
Chapter 92 - Getting Back

    "No! We need to head back immediately." Xue Meiren exclaims.

    "What? That is a surprise." Yueliang comments

    "This is serious." Meiren says before continuing. "We need to get back now."

    "Alright, lead the way, but could you please let me know why it is so urgent?" Yueliang asks.

    Meiren just shakes her head and says. "You said you know the way, so what? You want me to track our way back? I am teasing, anyways sure, but we should run."

    Yueliang retorts in a teasing manner. "And here I remember that you said you were tired."

    As she walks off, she says. "Can we just go already?"

    "Alright, but since you are in such a rush, come here." Yueliang replies.

    "What is it?" She asks turning her head.

    "We can talk later, just come here." Yueliang replies, and she does as she is told this time. Yue hugs her, she closes her eyes, only to open them a few moments later when he loosens his grip. 

    Looking around, she sees that she is back in town. More specifically they are in the middle of the town square, with people looking at them with curious gazes before turning around, to continue what they were doing. 

    The two get up, and before Yueliang can speak again, Meiren says. "I already know what you are going to ask, thus to answer your question. The plant that caused this, is a curious thing." She says as they begin walking before continuing. "You see, when it first sprouts, it is useful for some basic remedies, then depending on its environment, it grows into one of a number of different plants."

    "This sounds wonderful and useful to alchemists, however as one could guess, and you have experienced first hand, they can be quite dangerous. What we experienced is just one of its more peaceful states, the others can be much worse depending on what you get. Did Yang really not tell you any of this when you got all of your herbs and seeds?" She asks.

    Yue just shakes his head in response while focusing on follow her.

    She continues to walk in silence the rest of the way to one of the gardens that Yue made. However, before they got into the garden, they heard. "Hold on, wait for me!"

      Hearing the comment, they just ignored it and continue to walk forward in silence. "King Yueliang please wait, this is urgent!" The figure calls out once more.

    Stopping in place, Yueliang turns around and says. "Alright, first of who are you? Then second what do you need?"

    "Sir my name is Horace. Anyways, to the point, I was out in the woods an hour ago, and I came across one of your people. They gave me your description, where to go, and some piece of metal that once I pushed on disappeared. Sorry, off topic, they told me to look for you immediately, to tell you the underground town is getting ready to move? I do not get it, but they said if I want to live I have to tell you this now. I have been wandering this town for an hour looking for you, and I am exhausted." Horace says in an exhausted voice.

    "I see thank you, for your hard word. Take this, and go to one of the inns. You can rest up and eat there." Yueliang says while pulling out then tossing a small bag of small gold coins to the man. Who looks as though he is some homeless man that has not bathed since his birth, and you could smell it as well. However regardless Yue just maintained a nonchalant expression as he tossed him the pouch.

    Meiren then asks. "Let me guess, you once again put off destroying that city of cultists right?" 

    Yue sighs before saying. "Yes, I inteneded to do it before or during the auction, but got a bit busy and tired during those times, thus I put it off. I will do it now, just wait a moment for me."

    Xue Meiren just nods before laying down beside him.

    'Yang, could you perhaps create screens in mid air?' Yueliang asks Yang through his thoughts.

    "Of course, and you want to show them right?" Yang asks.

    Yue replies. 'Yes, however first could you get me something strong enough to wipe them all from this plane of existence without destroying too much of the surroundings?'

      "Got it, it is in your inventory and it costed 3,460 shop credits. You will be connected in 2 seconds."

      Yue replies. 'Thank you Yang, once again you are the best.'

    Seeing a light blue light in the top right corner of his vision, he knew he is connected. "Hello kings of the surrounding countries. You already know me, as you can see I am Yueliang, and there were a few things I wanted to say, thus please first sit down. This is one of my abilities of sorts, in case you where wondering."

    "Now, back to the main point, there is a group of cultists and my men have found them a week or so ago, and they had the nerve to attack me a while back, even taking one of my people. Thus giving me another reason to do this, aside from just cleaning this world of garbage. For those of you, who do not believe I have the strength to back my words please pay close attention." Yueliang finishes speaking and the vision changes to seeing the location of the head quarters of the cultists. 

    A screen even pops up before Yue, so he can watch as well. A few seconds later, after going through some of the underground showing their horrific scenes, Yueliang nods. A moment later, the screen changes once more showing the whole of the underground place, as a small ball of metal the size of a cat appears in midair before falling to the ground. It touches the ground, light flashes, then disappears, leaving only the sight of a massive cave, no burn marks no nothing. Just an explosion, then an implosion, leaving not even the slightest remains of them.

    In each area, where the kings where watching, along with their subordinates, only dead silence remained. The recording then comes back to Yueliang and he says with a frown gradually changing to a smile. "I hope all of you learned something from this. I just wanted you to see what happens to those who are such scum, or decide to go against us. Not the slightest trace of your existence shall remain. Thus please inform your people that while we will remain peaceable we will not lay down and let people attack us. If you do not want this to happen please keep your people under control, as I would hate to lose some friends. Well please have a wonderful rest of your day."

    The viewing ends and Yang says. "Alright, 4 minutes have passed, thus it will cost 2,400 shop credits. I hope this turns out as well as you have imagined."

    Yueliang replies. 'Oh really? You know that this is not what I wanted, but if I want to protect my people, as well as the innocents of this world, something had to be done. This should also prevent them from getting any ideas for a while. Well, at least this should be taken care of for now.'

---- Meanwhile In King Uthers' Kingdom ----

    Uther announces to his subordinates in the throne room. "As you have seen, we cannot offend this man, nor his people. If what he says is true, and his people are even stronger than him, he will either be our executioner, or our greatest ally. And, because I would rather be friends with these people, make preparations for a journey. Also, tell the people that by decree of the king, should they offend this man or his people, we will personally deliver their heads after having them drawn and quartered. Understood." 

    Everyone of the people in the room stood from their kneeling position and cheered, as they whole heartedly agreed, and were terrified of Yueliangs' wrath. Knowing full well they could never hope to win against him, even with their strongest individuals. Even the guards cheered who are normally silent and standing still as a statue. 

    King Uther, very pleased at the outcome says with a smile. "Alright, now that that is settled, please quiet down, and let us get back to the matter at hand."

---- Back In Yueliangs' Town ----

    "So you are telling me, you want to kill this plant, just because it can be a bit dangerous?" Yueliang confirms with Meiren.

    "You are correct."

    "Sorry, but no. We are not going to kill it, as it can be very useful. Now then, what we can do instead is simply make a formation around it, so that it will not be able to influence others. How about that? A better solution, and we get to keep the useful herb." Yueliang retorts.

    Meiren quickly in a calm voice replies. "Well it is your place, if you believe you can stop it from affecting others, then I will trust you."

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