
Chapter 64 - My Brother?

    "If that is the case how do you know so much?" Yue wondered?

    "Well, we do learn before we are given our bodies you know. Anyways, as part of the system, I also inherited its knowledge. However that does not mean I can use as I please, or I would have made a body to be with my twin. Regardless, I am just happy to be with you once more." Yang said to his brother.


    "To think that I thought my twin was dead, and it seems this explains why the longing disappeared after you arrived inside me." Yue mumbled to himself, piecing everything together.

    "Well, either way, I did not tell you because it seemed as though it would be better if you found out yourself rather than a system that you just met." Yang added.

    "Anyways, just curious when do you think they will be done saving me? Come to think of it, you did not tell me how they are doing so." Yue pointed out.

    "Right, I used some of your remaining years to talk to them, then sent them on a few of your quests, considering that while they are under you, you will benefit from it. Regardless, they should be done shortly considering their skill level and strength. They only went in about an hour ago so I guess we will see shortly, plus I only sent the animals, not the sky orcs, nor the goblins. The reason being I did not want to waste too much of your remaining life." Yang explains while Yueliang lies down on the nonexistent floor, just floating there.

    "So what sort of quests did you give them?" Yue sighed in relaxation, putting one leg over the other while lying down, and his hands behind his head as a pillow.

    "Well for the snow leopard Xue Meiren, she is clearing out a cave of people, while the two potential divine tigers are currently joining a war between a large tribe, and some invaders. Of course they are killing the invaders." Yang continues.

      "I see, seems perfect for them. Well the cave so that Xue Meiren may get rid of her bad past memories, and the war for the tigers to practice, get stronger, and have stories for their baby. Which by the way I cannot wait to see the little one." Yue exclaimed while imagining the cubs' cuteness after it's born. 

      "I was hoping so." Yang said feeling pleased at the compliment of his intelligence.

      "So what should we do while we wait?" Yueliang asked since there was not much to do other than sleep, however he did not feel tired.

      "Well, we could play a board game if you want." Yang sighed as he too felt a little off waiting to see whether his brother and himself would pass on or not.

    "How exactly would we do that? There is nothing here." He said pointing out the obvious matter of factly.

      "True, however you just have to use your soul to guide the chi into producing what you want." 

      "I see." Yue mumbled as he spent the next roughly half minute forming a board and many pieces for a go set. After which he started playing and had yang tell him where to place his pieces, so as to let them play together sort of.

---- 1 Hour Later ----

      Seeing the room disappear around him, Yueliang says. "Does this mean they succeeded or that I am finished?" 

      "First off you would not be finished because of that, you still have choices, not that I recommend that. Regardless, it seems they have saved you, so good luck br.. master."

    "Why not just call me brother? I mean we are twins after all right?"

    "Yes, however..." 

    Yueliang cuts him off and says. "No if, ands, or buts, we are family, so we should act as such. Do you understand?"

    "Alright, I get it." Yang replied as though he felt it was useless to debate this any longer not that there was a need too.

    As Yang replied, Yue woke up feeling hazy, and the memories were kind of vague, however he tried focusing so that he would not forget what just happened. Spending a few minutes like this, he eventually remembered everything that happened, and felt he would not lose the memories, thus he opened his eyes. Looking to his left he saw the three animals sitting around him and says weak and slowly while still lying down. "Thank you so much, you have all worked hard." Yue smiled as he spoke.

      Hearing his praise and gratitude they all felt like their hard work was worth it. Finally Huoli points out the elephant in the room, asking what is on everyones' mind. "Now that you are awake, are you feeling better? Or are you still dying?"

      "I am doing much better thank you for asking. Also, no I am no longer losing my life, however at the same time, I feel it may take a few days for my body to adjust more to my new situation. Either way, thank you for being patient, and so loyal. You have saved my life and I will not forget this." Yueliang replied sincerely, yet still weakly.

      "If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. We will gladly help." Shen Hu sighed in sadness at the sight of such a prodigious young man in such a situation.

      Huoli continues from where Shen Hu left off saying. "We will take turns taking care of you. Shen Hu and I one day, and Xue Meiren the next. For now we should get clean, may we use your amenities?" She asked while wanting to get clean.

      Yueliang having had is eyes shut during most of their conversation, opened them again upon hearing her words and finally noticed how much blood, organs, and other remains were all over the three white creatures, saying. "Of course, please make yourself comfortable, and use what you need as you see fit, I will be going to sleep for now."

    "Good Night." Shen Hu replied.

    "Sleep well, young master." Huoli said softly.

    "May you have wonderful dreams, and awaken pristine." Xue Meiren said in her soothing and adorable voice.

    As Yueliang slept, the two tigers went to the wash room first, while the snow leopard watched over him in a relaxed laying down position. The two tigers washed up quickly and played a little in the bath while in their tiger forms. Water splashed all over, however they felt happy and relaxed after having their fun, then returned shortly, that the snow leopard may have her turn.

    The snow leopard just tried to calm herself and relax while washing herself. In the mean time the tigers started talking to each other while laying down watching over Yueliang.

    Huoli says in excitement. "That quest was quite fun right. Ooh, Honey the cub just kicked a little." She said lovingly. 

    Shen Hu moved his right paw towards her stomach an felt the little cub moving around, saying. "I cannot wait for our little cub to grow up big and strong. It will be fun teaching and playing while they grow up."

    "They? Are you looking forward to twins or something?" She asked half worried, and half excited.

    "Of course, more babies means more grandchildren, right?" He states as if it was obvious.

    "That is true." She said in a loving and nurturing voice once realizing she would get to see more grandchildren.

      The two continue talking and laughing for a while, even after Xue Meiren returned among them, and saying. "Unless you two are feeling tired, I will go take my rest first, alright?"

      "No problem" Shen Hu replied swiftly before getting back to speaking with his love, and mate. 

      Hearing this she went down to one of the spare rooms, and went to sleep underneath the bed on the ground. They changed every 12 hours until 4 days had passed, although all during that time Yueliang never awoke from his slumber. On the 4th day however, as sun rise he opened his eyes feeling slightly more energetic, as if his life was coming back to him, and looking to his right he thought to himself. 'These tigers are just too adorable, I am sure their baby will be as well. However what if they have multiple? Then I would have more to name right? Oh well, I wonder what my stats are at now. Status.'

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Title: Dark Horse

Class: ????

Race: Draconic Human

Age: 21

Life Expectancy: 7, 990 -> 108, 000 More years

Level:    23 -> 26 { 6,800 / 12,800 next level }

Health: 48, 000/ 48, 000

Strength:  170

Agility: 180

Endurance: 190

Intelligence: 195

Soul: 30,200


Luck:  140

Charm:  128

Mana: 135

Chi: 30, 130 

Aura: 145

Customizable stat points: 50 -> 65 ]

[ Shop Coins: 3,606,412 ]

    'Well it is nice that I leveled up, and that I even got more health than before. However it seems I really have to worry about how I use my years from now on. This is really dangerous, I know I was warned by Yang before, but wow. Oh well, at least I learned something new. Anyways, at least the snow leopards home is made, and next to the tigers. After I finally get better, I still have to hold the auction, and do a few other things. Which reminds me, how is the progress on the space ship?' Yue thought to himself as he watched the cute tigers purring in their sleep, and being tempted to pet their soft fur.

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