
Chapter 7 - Snow Again?

'I have practiced for so long, I am going to go to sleep. I can practice more later and, I have to buy the equipment for my other skills. Well good night.' He thought to himself as he drifted off in his bed after closing the window and getting in his bunk.

---- Six Hours Later ---- ​​


'Phew, That was a great nights sleep. It is always better when you sleep after being exhausted.' He thought to himself. Then said "Well time to get up and once again do my daily quest." 'Shoot', he thought to himself as he realized what he just said out loud.

'I guess before then I should check my stats due to the daily quest.' Then said 'Status in his mind.'

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Race: Human

Age: 21

Level: 4 {600/3,200 next level}

Health: 30

Strength: 37->40

Agility: 37->40

Endurance: 37->40

Intelligence: 42->45

Soul: 42->45


Charm: 20->23

Mana: 23->28

Chi: 23

Customizable stat points: 10]

'Add 10 points to charm.' He thought to himself as he continued out of the room to do his daily mission. He quickly ran out of the dorm up to the roof then continued his daily session of parkour.

As he finished his session, he ended up coming across Xue again. As she glance his way, he quickly waved and walked over to say hello, and greet his gorgeous girlfriend. "Hello Miss Xue" he said as he was walking closer.

However as he got closer, she raised her hand and shyly said "Just Xue is fine for you."

"Alright Xue." He said as he continued towards her, then once a breath apart he hugged her gently. After embracing her tight yet gently he slowly moved his head closer to hers, until finally he placed a soft kiss on her thin yet enticing lips. After a few seconds they separated a few inches and then continued to talk. After some flattery being given to each side they began to walk as they spoke.

"What have you been doing as of late, it has been a few days since I saw you" she spoke softly.

"Well, I have been studying a lot for the upcoming tests and the exercising quite a lot to keep myself health. I can already feel much stronger and I am doing much better in my classes." He said with a light chuckle kind of awkwardly.

"Tell me, how exactly can you be doing better in your classes if you are already the best in all your classes?"

"By simply getting perfect scores." He said confidently.

"Well we should study sometime, as I would also like to raise my grades." Xue said kind of quietly.

"So says the other perfect scorer. Either way, I think it is a great idea. We should do that sometime." Yueliang said happily as they walked.

There was a silence between them for a few moments, however not the awkward kind, as they both felt at ease around each other.

Eventually Yueliang then said "So where are we headed? I do not think I have gone this way before." feeling slightly confused.

"You will soon see." She said calmly as they continued forward for a little while.

---- About Ten Minutes Later----

"Ok, seriously, where are you bringing me? I am genuinely curious now." Yueliang said as he continued following her, while looking around at all the tall buildings in the city and flying motorcycles and space ships all over the place.

"Here we are." She said cutely as she brought him inside a massive sky scraper. Then walked towards the desk assistant. Beginning by saying "Bonjour, pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît informer mon père que je suis venu." (Hello, could you please let my father know I have come.)

The assistant quickly greeted the young lady, then called the building owner and notified him of his daughters arrival. After which, continued by saying "Bonjour, oui mademoiselle Xue, je l'ai prévenu, et il a dit de venir tout de suite." (Hello, yes Miss Xue, I notified him, and he said to come on up right away.)

"So it seems you know French as well Xue." Yueliang commented once they were on their way to the elevator.

"Oui, and I presume you do as well since you knew which language?" Xue said straight back.

"Just because it is a dead language does not mean we should forget it. Plus their are many archives in this language as well as being common among the aristocracy." Yueliang quickly replied.

"That is quite true." She said, while continuing to lead him who knows where.

Then all of a sudden, Xue said "We are here...."

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