t see why. There were dozens of witnesses that saw Duke Skad enter the Grand Temple and kill the High Priest.”

“Just take a look at this? And then I’ll leave the decision up to you.” Gen took out a document from his coat and placed it on the desk in front of Michen.

“What is this?”

“Since you’re a fair person, I would like for you to know the whole story and not be swayed by the unjust rumours of the other nobles. I’ll await your response.” Gen bowed to the duke. Michen looked down at the envelope he had been given and when he looked back up, Gen had disappeared as if he had only been a figment of his imagination.

Michen blinked in surprise, then used the knife he had been holding to open the envelope. As he read the document enclosed, his face began to increasingly scowl. The document was a thorough analysis of all of Celios’ wrongdoings and wicked enterprises. There was enough evidence enclosed to support all of the accusations. Celios, apparently, was a horribly evil man.

Michen set down the document. He could only imagine what the empress will say about this. He needed to see her as soon as he could.

* * *


“Your Majesty, did you memorize it?” Michen asked

“Memorize what?” Belice smiled mischievously.

“I told you to memorize the Empire law from article 9 paragraph 1 and on. You did do it, didn’t you?”

“Ah, that. I was busy, so I forgot about it.” Belice was always trying to get away with things. Was it because he, as a teacher, wasn’t much older than her? It was a struggle, trying to teach the royal children.

“You can’t be like this every time. One day, you will become the empress. You need to be a role model to the citizens.” Michen was tired of having this same conversation every time.

“You don’t have to memorize Empire law to become a role model,” Belice insisted. “And besides, I can just read it in the Code of Laws, so why do I have to memorize it?”

Alexcent, who was sitting beside her, laughed. “You’re so stupid.  What would a noble say if the empress had to stop a meeting to look up a law in a book?”

“Did you memorize it all?” Belice asked in a huff.

“Of course, I did. The Empire Law article 9 paragraph 1. All citizens are equal in front of the law and the Goddess Frostin regarding their life politically, economically, socially, and culturally, regardless of their class. Paragraph 2. Citizens that take the life or harm the body of another citizen, through criminal activity, will be judged by the law regardless. Paragraph 3. Unless dictated through legal procedure, no citizen shall be punished, killed, nor put into forced labour. Paragraph 4. Every citizen…”

“No way!” Belice was staring at Alexcent with her mouth hanging open.

“Should I repeat it?” Alexcent asked, smugly.

“You are so annoying!”

“You’re calling me annoying for memorizing a law that you can’t memorize because you’re stupid?”

“What? Stupid? Why you…!” Belice tackled Alexcent, knocking him to the ground

“You’re the one who called me annoying first!” Alexcent shouted back as they rolled across the floor.

“Stop! Why are you always fighting?” Michen pulled the wrestling children apart. He was seriously considering teaching them separately, as they always fought when they were together.

“You did very well, Alexcent. Please take this time now to memorize the law, Your Majesty.”

Belice pouted. “You’re always telling me to study! I’m so sick of it.”

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