
Chapter 54 - Surprise, Surprise....

    He continues to climb, hearing the birds chirping, the animals \'playing\' in the forest, and even a nearby waterfall. It all sounds so wonderful while he climbs his way up the side. *Slip "Phew, close one." He says aloud as he reach up to continue climbing this tall mage like tower. As he climbs higher he begins to wonder. \'What would life have been like had I not gained the system? Clearly I would be dead, due to the earths destruction. However aside from that, probably 0 dates, focused on school, and not have the friends I have now. Oh well, I am almost at the top now.\' 

    Reaching for his last hold before he can pull himself inside, he makes it, and then sees something surprising, and almost loses his grip on the ledge. "..." 


    Moving to the side so he will not be seen, Yue thinks. \'I am confused Yang, the mission said I am rescuing a prince right? Two problems, one that prince is a princess, and two she seems happy talking with that man in there. Do I still proceed?\'

    "Well, the mission was to rescue the prince, but, if you want the reward just follow the quest\'s objective, otherwise you will pay the penalty for failing, which by the way is your life. She may not be a prince but maybe they were hiding that for some reason. Either way, your objective is to return that person, regardless of gender or happiness." Yang replied.

    \'Got it.\' Yue thought to himself, then climbed into the window as quietly as possible. 

    "Huh! Who are you?" The man talking with the princess asked in a demanding tone. Just from his tone of voice, one could tell he was furious, that Yue was barging in.

      Standing up straight, after having gotten caught, Yue said. "Hello, my name is Yue, pleased to meet you." Trying to play it off cool, as though he did nothing wrong.

      "Yue are handsome and cute. Hehehe" The princess giggled cutely, while clearly under the influence of something.

      \'Well I guess that is why they got along so well for now.\' Yue thought.

      "Well, what are you doing here?" The man became increasingly annoyed as he heard what the princess said, and the fact that Yue has not left yet, placing his hand on the sword sheathed on his hip.

      "Ah, of course, how could I forget. Do you want to by some cookies?" Yue asks casually.

      The mans jaw dropped upon hearing this, forgetting his anger, and asking. "I am sorry, what? You are telling me you climbed up this tower in the middle of a forest, to sell cookies? Well, I am hungry." He mumbles the last part.

      "Is there something wrong with that?" Yue asks while walking closer.

      "Well, then where is your supply?" The man asks trying to be certain he is not being taken for a fool.

      "Why would I carry them on me? I mean there are bandits in these woods after all. Actually, come to think of it I had to kill a group of them just a little bit ago, they were very slow and weak. Oh well, not like it matters now. They chose their fate." Yueliang subtly warned the man.

      With a dumbfounded look on his face, the man runs to the window that Yueliang just climbed through. What he saw was a massive pool of blood, as well as bodies, and limbs lying everywhere on the ground. He quickly draws his sword half way, and then sees something sticking out of his chest that he did not remember being there. After a few seconds, then man realizes it is a sword, then drops to his knees, before he finishes bleeding out, after Yue pulls his sword out.

      "Well at least that went quicker and easier than I thought." Yue mumbles to himself, while walking to the lady, and says. "Milady, you must change before we leave. You will be home soon, where you can see your family. Do you understand?" 

        "Fluffy white hair, pretty." The princess replies, and then passes out from the drugs.

        \'What kind of drugs did they use on you? Seriously, hopefully you do not have brain damage.\' He thought to himself, then continued to look around until he found her clothes, and says. "Forgive me milady, however I must change you back. I promise to be quick." Then proceeds to undress her from behind so that he does not see anything. After that, he swiftly puts on her underdress, then her dress on her.

      \'Phew, at least that is done.\' Yue thought to himself, as he picks up the princess (dressed as a prince) in the princess carry. He then walks to the window of the round room, that he came in through, steps up, then jumps, and free falls down. 

      Through all of this the princess has stayed silently and peacefully asleep making Yueliangs\' job much easier. He thought to himself as he landed. \'Yang, where do I need to go to complete the mission? Also, wow it is fun free falling.\'

      "Well, turn 180 degrees around, then run that way for about 1 hour at full speed, and you should be at the capital of this kingdom." Yang replied.

      Yue did as instructed and turned around, then ran towards this kingdoms capital. Having to run over hills and mountains, even around a small lake.

---- About 1 Hour Later ----

      \'There is the castle wall, I am almost there. Just a short while more.\' He thought joyfully, as he was arriving at the gates. 

      "Halt, you must pay the city visitor\'s tax, by order of the King." One of the guards standing in front of the gate stated to Yueliang.

      "How much is this cities visitor\'s tax?" Yueliang asked debating whether or not it was a scam, however did not want to start any trouble right now.

      "1 Gold coin." The guard smirked as he replied.

      "Whatever, just take it, and let me be on my way. I have business with the king of these lands."

      "Do you already have an appointment? You will need an appointment to see the king." The guard asked with caution as he did not want to offend a noble, nor did he want to let in a potential threat.

      "Just take me to your king, he will reward you, I am sure." Yueliang said as he readjusted the bag on his back.

      The guard did as he said, telling another guard to take his place. Feeling extremely worried and cautious the man still chooses to guide Yue to the king. After a few minutes of walking through some \'dirty\' places they finally arrived at the kings castle, and the guard says. "I hope you know what you are doing, or it will be both our heads on the chopping block. Also, your bag might not be allowed to be taken in."

      "It will be fine, do not worry. In the mean time we should start making our way into the castle." Yue replied calmly, having a look of interest.

      \'What could possibly give this man so much confidence before the king in his own territory?\' The guard wondered as they walk into the castle.

        Soon after they arrived in front of the throne room, and the guard told them about an urgent message for the king. Worried about causing trouble for the king, the two were let in and they slowly walked down the red carpet, truly seeing the definition of royalty while walking through the hall. The guard knelt before the king, urging Yueliang to do so as well.

        However he only did a slight bow, and said. "Sir King, I have completed your quest, and have come to return your *ahem* prince." Yue gently set down the military like bag on his back, and lifted \'him\' out carefully, and held him before the king.


        The king smiles upon seeing his child returned, and asks. "It seems you have done as requested, and faster than I had anticipated. What is such a skilled person such as yourself doing as an adventurer?" The king while asking, waved his hand at one of the guards to bring his \'son\' to his maid to bring to his room. The guard swiftly did as instructed while the two continued to speak.

      "Sir King, I am not an adventurer, however I do the quests because I receive them from time to time. Either way, I have built my own town, if you would care to visit, I am sure you will be impressed. We have goods that you will find no where else in the world." Yue spake, while advertising himself. 

      Intrigued by this young man in many ways, not just his skill, but his courage, natural nobility, and everything. This young man seemed to be extremely interesting, thus the king began to say. "Tell me of this town and where it is. Should you speak true, I should enjoy speaking to you more, maybe even working with you." 

      "Of course, please bring a map, and I shall mark it for you. Should you arrive soon you will benefit more, as we will be having an auction in a weeks time." Yue spoke while thinking. \'Yang please provide me the location so I can mark it for this man.\'

      "No problem master, that will be 1, 000 shop credits. As I will have to do a quick scan then give you the information."

      \'I understand, please hurry.\'

      A few seconds later a map of the world appeared in his mind, then the locations of each continent, country, capitial, city, and town was marked in his mind, even including some ports, mines, and other places like mage towers.

      A few moments after this happened a map was brought before Yue, and he began marking not just the town but the quickest and safest route he knew of, then began speaking. "I have marked my town, as well as the safest path I know of, not that you would need to worry with such able troops. In the mean time, here is a list of items up for auction. You need not worry sir king, as you will be taught to use anything you end up buying if you do not already know."

      The same guard who was holding the map while Yueliang was marking it, brought the auction list as well as the map to the king.

      The king quickly responds saying. "You do realize the place you marked is a goblin camp, and is on the border of four kingdoms; King Uthers\' kingdom, two others, and mine own right?"

      "It seems Sir King underestimates me. If you do not believe me you need not come, however I have wiped them out, and built a thriving town in its place. Trust me when I say, this place is pretty much a paradise. As well as without crime, for if anyone does try anything there are powerful enchantments in place. Also, King Uther not only acknowledges me, but has hired me to train some of his men, and provide certain items. My question is, do you want to lose out to your neighbor?"

      "Obviously not, however how could you have such goods, and skills as you say you do?" The king asked in obvious curiosity.

      "Sir King, of course, what I provide is made with other worldly knowledge. I travel worlds exploring the vast universes to learn what I can." Yue said in all honesty, while trying to sound more like a scholar and not a braggart.

        "AN OTHER WORLDER?! Show me." The king immediately stood from his throne, as other worlders were exceedingly rare.

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