
Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Time didn’t seem to have meaning any more. Belice did not visit Alexcent again, after he pleaded for her to take his life. The next time she saw him was at the trial.

“All rise.” The court secretary announced Belice’s entrance as she stepped into the chamber. She would oversee the trial, as was her duty.

“Bring in the prisoner,” the secretary called.

Two guards brought Alexcent in, chained at the wrists and ankles so that he couldn’t run. They placed him in a chair in the center of the chamber, facing the empress. To the right of her sat a contingent of priests from the High Temple. To her left was supposed to be where the representatives of the noble houses sat. The only one that was there was Duke Roden.

“Duke Roden,” Belice addressed him.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Where are the other noble’s representatives?” Belice asked.

“I will be representing all of the noble’s wishes, Your Majesty.”

“I assume that you have formal permission to vote on their behalf?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Duke Roden passed over the signed documents from all of the noble houses, showing their signed consent. This was the only way that he could ensure the interest of both the empress and Duke Skad.

Belice nodded, after reviewing the documents she had been given. She then turned and addressed the priests

“Who will be the representative from the Grand Temple?” she asked.

“Your Majesty, I, the deputy priest, Cameron, will be.” The priest stood and bowed to her.

“Very well. Let us begin.”

“Your Supreme Majesty.” The interruption came from the few people who were in attendance in the observation seats. Gen stood, making his presence known.

“What is it?” Belice asked, annoyed at this blatant breach in protocol.

“Your Majesty, if you will allow it, I, Gerald Artin, would like to defend Duke Skad.”

These proceedings only allowed nobles to be involved as defence. Gen may be part of Duke Skad’s household, but he was not of royal blood. Laws did not allow him to be heard unless called on as an official witness. Belice needed to hold strong to the laws, despite her feelings.

“Disallowed,” she said bluntly.

“Your Majesty!” Gen had not thought that the empress would refuse, considering how close he was in relationship to the duke.

“If you say anything more, I will have you imprisoned for contempt,” Belice said in a stern voice. Gen sat down slowly. He could not believe that the empress was being this harsh, especially since it was her brother who sat before her.

“This trial seems straight forward,” Belice began. “I don’t want these proceeding to be dragged out so let us begin.” Belice nodded to the secretary.

The secretary stood and announced the beginning of the trial. “The trial of Alexcent Frostin du Skad, accused of murdering the High Priest, Celios will commence. The plaintiff, deputy priest Cameron, you may address the court.”

Cameron stood and addressed the empress. “Your Majesty. Duke Skad entered the Grand Temple last night, with his weapon drawn. He threatened multiple priests, demanding that the High Priest be brought before him. After discovering the whereabouts of Celios, he viciously and without mercy, took the High Priest’s life. This is a disgrace and sacrilege to the Grand Temple and the entire Empire. High Priest Celios is a leader of the people and highly respected. To take an innocent life is a crime, to kill someone of Celios’ status is treason. The High Priest is the Guardian of the Goddess, and the empress is the representative of the Goddess. This attack was an attack on you as well, Your Majesty. The representatives of the Grand Temple ask for nothing less than Duke Skad’s execution.”

Belice looked to Alexcent. “Duke Skad, you have heard the Grand Temple’s position. Do you have any objections to the facts as they were presented?”

Belice had addressed her brother as calmly as she could, but in her mind, she was screaming for him to deny it. She wanted him to fight for his life.

Alexcent simply replied, “No.”

Belice breath caught in her throat. She blinked to keep the tears from falling again.

Turning in her seat, she addressed the lone noble representative. “As the head of the nobles and the representative of all the noble houses, do you have anything to add, Sir Roden?”

Duke Roden stood slowly and answered. “I have nothing to add, Your Majesty.”

Belice clenched her fists beneath the table where no one could see. She quietly spoke the words that she dreaded to say.

“I agree that killing the High Priest Celios, the Guardian of the Goddess, is an act of treason against the empress and all of the citizens of the Empire. To kill the High Priest is to kill the citizens’ hope and faith and killing the citizens’ hope and faith is to kill the empress.” Belice struggled to not be sick to her stomach as she spoke the words she was forced to say.

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