
Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Alexcent remained unconscious for five days. When he awoke, he was surprised to find himself lying in a comfortable bed. Bandages covered his wounds and a mug of liquid, containing what must be healing herbs, sat steaming on a table next to him.

Amethyst entered the room. “You’re finally awake! I was thinking you might die.”

She sat on the bed and felt his forehead. “Your fever seems to be down. The doctor said as long as you take your medicine, you should heal and recover with no issues. He said that your body was remarkably strong.”

“Where am I?” Alexcent let out a painful moan as he tried to sit up.

“Don’t move. The doctor said you shouldn’t move too much. And you are in our home.”

“Our home?” Alexcent’s heart fluttered slightly. Was he actually dreaming?

“I bought you from Veolense, so now you are going to live with me. I hope that is all right with you?”

“What do you mean you bought me?”

“I’m your guardian now,” Amethyst explained.  “But don’t think that I will treat you like a slave. I’ll respect you and your wishes. I want you to live comfortably here.”

“Why are you doing this for me?” Alexcent’s heart was pounding. If she only knew who it truly was lying in her bed.

“That day I was lost in the woods, if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve frozen to death in the mountains or been killed by those guards. Think of this as my gratitude and repayment for your kindness.”

“It was a coincidence that I found you, so you don’t….”

“What’s your name?” Amethyst quickly changed the subject, seeing that he was about to refuse.

Alexcent stared at her. She hadn’t changed a bit. She always had to have the last word. “It’s 24885,” he answered.

“24885?” Amethyst repeated. “That’s not a name, that’s a number.”

“A slave’s name is only a number.”

“I see. Then I should give you a name,” Amethyst announced, smiling.

“A name?”

“Yes. I can’t call you 24885.”

“I’m fine with it,” Alexcent said. He couldn’t reveal who he truly was. Not yet.

“Well, I’m not fine with it. What was your name before you became a slave?”

Alexcent shook his head.

“Then we’ll have to think of a new one,” Amethyst said, looking him over. “How about Gray?”

“Gray?” Alexcent wasn’t sure about that choice.

“Your eyes are gray. Your hair is gray. I think Gray is fitting. My name is Carol.”

“As you wish, master.” Alexcent needed to play the part of a dutiful slave.

“Don’t call me master?! It’s Carol!”

“But you said you bought me. So, now you’re master to me.”

“No, never! I insist that you call me Carol.”

“As you wish, master.”

Amethyst glared at the man. This whole situation tickled the back of her mind, like some lost memory.


Alexcent’s health recovered quickly, and soon he was on his feet. He woke up early every morning, quietly going downstairs. He would clean the entire café so that it would be ready for business when the doors opened. Everything was spotless by the time Amethyst woke and came downstairs to start the day.

“Did you sleep well?” Alexcent asked.

“I did,” Amethyst answered, yawning and stretching out her body.

“Should I prepare lunch?”

“Sure.” Amethyst sat at a table.

Alexcent went into the kitchen and put together a plate of bread, jam and a green salad with chunks of meat in it. Bringing it out, he set it down on the table in front of her. “Let’s eat together.”

“All right,” Amethyst agreed, as he sat down across from her. They eagerly dived into the food. Amethyst’s daily pattern had changed quite a bit since the man she knew as Gray had come. It started being a very comfortable life. He did all of the cleaning, cooking, dishes, and even the laundry.

“Today’s weather looks like it will be very hot,” Alexcent said, making awkward conversation.

“Really? Then I guess I should prepare plenty of cold drinks.”

“Yes. But don’t worry, I’ll get them ready.” He seemed to want to do everything on his own, and he usually did it well. There was only one problem with this new man in her life.

“Eat it all,” Alexcent said, as Amethyst set down her fork.

“Thank you, I’m good. I’m already full.”

“You only ate the meat again. You need to eat all of the vegetables as well.”

“Nagging again! That’s enough.” Amethyst smiled, though she had been getting a little annoyed about his complaints on her eating habits.

“But you have to eat vegetables to…”

“It’s fine. You can have the rest if you like.” Amethyst quickly returned upstairs to avoid any more nagging.

Alexcent stared at her as she left, with a sly smile on his face. She hadn’t changed a bit.

* * *

Like Alexcent had mentioned, the weather turned very hot. For once, her café was full of customers. Amethyst quickly took the orders of the three packed table, then smiled when Gray took out the food. I wish every day was like today, she thought.

It was strange, but as soon as Gray arrived, the customers had started flowing in. It got to the point of being so busy, she was unable to make deliveries. Gray never smiled at the customers and was all business when he cleaned away the empty dishes. Yet the customers all watched him intently. And Amethyst realized then, the customers have all been women.

As the customers started to thin out, Amethyst decided something. “Gray, we should close a little earlier today,” she told the man.

“All right, will do.” Alexcent locked the door behind the last customer, as they left. “Did we run out of food?” he asked, wondering why they were closing up.

“No, we have somewhere to go today.”

“All right. I’ll get the carriage ready,” Alexcent said.

“Great. I’ll go change and then we can leave.”

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