
Chapter 85 - Dueling

    "It is not a problem." The two reply simultaneously before one continues. "It is our fault for not stopping in time, my king." 

    "It is all good, things happen." Yueliang said trying to end the back and forth before continuing. "Well, please continue your fight. I will be heading off of the stage now." 


    Yue then proceeded off of the stage, while the two competitors move to either side of the stage to prepare to continue their fight again. As they reach their respective sides, the judge slices his hand downward in the air saying. "Begin."

    Hearing this the two immediately dash at each other. Ones sword made of ice mana, and the other of lightning mana. Clashing together, nearly face to face, everyone could hear crackling throughout the restaurant from the collision of the two elements. 

    Jumping back in retreat, and leaping forward to attack, the two continued their fight for what felt like a long time. However in actuality only about ten minutes passed. Eventually the one who tended to retreat more often throughout the fight, having analyzed his opponent to a degree, disappears, reappearing behind his opponent. As if in anticipation of it, his opponent swing his lightning sword behind his back to block without even looking.

    The ice sword user, follows the flow of his sword being hit away, and using the hilt of his sword, strikes his opponent in the back just enough to let him know, as he did not want to paralyze his friend.

    The judge seeing this, said. "The match is over, you win this single strike match."

    The ice magic swordsman and lightning swordsman opponents bow to each other before the lightning sword wielder says while they are walking off of the stage. "Wow, you did great. I thought I had you a few times, but in the end, you showed some great footwork, and skill. I mean to use the hilt in such a way, that was positively genius."

    The ice sword wielder replies. "Thank you, it was difficult. However I feel that you let me win that time." 

    The two then laughed together, as best friends as they left the stage to go eat.

    A few seconds later, noticing the stage is empty, Yueliang and Shen Hu make their way up onto the stage to duel each other. While walking onto the stage, Shen Hu says barely audibly. "It is finally my turn to have some fun. It has been a while since I got to let loose and play."

    The two new competitors make their way to their respective sides, with the judge on another side. A few seconds after, the judge says. "Begin."

    Hearing the judge say 'Begin.' the two immediately use only the type of chi that is classified as mana. Yueliang quickly forms a Jian Tang sword once again this time of a spatial element. Meanwhile Shen Hu then forms a twin dao tai chi once more, however using lightning. The two immediately charge at each other with their swords readied in their respective postures.

    The two take one step and are before each other. Yueliang seeing, one sword coming from either side of him, swiftly angles his sword, thus blocking one with his blade, and the other with the hilt of his sword. 

    Having had his swords get blocked, Shen Hu quickly urges the lightning mana in his sword to fly towards Yueliang for an attack.

    Feeling the mana from his swords change, Yueliang asks the spatial mana in his sword to absorb and and release the lightning elsewhere. In the next moment, as the lightning releases from the swords in Shen Hus' hands, the spatial mana from Yueliangs' pulls the lightning into it. A split second later, one could hear a lightning strike against one of the pillars, and at the same time, see Shen Hu flying out of the arena due to one of his own strikes coming back at him.

      Not able to notice the lightning coming his way, let alone dodge, Shen Hu was forced to take it against his chest. However due to his cultivation, it did not injure him, just physically pushing his body into a pillar behind him, a few meters in the air that is.

      A few moments later, after getting over the initial shock, the judge says. "It is Yueliangs' win."

      Hearing this the spectators went crazy with comments such as. "Wow, that was so fast, but totally worth it." Another saying. "Did you see the way he redirected the lightning. Let alone the fact that he won in just one strike. Truly our king is amazing." Many such comments could be heard throughout the room.

      Meanwhile, Shen Hu, was trying to get to his feet, still feeling the flow of electricity in his body, and trying to bring it under his control. A few seconds later, still unable to do so, he releases it out of his finger towards the same pillar that was struck before.

    Seeing this, Blake came forward and says loud enough for all to hear. "Are you two insane? You nearly set my establishment on fire, not just once but twice."

    "Sorry, that was my bad." Yueliang answers before trying to change the topic. "Is there anything else you need." 

    Seeing him trying to change the topic Blake says while feeling amazed. "I know what you are trying to do. *Sigh. If only you .... You know what, never mind. We are closing for tonight, as I have to fix a few problems with the building. You all may come back tomorrow morning if you wish."

    Hearing this everyone started leaving, some even grumbling on the way out. It took about half an hour for everyone to leave. Yueliang and Shen Hu even waiting by the door for the other three of their companions.

    While waiting Yueliang ponders in his mind. 'It seems these people really enjoy arena fights. I thought they just loved their research and families. Maybe making some arenas would do well, especially for visitors, and others to spend their money. Either way, I am certain the sky orcs do not like fighting because of their bloodline or they would have been vastly different when I first met them. Maybe they prefer viewing to taking part in?'

    "Brother, a couple of things. The first, if you are so curious why not just ask them? The second being your group is leaving, you should probably pay more attention. You know at your cultivation if you wanted to you could use divine sense to see things that others cannot? However it would still be pretty small at your realm, but it is an option."

    'Thank you, it seems I nearly got left behind. Such is life sometimes it seems.' Yueliang thought to himself as he catches up with his companions a few moments later.

    "Ah, we thought you were ignoring us or something, since you were not answering, and seemed distracted. Since I figured you wanted to be alone, and with us being tired, we were going to sleep until you wanted to talk again." Huoli says upon seeing Yueliang catch up.

    "You do realize you could have used soul communication right?" Yueliang asks in reply.

    "Ah, that is true." Huoli replies, before turning back into a tiger, and saying. "Human feet are tiring, no wonder you ride horses among many other things." 

    Shen Hu nods, and does the same, although not as tired of such a form as his mate.

    Xue Meiren comments. "You should be happy just to have such a capability. I have to stay like this until either Yueliang or I become strong enough to allow other wise." 

    "I guess you are right." Huoli says upon remembering that Meiren cannot transform yet.

    "What are the tigers and snow leopard talking so enthusiastically about?" Qing asks.

    "Haha, Sorry, I forgot that you cannot understand them. They are just talking about the benefits and down falls of being a human." Yueliang replies.

    "Hmm, I see." 

    "By the way, when are you planning to head back? I mean you may stay as long as you like, however I was just wondering if we should look for a more permanent residence for you." Yueliang asks Qing.

    "I have not really thought about it. However staying here seems like a great idea. Although where would I stay? I did not bring money for an inn, and just enough for food. Then again even if I did stay, would my body even be able to withstand the constant magic use around here?" Qing ponders aloud.

    Yueliang answers thinking she was asking actual questions. "Well, I have a guest house that you could stay at. Also, there is plenty of work around. If there is something you are interested in I could ask Ren to help you later. As for your last question, your body will adapt, and grow stronger the longer you stay here. Plus, if any issues happen to arise, I am always able to help, not to mention the others who live here, who could also help."


    Hello everyone, as you can see I am putting out more chapters, as promised. Please continue to gift, share, comment, add to your library, and all that. I am so thankful for you all, such great support. Although there are some negative comments, I do keep the constructive criticism in mind. I have been fixing many previous errors in the novel if you want to take a look. There is a lot to do, so please keep in mind that not everything can be fixed immediately. By the way, the positive comments, make me so happy, thank you so much.

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