
Chapter 96 - Oops...

    Yueliang sighs and says with a hint of surprise. 'You seem awfully excited for a body of water to kill us. However, that aside, what can I do to either fix this or some how over come this situation?'

    "You only have three choices, well more like two, but here are you options. Run like a coward, stay here then fight and die, or lastly compromise. So which do you pick? Once I know your choice, then I can guide you further." 

    'Sounds to me, more as if there is only one choice. Fleeing is not an option, dying would kind of be the opposite of what we are going for, so how do you mean to compromise?' Yue asks.

    "Simple, all you have to do is make up with the moon, as there is no real other way to get yourself out of this mess." Yang replies.

    'Which moon and how?' Yue asks in a dejected voice.

    "Well, you can just fly up to them both and figure it out. I am already telling you most all that I know about the situation."

    'Alright.' Yueliang finishes before turning to Yin, who while being bored apparently started playing around with magic, as one could tell from the aura around him. Thus Yue says. "Sorry it took a while, but I know what the problem is, and have a method to fix it that will not kill us all."

    Yin stands up from the rock he was siting on, and says. "Too bad that we cannot explore and figure it out, a bit of a let down if I am being completely honest."


    Seeing his silence Yin asks. "Well are you going to tell me what it is or just stand there looking dumbfounded for who knows what reason?"

    Hearing this, Yue replies. "Sorry about that, it just feels weird hearing you say that. Anyways, you will understand once you hear what I have to say. So apparently, because I killed too many people, one of the two moons is trying to kill me. Now, since I do not want to run, nor do I want to kill us all by removing the moons from the equation, I have to go up and speak with the moons some how, and compromise. Any questions?"

    Eyes wide open, jaw about to drop, Yin answers. "Wow that is lot to take it. So then, I guess we are flying to the moons. The next question is, which method do you intend to use to get there?"

    Yueliang just smiles and walks to towards the mountain behind the town.

    Following right next to him, Yin thinks to himself while sighing inwardly. 'Please tell me he is not doing what I think he is going to do.'

    The two continued to walk for some tens of minutes, leisurely making their way to the cave opening in the mountain. Then Yue stops, snaps his fingers, and a split second later, a figure appears before them with a towel wrapped around their waist.

    "Hello my king what do you need?" The figure turns around to ask, now facing Yue and Yin.

    Yue opens with a joke saying. "Rei, sorry about the short notice, but at least this time you have a towel. I know it is not yet sunrise, but could you guide me to where the ship is?"

    Rei quickly answers before turning to head into the cave. "Of course, although while we walk, could you tell me where we are going?"

    Curious, Yin asks. "We?"

    Still facing forward Rei says. "Yes, you do need someone to pilot the ship do you not? Considering everyone else is likely sleeping that knows how to pilot this, I seem to be the best option. Unless of course you either do not need me, or want someone else?"

    Interrupting the twos' conversation, Yue says. "It would be better if you came, Rei, that is should you want too. Anyways, we are heading to one if not both of the moons."

    Hearing his reply, Rei says. "Let me guess, because of you wiping out so many people, you are going to talk to the moons to make amends for the situation?" Seeing their dumbfounded faces as if he were a mind reader, he continues. "Do not be so surprised, this is not the only planet that has such standards. In fact, every planet does, but you see, it is not the moon who you are making amends too, they just tell you what they are told for you to do."

    "So then, who is guiding them?" Yin asks. 

    About to answer, Yueliang stops, as Rei speaks up first. "The creator, obviously. You see, when each universe is created, there are certain safety precautions normally put in place. For instance, if you are not deemed worthy by the creator, you may never find their creations, even flying straight through or around them. In this case, the safety measure you broke, was causing the death of too many people."

    Listening to this, Yue mumbles. "Wow, even I did not know that part."

    Not quiet enough, he was heard and Rei says. "It is alright, our civilization being much more advanced than yours naturally tested such matters early on, once we found out about such things. Now we know what we can and cannot do. Such are the rules of the planet, however the rules each creator sets for their creations tend to be the same, but much more strict for some places compared to others, but that is something we can discuss later. For now, look up, and you will see the ship we made."

    Looking up, all three admire the massive space ship above them. If someone said to them, it was a whole small mountain, just chiseled and painted to look this way, Yin, and Yue felt they would not be able to say no, just from the sheer size of it.

    Rei turns his gaze from the ship, back to them before saying. "It is 1000 meters in length, 600 meters in width, and 260 meters from top to bottom. While I am sure you will never end up using the the whole of it, this was built as specified, large enough to be a flying city. It also has a number of rooms with a super mini small world, and you can thank Blake for that if you like them. She figured it would be nice for people, and live stock to be able to stay in nature, as it is unhealthy to stay away for too long. The rest we can discuss later, shall we head inside?"

    The whole time Rei explained, the two others just continued to look up and trying to imagine all that went into such a creation. Seeing this Rei sighs, and walks behind the two, before gently pushing their bodies forward in a nonintrusive way, yet still getting them to move with a smile on his face. All the while thinking about how funny such a situation is, and pleased that their hard work, invoked such admiration from their revered king.

    A few moments later, Yin and Yue avert their gaze, then walking on their own. Yue asking. "so how do we get inside?"

    "Well, the only way open it is from the inside, unless you break in. Thus to get in, we added a remote teleportation device, going off some old research we had, and matching it with what you made to bring us to this world. It is perfect, honestly we kind of lost this piece of tech many years ago, as well as a few others when we were raided one of many times." Rei answers, then tossing a sheet of metal with a design that looks similar to the teleportation circle, attached to a key ring to Yue.

    Catching the item, Yue looks at it, before asking. "What is this?"

    Rei swiftly answers. "It is a key of sorts. You see how it is rounded everywhere except one edge. Basically, you put it against your thumb or some other body part, making a small incision, before analyzing your dna. If it is the correct dna, you will be teleported on board immediately. If not, nothing happens."

    "So, whose dna exactly has been uploaded? Also, while it seems like a good way to keep it from getting stolen, is there not an off chance that someone might have the same dna sequence?" Yue asks.

    "Well, we uploaded all those working on the project, as well as yourself. There is no body else on it, however if you want me to add or remove anyone, let me know. Also, the chance of finding someone with an exact match is probably only 2 or less per planet." Rei replies.

    Hearing this, Yue just shakes his head before asking. "Can we change the key later? I think I have a idea that would make it easier, and less likely to get stolen." 

    Feeling a little disappointed, Rei says. "Sorry, that it is not as you wanted, but yes it can be changed."

    "Thank you, also, you all did a perfect job on this, it is wonderful. Just sometimes, I worry too much." Yue answers as he places the key against his thumb, then taking it away, in the next split second he disappears.

---- Meanwhile Elsewhere ---- 

    Rei turns to Yin and says. "Oops."

    Instantly replying Yin asks. "What oops? What happend? I thought you said it was perfect."

    "Well, I forgot to tell him two things. The first is to focus on where he wants to go, which considering he has not been on the ship before, he could be anywhere, including the other side of the planet. And the second..."

    Cutting off Rei, Yin says. "There is a second? *Sigh. Fine, let's just teleport to him, and we can fix this later.... Wait, why can I not teleport to him???"

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