
Chapter 56 - A Swift Loss

    'Well, this should be interesting. It seems I should start summoning the sky orcs. Hmm, about two thousand should do the trick I hope. Well, if anything it should be much faster.' Yue thought to himself and snapped, summoning 1, 999 random ones, and then Orslaine as well. Having summoned them, he gave them orders through [mental transmission], a new ability he got from cultivating, although it took a few practice tries to learn.

    The specific orders given were. "Everyone, before we begin, make a straight line, two people thick in case one gets struck down. If they have armor, let them pass through our line. If they use magic or have a tattoo on their right cheek then kill them. Those in the second row use bows, those in the first use swords. Most importantly every step forward we take together no getting ahead or behind the others, understood?"


    'Understood' They all thought as they nodded.

    Yueliang's members walk across the battlefield in a straight line, letting only the allies pass through their line. Strutting across these plains as though they own the place, hacking and slashing the enemy down as if they were just practicing their swings in the air. Not giving any of them a moments rest, and to make sure that none of his people have a lot higher chances of survival, he cast [mass body enhancement] on his men. Of course this would only last about 2 - 3 hours, however hopefully that will be long enough.

    Due to the enhancement, they all move, attack, and defend faster, as well as more efficiently. Of course, as they strutted through the battlefield, many from both sides, were wondering what was going on, thinking. 'Who are these strange people, that are acting as though their enemy does not exist. Just their manner of walking, or their gait, is flashy enough, not to mention their swordsmanship, and tactics.' Some even tried running, however they did not get far, because either their allies or the enemy would kill them before they could get far.

    If one was to watch this war, they would probably either be terrified or laugh, because of the interesting lay out. Where one saw this line of enemies, they saw on one side people fighting, they saw on the other an ocean of corpses and blood. They lay either decapitated, or eviscerated (disemboweled). This sight even made it difficult for the mages to focus on casting, although this was a world that focused on magic, it was clear that the mages on the enemies side were not trained well at all.

    The battle upon Yueliangs' arrival, only took about 30 minutes to an hour to finish, as all Yueliangs' people had to do was walk across the plains, rather than chase their enemies. Soon after they have finished crossing the plains, and wiping out the enemy, they began looting the corpses on the battlefield. 

    A few moments later a powerful muscular yet skinny man, with no armor, and nothing really drawing attention to him except his crown, came walking up to Yueliang, as he watched over his men. 

    Having noticed this out of the corner of his eye, Yue says. "Hello, what can I do for you Sir King?"

    Surprised and kind of stunned the king stops in his tracks and replies. "Thank you for your help. It seems you are the adventurer who took the request from one of the adventure guilds."

    "Nope, well to the adventurer part anyway, as I am not one. Either way, yes I took the quest. *Yue Whistles*" All this said, still not looking at the king, however upon whistling, one of Yues' men comes over and hands him a bag, then returns to looting.

      The king still confused by his actions asks. "Just curious, who are you anyway? As a king I try to know of all forces major or minor, yet I do not recall such a force, or even a tactician as yourself."

    "Right, of course, where are my manners, I am Yueliang, pleased to meet you Sir King. These are a small portion of my men, we have recently taken residence where the goblin town used to be between the four countries." Yue said as he began walking to the king then said. "Here, this is for you, a large bag of gold coins to help you rebuild your razed or damaged lands."

    Seeing this the king was shocked, as what victor gives away their spoils, however still received it from Yueliang. "Why would you give this to me? I mean, you were the main contributor in this war, not that it would not be helpful, and more than enough."

    "Personally I feel that if you do not treat your subordinates well, they will rise up against you. However that is not to say, there will not be those who do it anyway, but you simply make an example out of them. My motto in reigning is: If you treat me well, so shall I you. Either way, hopefully we can be friends."

      "I see, by the way, you said you took up residence in that goblin town? As far as I know it was recently destroyed was that you as well?" The king asked worriedly, as it was clearly someone extremely strong who did it.

      "Of course it was. By the way, soon you should be receiving an auction list from one of your neighboring kingdoms. You will want to come, as we have items and etc that you will find no where else on this barren planet."

      "You make it sound as if you are not from here?"

      "Correct, my people and I are otherworlders setting up a residence here. Also, before you ask me to prove it, talk to one of the other kings, I am a busy person." Yue said and then remembered and says while turning the world black again, and his eyes turning golden once more. "Oh and one more thing, a small warning for you, if war comes within 200 kilometers of my town, you shall face my wrath. Understood?"

        "Mmhmm, yess." The king nodded and said fearing what sort of existence Yueliang was. 

      "Wonderful, then I look forward to seeing you at the auction. I am sure we will be great friends." Yue said while his eyes turned back to their beautiful blue color, and color returned to the world. Then continued. "Well I must be going now, as there is much to do."

        Then king just stared blankly and says. "Goodbye."

      [ You will be teleported momentarily. ]

      Yueliang nods in response and thinks. 'By the way, Yang what was his name again?'

      [ 10 ]

      [ 9 ]

      "King Dain is his name, he is known for his country being against weapons and armor. They prefer to use their bodies, however considering ever 20 or 30 years a large group of them leave this planet, and that cycle came recently, that is why they were weaker this time around." Yang replied.

      [ 8 ]

      [ 7 ]

      'Interesting, however that does not explain why they had no magic, and who attacked them.'

      [ .. ]

      "Those where just a group of raiders. Many places have such problems, and as for magic, they choose not to learn it as they worry if one day they cannot use it, at least they can rely on their bodies."

      'Nice philosophy I guess. Well back to town we go.'

      [ Now Teleporting ]

    "Well, it is nice to be back." Yue says aloud as he snaps his fingers and everyone of the 2, 000 are then summoned back to the town. Yue then announces aloud. "Thank you everyone for your hard work, please bring all of the loot to the bank and store houses, and your credits shall be added accordingly. I am so happy that not one of you were lost, or injured more than a scratch." 

    One of the sky orcs steps forwards and announces in reply. "It was all do to you allowing us to learn new skills and everything else as we like. It was also due to your spells. Without you we would still be back on our old planet fending off other tribes and hordes. This was fun, but also the least we can do for our beloved leader and friend."

    Upon this orc finishing what he had to say, the others all cheered in agreement, and everyone could see that Yue was touched at hearing their words. Yue then says in response to them. "Thank you again, please have a wonderful day, and get some rest. I will see you soon everyone." After finishing what he had to say, Yueliang walked towards his house, while the others each went their own ways.

    Then Yueliang started thinking. 'That was faster than I thought, and it was nice spending time with Orslaine and the others again. It has been a while. By the way, I wonder how that rabbit I caught before is doing? ... THE BUNNY!!!' Yueliang immediately turned around and rushed to the pens.

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