
Chapter 29 - Emergency Quest?

After everyone had left, Yue thought to himself. 'Now it seems I have to learn higher grade array formations, however for now, it is time for practice and quests.'

Now that everyone had left, Yue proceeded back to his room to check his quests. As he wanted much more practice before his service. As he headed to his room, Dong. He heard ring out in head as a screen popped up in front of him. ​​

[Emergency Quest]

[Save your Sky Orcs]

{Kill incoming threats 0/400 (More if applies)}

{Rewards: To Be Determined}

Just as Yue finished reading this he felt and saw a light spread out around him separating his land from the outside world. Then to see what was going on, Yueliang ran to the entrance to see what was going on outside, and to verify what was going on. Yueliang stood there for a minute and a half to observe the situation.

What he saw was kind of terrifying. There was a lich outside for some reason, however instead of attacking it was summoning one platoon (40) of undead every 30 seconds. This was including skeletons, zombies, and a few other such races. Yueliang then thought to himself. 'Seriously, If I let this lich continue summoning, I am not sure I can take them all out without blowing us up as well. What to do? Well, while I decide, I do have my fireball that I can use to keep their population down.'

As Yue continued to think, he ran up to the second floor then opened the window and leapt up to the roof. Landing gracefully he sat down on the edge and seeing that another platoon had been summoned he started casting a very small fireball. Then just as Yueliang was about to send it flying the lich looked up and seeing the fireball, it had the zombies get in a shield wall formation. Then the skeletons behind them and ready their arrows.

Seeing that the undead were getting into military formations, Yue was quite intrigued, however still let loose the fireball to see their defensive capabilities. The blue fireball quickly flew across the yard until it was about to hit one of the zombies shields, then exploded. After the flames cleared Yue looked forward to seeing what the result was. He looked and saw that not one was injured let alone dead.

Seeing this Yue thought. 'Just what in the world is this? Do they have magic shields? No that would not block all of it, then it must be a ward. I guess there are only a few ways to deal with this, physically, anti magic, or over power the spell.' So Yue did a half power fireball and sent it a little behind the Lich and it's summons.

As the fireball was launched some of the zombies moved to he back and blocked it. However they could only block the fire. The undead standing there just moments ago were sent flying towards the building Yue was sitting on, however the lich just stayed in place motionless as though nothing happened, and just continued summoning more undead.

However as the undead were about to crash into the ground and wall, Yue got ready to jump down. As they all crashed, some injured, others barely fazed, the undead that were launched started getting up. Yue jumped down at this moment, and took advantage of them laying flat on the ground.

Yueliang, drew his sword, and using his Divine Sword Refinement, he started slashing at each of them. However these creatures were much stronger than he thought, and it took multiple hits each just to kill one. Then as soon as it died, it faded away, thus no loot, and Yue thought to himself while still fighting them, and trying to dodge attacks. 'I guess, this lich is not casting true summoning spells, they are more mana duplicates, basically requiring more control, but sacrificing strength, intelligence, and more because of no individuality anymore.'

"Well, this will certainly be easier." Yueliang said to himself aloud, then jumped out of the crowd of enemies. Then running towards the lich, hoping not to be noticed while it was busy summoning more creatures. However Yue noticed he was not so fortunate once he saw an ice spike flying his way. Quickly trying to dodge out of the way, it still grazed his left arm.

Yueliang, was bleeding a bit while still running forward dodging side to side, and even having to duck a few times. There where arrows being fired from behind him, and spells coming from the front. Then an arrow hit him in his left arm, and as he groaned a little from the pain, he finally made it to in front of the lich.

Curiosity befell the lich in this moment, and while it took a step back, it asked. "Why are you trying to kill me?"

Completely dumbfounded Yueliang replied. "Are you messing with me? You are summoning creatures, if not to attack my people and I then what for? Also, there is this barrier."

"Pfft, hahaha" The lich laughed at the reply and said curiously. "I was brought here as well, presuming those in the building were hostile I summoned many replicants of undead as it would be useless to have them die for nothing. So then, why where we brought here?"

"Before that I just wanted to say, you were amazing controlling all those undead copies yourself. Also, I am really curious about that ward."

"Ah, that, it is a fairly advanced yet simple spell, that I modified. Instead of having it to where you damage it enough to break it, the shield will instead take damage until you run out of mana. Pretty cool right." The lich replied enthusiastically, considering liches are not to often welcomed, and it was always great to get insight on magic from others, as they might be able to help you advance.

"It was awesome, also being a lich seems great, and now back to the point. I was just brought here same as you, however I may know a way out..." Yueliang said to the lich kind of excited to meet someone like him.

"Being a lich is certainly quite useful, however it also has downsides. Although most of us look for ways to turn back to human after we spend centuries or millennia, getting better at everything we can, or just get bored. Either way, you said you had an idea, what is it?" The lich asked happily.

"It will take a moment, so let me explain. First off, I have this sort of... personalized magic.... I guess, anyways, it helps me get stronger sort of. It wants me to kill 400 'threats' to my subordinates. Thus I figured, if you leave out these summons and let me kill them, it may let us out. I am sure it sounds crazy." Yueliang said.

"Not crazy sounding to me, however I am curious about that personalized magic. Oh well, we can discuss it later. However, I am curious about something, why are being so friendly with me? Not that I am complaining."

"Well, I figured, you seemed like an interesting person. Either way, I am Yueliang Haizi, pleased to meet you. Let us be friends." Yue stuck out his hand to shake the liches bone hand.

Stunned the lich replied. "Friends... it has been a long time since I have heard that, let alone anyone being kind to me. Either way, I should warn you since we are friends now, do not tell people your full name ever. Although words have power for those who have learned it, names are far more powerful. Anyways, since you are trusting me, I am Yin, no last name." He said trying to place his trust in this young man that is being so kind to him.

"Well, before I get to wiping out these duplicates, I want to ask something." Yueliang asked kind of worried about the response.

"Go ahead and ask, as long as it is not something to difficult I might help." Yin replied.

"Well, since we are friends now, I would like to hang out with you later, even talk about different things like magic. However, without a contract I wonder how or even when we could meet again?" Yue asked kind of sadly.

"No problem, either I could leave a mark on you and might be able to teleport to you later, or we could make a subordination contract. However if you are to far I might not be able to teleport to you." The lich replied kind of sadly as well, then continued. "However who would be the subordinate?"

"Well, please hear me out." Yueliang said, and Yin nodded to go ahead. "If you became my subordinate, there are loads of benefits, although I cannot explain them, I can say this. If you become mine, I will give you the way to turn back to whatever you were before being a lich. Also, I take care of my people 100%. You will have a home, food, and all your necessities. However I cannot become yours. I apologize, it is not that I have anything against you, it is my personalized magic and my goals."

"It is alright, however if you can give me that method, or even the means, then I agree whole heartedly. Plus anyone who can be as friendly as you with a lich, and so trusting clearly is not a bad person. You have a deal." Yin replied.

The two then clasped each others hands, and began forming the contract. After a while, they had down all the details, and once again the contract formed physically again. The memories of Yueliang copied over to Yin, and he instantly understood what was happening, and said. "The fact that you can give contracts form is rare and amazing. However what I wanted to say is. Thank you, I will gladly serve you. I hope we can continue being friends, as well as learn and grow together." Yin said having learned of Yue's personality and knew he would be a great man to serve.

"Of course we will, however if we want to get out of here, I should probably finish taking out all these duplicates." Yueliang replied.

"No need." Yin said, then continued while beginning to cast a spell. "Now that I am your subordinate, what I do falls in line with you. In other words, if I kill them, essentially you did it, and you gain all the experience since I do not need it, seeing as I cannot use it." Then Yin cast a spell the caused the surroundings to be extremely bright and warm feeling.

The skeletons and zombies dropped and died practically instantaneously. Then Yue asked. "What was that spell, and are you all right?" Yue noticing the lich leaning over a little in pain.

"It was just a holy light spell for wiping out the undead. Considering my current physique, this small amount can only wear me out a little. Like a humans tiredness after a light run." Yin replied, while Yueliang came over and helped him walk inside to rest. As they were walking, Yueliang heard a ding, and they were teleported back.

Yin then asked jokingly, and kind of seriously. "So where do we go from here?"

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