
Chapter 71 - Trade Or No?

    The two continue talking for a while, before Shen Hu finally says. "We should land here, we can run the next 30 minutes, if you do not want to tick them off that is." 

    "Got it, I am landing now. I just hope this turns out well." Yueliang says while lowering the joystick with his right thumb to lower the altitude into the woods again.


    "I have been curious about this for a little while now, but have not asked. Why is it that you wanted to come here anyway?" Shen Hu asks while hopping off of the flying motorcycle, as Yueliang steps off as well and swings it through the air into his inventory.

    "Well as interested as I am in their lifestyle and everything, I have come for a few reasons, one of the main ones being if we could create a trade route that would be great. Since I intend on leaving the Sky Orcs here, or at least the majority of them, I need to make sure they can at least have a some aspects of their life set up. As I am sure you know, most of them do not enjoy fighting unless necessary." Yue explains.

    "It is amazing how much effort you are putting into making that town so free of hardships. Even if someone came to fight, with the current set up, it seems all except for major powers would end up killing them selves with such thoughts and actions. However even if you decide to trade with them, you must have come up with something that you would offer them, right?" Shen Hu asks out of pure curiousity.

      "Honestly, until I see their living environment, or at least meet them, how could I possibly know what to offer? ... Without making a fool of myself in the process that is." Yue replies.


      "Why are you sighing?"

      "Well, I figured you normally think things out, however how will you explain to these people why we are here?" Shen Hu questions while the two are walking.

      "Oh no, it looks like I am lost. Could you please tell me which way to go? I am cold and hungry, I feel so weak. *Bhrr. You are truly our saviors." Yueliang said aloud as if it was true, and Shen Hus' jaw dropped to the floor.

      Shen Hu then says. "Are you an scam artist or something? You are clearly way to good at this."

      "Nope, I just stated the truth. I have no idea where I am geographically as I was following you most of the time. I am a little cold from the humidity now that the sun is going down. Having not had food since this morning as well as the quick fight with spiders has made my hunger grow. And then last but not least, I still feel slightly weak after the whole ordeal earlier although I am fully healed." Yueliang explained his honesty.

    "Your logic is astonishing, and truly breath taking. Regardless, I guess we have our ticket in, the only question now is to explain why you have a tiger following you, yet cannot obtain food. Care to try and answer that?" Shen Hu felt he needed to hear this, and see what bizarre logic Yueliang could come up with this time.

      "Sure, that should be pretty easy. Let us see here .... You are right, it is more difficult than I thought. Plus you cannot turn fully human yet, so that will not help either. Ah ha. As I was wandering this vast forest, I came across a cave looking for shelter, and when I woke up this tiger was watching me. She even helped protect and keep me warm at night. Since that time a few days ago, she has been following me." Yueliang spoke as truthfully as he could.

      "So how exactly can you explain that as truthful, especially the fact that you just called me a female? Seriously, I do have my dignity as a male you know." Shen Hu responds as they notice the trees getting less dense gradually.

    "Well I did find a cave, that had Xue Meiren in it, she did help protect me and keep me warm. She has followed me, and finally I did wake up seeing you when I was sick you know. Anyways, if I said I knew you were a male, how would I explain the nurturing care?" Yueliang asks.

    "Fine, however I am pretty sure that is still lying. Especially with Xue Meiren being a snow leopard not a tiger. Regardless, some humans are approaching us, I hope you are ready." Shen Hu warns Yueliang.

    "Got it." Yueliang replies as he lays on Shen Hus' back face down, and makes a dazed face and looks as though he is completely out of it. Yueliang also uses his chi to make himself look more pale and sickly. 

---- A Few Moments later ----

      Some very thin yet muscularly toned people walk forward, each with either short hair or it tied behind their head in a bun or pony tail. As they saw the tiger their eyes focus as if getting ready for any sudden movements in case of a fight. Then one among them says. "Look, there is a man or teenager on its back. I guess that is the human we were coming for?"

      Another speaks up and holds up their hand as if to tell the tiger to stop moving. "State your purpose." He said to the human on the tigers back.

      The tiger just shakes his head and lays down before them. Then as if trying to convey a message to them he looks at the baggage he has been carrying. The mysterious people come forward slowly in case of attack.

      "Uhn, so hungry ... so ... weak." Yueliang says in his weakest raspiest voice he could force out then turns his head towards the mysterious people before himself and the tiger looking at them as though he can see through them he pretends to pass out.

      "What should we do? Clearly we cannot take an unknown into our home village. Hmm, do any of you have any food?" The one in the lead of them all asks.

      "Here you go." The one who spoke up first says after digging in his side bag a little, pulling out a small brick like object, and tosses it to the leader.

      "This is some nice smoked meat, oh well, food not eaten is food wasted." The leader says as he approaches the almost lifeless body on the tigers back. He then kneels with one knee in front of the body with a dagger in one hand, and the block of smoke dried meat in the other. Then continues by saying. "Eat up, if you have the strength to lift your head, you have the strength to move your arms." 


      After a few seconds with no reply, the leader slaps Yueliang with the meat to wake him up. Seeing this the tiger chuckles. Seeing this the others begin to wonder to themselves 'why is such an intelligent beast helping a weak person rather than just getting rid of him?'


      A few moments after thinking that thought the leader jumps back, and says to the others. "Draw your weapons." After saying which he joins the other in a line formation. The two on either side having crescent spears, the next two inward having metal bow staffs, then two swordsmen, and finally the leader with dual daggers. The five looked intimidating, and clearly had experience.

    Seeing this, the tiger got back to his feet laughing and saying. "Get up, they know you are faking." 

    Pushing himself upward to his feet, Yueliang says to himself out loud. "Ah, too bad. I wonder if it was my bad acting or what gave it away. Ah right, probably your laughter showing your intelligence. Oh well too late now. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Yueliang." Yue said as he bows slightly to the leader of the group of seven warriors.

    "State your purpose." The leader said still taking this potential threat very seriously.

      "Hmm, well I was hoping we could be more friendly." Yueliang said, and the warriors focused their gaze even more hearing these words. Then Yueliang continues." I came here to explore, to eat, and have fun. Have I come to the wrong place? Also my tiger and I wanted some exercise."

      Having dumbfounded every single person there, including his tiger, Yueliang decided to continue. "Well anyways, aside from those, there is another matter I would like to take care of." Hearing this the mysterious group all had one thought. 'Can you make up your mind, are you friend or foe. Every other sentence is depicting the opposite of the prior.'

      "I was hoping to create a trade route between our two towns. However if that is not possible ..." Yueliang said purposefully leaving out the rest for suspense, as if he shows weakness it could lead to the failure of his goal here.

      The leader then spoke up. "Clearly this is something above us, so put out your hands and we will take you with us to speak with our Patriarch." 

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