
Chapter 98 - Getting Back

    Yue just nods and thinks to himself. 'She seems to be able to my abilities, she knows all that happens around this solar system. Oh well, I am sure this can be solved quickly. In the end, I just have to help people selflessly.' Finishing his thoughts Yueliang looks around once more saying. "Alright, I will do it. However one quick question. How do I get back?"


    "Hmm, why are you staying silent?" Yueliang asks while turning around, only to see the figure has disappeared. 'Just great, I am going to miss my meeting at this rate. This should be fun.' Yueliang thinks to himself while looking up at planet above him.

    Yang speaks up. "While I do admit that is nice that you are relying on the system less, and becoming more self sufficient, this is one of the cases where I feel it would be wise to ask for help. Unless of course you feel that you could make that journey?"

    'You and I both know that I can, but it would take a very long time to make it back. If we were going that far, how about you just shoot me back like a cannon ball?' Yueliang jokes, before thinking. 'Wait, why is it dark all of a suddddennn?'

    Feeling the surrounding air pushing against him, Yueliang guides more chi around him to strengthen the protection he made when he first came to the moon, lest he not be able to breath. Looking up and seeing how far he has traveled so far, he smiles. 

    "Welcome to Air Yang, I hope you are enjoying your trip. All you need to do is sit back and relax, until it is time to land in approximately 30 minutes. Until then, please enjoy the ride." Yang says in pilots voice.

    Rolling his eyes, and smiling, Yue thinks to himself. 'Okay, that was funny, good one Yang.'

---- 29 Minutes Later ----

    "All passengers, please prepare to land, and remember to pay your friendly pilot Yang on the way out." Yang continues.

    Laughing Yue thinks to himself while looking at the ocean in front of him. 'hahah, alright. Here comes the dangerous part it seems.' 

    At this point there are only a few seconds until impact, and Yue quickly pulls one of the moon rocks he took from up there, throwing it at the water below. Then putting this hands together, and crossing his legs as if he were diving. 

    The rock quickly hits the water, disrupting the calm water at the moment, and in the next split second, Yue pierces the water at a high speed. Immediately after entering the sea, he arcs his arms and back making his body flow through the water back up to the surface with his current momentum. As he reaches the surface, he just starts floating.

    'What a day. I talked to the moon, got shot out off of the moon like a cannon, and now I am swimming in the middle of the ocean. At least the waters are calm right now. By the way, where is that ship I saw as I was crashing down like a meteor?' Yue asks himself as he looks around, still floating on his back.

    Once he spots the large wooden ship, he turns over and starts swimming toward the side of it. Seeing that the anchors are down, and masts up, he felt he could rest easy, in that he would not be run over by this huge frigate.

    While swimming over, Yueliang hears. "Captain, there is someone swimming towards us. What are your orders?"

    "Pull them up, and we will decide from there." Another man says in a deep voice.

    Yueliang, continues swimming over despite hearing such words, and as he arrives by the side, a man yells out. "Look out below." Yue looks up and sees a rolled up rope ladder unrolling down the side quickly. 

    A few seconds later, Yue quickly grabs onto it, and starts climbing up as fast as he can. Reaching up for each wooden step, as the rope sways a less and less the closer he gets to the top. Feeling something different, he realizes he has made it to the top. And pulling with more force this time, he practically jumps over the taffrail, landing on the deck before the people crowding around, all with their hands on the hilts of their sheathed swords.

    He stands, and sees some of the men in front of the semi encirclement making way for what he presumes to be their captain. Who upon getting into the encirclement says short and swift in a deep tone. "Who are you? And what happened to your vessel?"

    Yueliang just chuckles upon hearing this, earning himself an annoyed glare from the man. Thus he answers truthfully. "I am Yueliang, and there is no vessel. I just came back from well, the moon." While answering, he guides his chi to push the excess water out of his clothing and hair, essentially drying himself off.

    Seeing this the men widen their eyes in surprise, but stay silent.

    A few moments later, the presumed captain says. "Alright Yueliang, what is your rank and where you are from? As I presume you want to go back since you rushed to our vessel."

    Yueliang just shakes his head a little before saying. "You do realize it is proper to introduce ones' self before asking anothers' information. However as you are already doing me a favor I will answer your questions. First was rank right? None, officially. However I have the ear of numerous kings. As for location, if I could see a map that would help for me to show you where."

    The man questioning him continues. "Hmm, you are right, it is only proper. I am Benjamen Hornigold, a privateer. You are currently aboard the Concord. As for the charts, we can discuss that in a moment." Benjamen says before having his men disperse.

    Yueliang smiles and says. "So in other words, you are a pirate, but with papers legalizing it. So what is it you want in return for assisting me?"

    Benjamen answers. "Quick to the point it seems. How about my mens' weight in gold."

    Hearing this, Yue just shakes his head with a smile. "Classic pirates, and here I was hoping to have some fun making new friends. I guess this is where we say farewell."

    Confused by this persons reply, as he was clearly his prisoner says. "You are in the middle of the ocean, and will not make it anywhere before being shark bait, or whale food. However, you will not be leaving this ship."

    Laughing Yueliang just snaps his fingers, disappearing from before the pirates. A split second later, he sees Yin, and Rei seated in front of him looking down. He jokingly says. "Save me, you left me to die."

    The two look up with surprise, and seeing Yue, Yin says. "You are alive. We did not know what to do. No form of teleportation worked in getting us to you. Thus we could only presume you where with the moon, and likely, if we went, would not be of help."

    Yue seeing the worry in their eyes replies. "Do not worry, I was just teasing you. Anyways, yes I was with one of the moons, and she was quite easy going as well as kind. However, because of a joke I made with yang after I finished, I got launched into the ocean, by Yang. Which I admit was fun, and I met some pirates, which was cool, and fun."

    "It sounds like you had quite the adventure today." Rei comments.

    "I did, and the ship was awesome with 26 cannons. The size was huge, however at the same time, it seemed to have been freshly stolen, as they were cleaning up blood on deck, and there were a few areas being fixed. Seriously, renaissance era vessels, castles, and such are so amazing. Although I do know pirates are bad, blood thirsty killers at worst, and violent thieves at best."

    Yin laughs a little and says. "Clearly you are fine if you can be so happy meeting pirates. Also, I should have guessed from your memories, that you are a fan of such things, and places."

    Feeling happy as though it were a compliment, Yue tries to change the topic, before he gets engrossed in discussing such things. "Well, now that I am back, I have to go address everyone, as I am a little later."

    Looking at each other, Yin says to Rei. "Right, we are discussing that matter. Do you think they are still waiting? I am pretty sure the time is sunrise, and it is a hour and a half past." 

    Rei says calmly. "Knowing my people, there should not be a problem. However they will probably be itching to get back to their research."

    "Well, we should get going. Best not to keep my people waiting." Yue exclaims excitedly, looking forward to what comes next.

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