
Chapter 2 - 1st Quest

'I feel the best way to do my first quest is to do parkour, this seems as though it will be fun. As for my second quest that should just wait until the bullies come around again for their (protection fee) and (endurance practice). Perfect.'

'Wait what is this.....' ​​

[Notification, message from (deceased) father]

'What is this? How? Why?' These where the thoughts going through Yue's mind at the time while a few tears streamed down his face. He never thought he would get to hear from his dad again. He begins hearing his fathers voice and the system puts it in subtitles in real time.

[Yueliang, I am sorry, I should not have taken this from you. I was just worried that you would grow to fast and leave just as my brother once did. I understand that I was being selfish, because if we love someone we should let them go, if they love us they will come back. Anyways, I do not have much time. First, you should know by now that I am dead or at least I will be shortly thus I am making this to explain to you. Second, our family has a deeper history than you realize, we have been blessed with this system, however very few can activate it. Those who do such as you and my brother, have the opportunity to grow infinitely, however this does have a cost of sorts.

I am sure your system will explain as you grow. What you need to know now is, grow, cultivate, meditate, or something, forge your path but do it quick. We also have the down side of dying early if we are not strong enough in this family, and because I did not have the system, the spatial wars are to much for me. When you are drafted after college you will understand a lot more. Normal people can accomplish what the system lets you, however it is slower and more difficult hence why I will be dead shortly. Just remember not to forget yourself, the ones you love, or even to experience life. The last thing I wanted to say is good bye, and I love you my son.]

[End of Message]

'So this is the reason why he took it, to keep me with him. Well I am glad I at least had the time I did with him. Time to head up to the roof.' He thought as he ran up to the roof while jumping up each set of stairs.'

Once he reached the top he opened the door then ran out as the door closed on its own. Then jumped off the roof after speeding across it, doing a front flip then landing on the roof just one story below him. He continued running, then turned left and jumped to the next building... just as his foot landed the roofing material below his foot slipped out from under him. 'OH phew' he thought as he started falling then caught himself on the edge of the roof. He quickly pulled himself up, then doing all kinds of vaulting and flips as he continued. By the time he was about to finish he was on a narrow wall running to the campus gate then stopped.

'Finally finished, just have to do my push ups and sit ups' as he thought this he walked to a secluded area, and pushed them out in less than a minute. Then he started to get up.

"Yueliang, there you are you made your brothers look all over for you. Time to pay up and a little extra for all the work you caused us having to look around for you."

"How do you expect me to keep up these payments, I can barely afford school and food Shu?" He said as he handed over 2,000 yuan.

"Ha ha, so says the best scholarship student in the school."

'What a pain. Right the quest. Maybe I can get back what he has extorted me and stop him from beating me up.' Yue thought to him self as he saw Shu counting the money. He then dashed forward and threw a punch to his stomach with his right hand, then preparing to punch his nose with his left.

Shu blocked both punches then said "Really, in these times of martial arts and space travel, you really think someone who does not practice martial arts can beat me?"

"Brother Shu misunderstands, I saw you looked sickly and wanted to do some acupressure to help you." Yue thought to himself 'I really hope he believes me or this will be difficult and painful.'

"Really Yueliang, well I have not been feeling the best the past few days. You may continue"

"Of course brother Shu." 'Although it is true he is not very bright.' He thought to himself. Yue then headed to the back and punch one kidney after the other before Shu turned around and when to punch him. "You liar!"

"Brother Shu, do you really not feel better? Study your body and I will stay here."

"Brother Yuliang, you are truly skilled, you realigned my twisted organ and caused no damage."

"Anything to help big brother Shu. You put so much effort into protecting us, you deserve it." 'Protect us from our lively hoods I mean. And in a few moments you will lose your fighting capabilities.' Yueliang thought to himself. After a few seconds passed, Shu fell on the ground passed out.

'Now to collect what you extorted.' He thought to himself then said "Thank you for holding onto this for me, remember to bring the rest later. Oh and if you want to fight again, let me know." After saying this he walked back to his dorm and thought to himself I could certainly use the practice. Then he heard ding, ding, and saw two notifications appear before him.

[Yue has completed Starter daily quest.


+1 to all stats

+50 experience]

[Yue has completed starter quest


+5 strength

+5 endurance

+150 experience]

'Yue looked at his rewards stunned, thinking I am already half way to level two, and got such great rewards.' Then he saw a new notification.

[Urgent hidden mission:

Get a girlfriend in 48 hours


Unlocks charm stat

+5 charm

+200 experience

Failure: Loss of 10 total stat points]

Yueliang's jaw nearly dropped from shock and anger. 'What is this? I can get a girlfriend on my own you know, and second 10 stats points would nearly kill me.' He thought to himself then asked "Yang, what is the meaning of this?"

"Well master, high risk high reward. Second, it is motivation to grow. If you do not grow you die, and then I would be sad and alone. Although your family has been blessed with the system, you are the first master to be able to talk to the system let alone the fact you started as a toddler and we have been blood siblings since the beginning."

'Wow, I am happy we both think so highly of each other and get along so well, but really that is a terrifying failure... Come to think of it, this it the first time I have seen rewards, failure, or even a mission. I guess the system really does care, at least Yang did not tell me 2 hours.' He thought to himself as he arrived at his bed in his dorm. 'Well time to check my stats first.'

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Race: Human

Age: 21

Level: 1 {200/400 next level}

Health: 10

Strength: 9->15

Agility: 4->5

Endurance: 6->12

Intelligence: 9->10

Soul: 2->3


Charm: 1->2?

Mana: 1->2?

Chi: 1->2?

Customizable stat points: 0]


None acquired yet]

All of a sudden he felt a soothing sensation flow through his whole body and mind. 'I feel so much stronger, and much more intelligent. Wait so I am guessing once a number hits the 10's it boosts by a lot. Thus increments of 10 will do a lot.'

"Correct master, you are certainly beginning to use your intelligence."

'That feels like both a criticism and compliment. ugh, wait does that mean perception grows with intelligence?'

"Yue, you are both right and wrong. Yes it grows with intelligence, however also requires your souls growth. I recommend unlocking the store so you can grow it easier."

'I really cannot wait to unlock the store and see what else I have been missing in life. It seems the whole world has secrets that no one talks about but learns themselves. Well it has been a long night, I will think about it later, sleep well.'

ZZzz----6 hours later

6:00 am June 9th, 2189. Tsinghua University

'Well that was a great sleep, looking forward to starting the day. Oh right, and I have to get a girlfriend today. The question is should I go for a smart lady, the school beauty, or a rich lady? Well smart means they might figure out the system, which is a secret and would be bad to let out. I think I will find a random person and try my chances. I mean considering all the ladies smile, talk to and wave to me when I enter the classroom, I cannot be too bad looking. Well time to find my first girlfriend.'

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