
Chapter 90 - Troubles Arise

    However despite knowing such things, a king from a tribal like place asks. "I am curious, how is it you are staying here? Or is it that a year has yet to pass?" Thus causing many unnecessary ideas to float through the others heads. 

    With this trouble some statement coming out into the open each of the guests start having thoughts such as. 'If this is truly the case, we only have to wait for a little less than a year and they will be gone, and we can do as we please again.' 

    King Uther even began thinking. 'Hmm, while it would be nice to have them here to grow what knowledge we have, things may turn for the better quickly after their departure.' Thinking for a while, he continues to debate over whether it is better to stick by them or abandon them at the years time.

    Hearing this, Yueliang immediately sighs, before he opens his mouth to speak. "..." Although he quickly gets interrupted by a calm beautiful voice, that being Blake saying. "Everyone focus on me really quick." 

    All eyes turning to her, Blake continues. "While you may think that this issue applies to us as well, you could not be more wrong. Regardless, if by chance the world tries to reject us, there are plenty of methods we have learned over the years to combat such issues. We have dealt with such matters before, and this will be nothing new."

    "You mean you have a way to stay?" King Uther asks in wonder, as the person from a century ago that died, and is known around the world was from his kingdom. But the worst part is, if there is truly such a method, then does that mean one of those from his kingdom died a meaningless death?

    This time Blake sighs, as she can feel this is going to be annoying. "Yes, we do. However for those we train if they come across such issues, they may come here, and we might help them. For anyone else, we would have to vet them first. These are the rules we have set, therefore, please do not annoy us with such trifling matters any further." Blake says while trying to end this conversation immediately.

    'Well this certainly became easier. It looks like soon, I will be able to leave this place in their capable hands. They are even doing the recruiting on their own.' Yueliang thinks to himself, while listening to their conversation and just staying back.

      King Uther listening to the others speaking, keeps his eyes on Yueliang and Blake. Noticing something he wonders to himself. 'Is she the real leader or could it be that, he is grooming her? If so she seems a natural born leader. This will either be troublesome or helpful.' 

    Wanting to confirm something first, King Uther continues by saying, and cutting the other guests off as they were about to speak. "I would like to clarify something."

    "What is it?" Yueliang asks.

    "Who is the leader, you or her? Also, why is she talking as though she has such strength? I mean just you alone with such strength, is enough to turn a place upside down, do not tell me she is the same?" He asks.

    Hearing the worries on his mind, Yueliang looks at Blake, then starts laughing, with her joining in a few seconds later. 

    "Did I say something funny or mumble or something?" King Uther asks wondering if he misspoke.

    "..." The two laughed for a good minute before Yueliang says while steadying his breathing. "Sorry about that, it was not you, just something really funny came to mind. Although back to the matter at hand, yes, I am the ruler of these 'people'."

    King Chilperic feeling left out asks. "Could you tell us what was so funny?"

    "Alright." Yueliang says after returning to his calm demeanor. "You see, while I am the ruler, the weakest of my people are at my strength, however that only includes maybe 30 people I think. The other six thousand, are at least double if not triple my current strength. However that is just their strength, their knowledge and what not are far beyond that for now." Yue explains to the people before him.

    Listening to his words one of the bystanders asks. "And the real reason?"

    Hearing this, Blake says. "You may choose to believe what you wish, however my king has spoken the truth. Just because you have insufficient knowledge or experience does not mean something does not exist. ... Wow it is exhausting dealing with such uneducated children!" She mumbles the last sentence just loud enough that they all could hear it if they were paying attention.

    "You!" Another king spoke, but still could not find any other words, while the others just whisper to each other. "Did she just call us uneducated children?"

    *Sigh "Alright, this is taking far too long. If you do not believe me, you could always test her strength yourself." Yueliang says getting bored of the current situation, and feeling that this farce has gone on for far to long.

    King Uther spoke, trying to calm the others, as well as give them a way out. "We are guests, and could not possibly act in such a manner against our hosts. However, I feel that I need to get back, lest I stay too long, and my people start worrying. Thus, pardon me, my men and I will be taking our leave now."

    Without further ado he and his men leave, and the others start saying. "We are busy as well, thus please excuse us." Such excuses continued to be said until all the guests left.

    "At least this nuisance is over for now." Yueliang says.

    "I mean no offence when I say this, however it was your decision to have us go public. We could have just as easily stayed invisible hiding in the mountains or something." Blake replies.

    "While that may be true, that does not seems like a permanent solution. Eventually we would have been found out even if it took a century or two. However even then, would this not be more useful for your research, and the desire to live a peaceful life?" Yue asks.

    "It certainly will be useful, but as for the peaceful aspect. You do realize they are going to test our strength time and time again even if it is only once a decade or so, right?" 

    "Alright, I get it, however there is no point in having regrets. Thus we should just make the best of our current situation, and grow as much as possible. By the way, is it true that you have a method to resolve the world rejection?"

    "Yes and no. We are analyzing this planet just like we did yours so that we could stay there, but now it is for here. However this planet is much larger, therefore it will take longer, as well as all the projects we were working on. Although, we are almost done now. Anyways, as fun as it is to play with you, I should get back to work." Blake replies.

    "Alright, I will get out of your hair then." Yue says after saying with his charm turning on subconsciously for a split second. "Thank you." Thus causing her to blush slightly before turning around to get back to training these people.

---- Meanwhile Elsewhere ----

      "Can you believe that man. Pft, exaggerating to such an extent." A guest says to another as they are leaving and throwing on their cloaks.

      "I know right, however it has given me a great idea." One of the others in this small group replies, still in clothes of nobility with his cloak over top.

      "Really, same here. What is yours?" The first says.

      "Well, you know how we have been having to take decades to infiltrate each country. I just found a way we could speed up our plans. If these countries fear this man so much, how about we just take his place. We just have to kill him, maybe his people after having our fun, and then we could lord over the others much easier." He replies.

      The first then asks. "However what of our boss? He has his recent prize, and if he figures out what we are doing, he will kill us before using it for himself. How would you change this Shadow 2."

      *Sigh "You worry too much Shadow 1, if we can pull this off, as long as we time everything perfectly we could have the other countries wipe him out for us." 

      "I see, this is risky, but at least we will not have to be under that annoying cult leader of ours anymore." Shadow 1 says.

      "Shadow 1, are you trying to give us away, shh." 

      "You are right, anyways we should get out of here and figure out our report that we are going to give." 

      "That is true, then we should be on our way." Shadow 2 comments. Then shadow 1 raises his hand with a certain hand signal, and in the next moment all of the cultists disappear into thin air. All that is left is a woosh through the air.

---- Back In Town ----

      Meiren says while walking behind Yueliang. "This looks like you are going to have a lot more troubles in the future."

      Yue comments while focusing on the path ahead of him. "While it may be troublesome, have you forgotten that we are going to leave this place eventually. Thus they will have to take care of themselves for now, and I trust that they are strong enough. I just hope this place will work out as a home of sorts, and that we do not have to leave to yet another planet to find a home."

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