
Chapter 102 - A Party To Remember

    Yang adds. "... Although seriously, going all out making such an extravagant event, certainly everyone is going to love this."

    'Thank you, I certainly hope so. Now I just have to make sure everyone is ready for this big party tomorrow.' Yue comments, while lying down on the rim of the water fountain in the center of the town square (circle) surrounded by tables, chairs, decorations, and more.

    As he is laying down looking up at the sky, with the soothing sounds of the birds, water, and the feel of the gentle breeze, his eyes get heavier, and heavier. 'It is so peaceful here, I .. love it .. here..' He thinks to himself as he dozes off to sleep with only leg propped up, and the other lying flat. His arms behind his head, acting as a thin pillow between the rock and himself.

---- Many Hours Later ----

    *Boom *Crackle *Boom

    "Waah, what is going on?" Yue exclaimed in surprise as he woke up seeing it dark outside, stars, moon, and the northern lights out. Looking in the direction of the loud sounds and, percussion he felt on his body, he sees mortar fireworks being launched one after the other. 

    Seeing this, he starts putting his feet down to get up and stepping into the water fountain. "Ahh" He falls in, not finding the bottom, and thinking. 'Well, I guess, at least I had it made deep.' Getting out of the fountain, Yue notices that Yang has already placed everything, including the food while he was asleep, and thinking. 'Thank you Yang.'

    From here, Yue briskly walks up onto the stage, and say in a louder than normal voice. "Hello my friends, if I may have your attention please." A few seconds later, with every bodies attention on him he continues. "I hope you are all enjoying this before dawn party. Sorry for calling you all here so early, however shall we get right to it?" 


    Hearing their cheers Yue says. "Alright, so let us begin. I will start with the sad news, we will be leaving, however since we have the contract we can still teleport back and forth. Also I will be checking in on everyone fairly often. So for anyone who wants to join me, if you are not ready, remember to do so after this. Next up, for those thousand or so who I have not named, I will be doing so this morning, just come to me if I have yet to name you, and make a line. Now lastly, let's enjoy this party to the fullest, have fun everyone."

    Finishing what he had to say, everyone except those who have yet to be named went back to their fun. Yueliang sits on the stage, and awaits the long line of people. Just watching them line up, practically cordoning off a sector of the circular area. Regardless, those who had their names, were mingling, dancing, watching the fireworks, and the children, running and playing, reading, or watching the fireworks as well. Feeling the percussion around them the children would laugh.

    By the time the line was complete, Yue has already started naming them one by one. Some of the names given were. 'Shao, Li, Yuan, Edward, Ming, Anastasia, Shiori, Megumi, Alici, and more.' For the next hour and a half, names where given, as Yue gave one name every 2.5 seconds. One walked up, received the name, then next in line.

    Around dawn, the naming has ended, and the the party continues for another thirty minutes before Rei comes up to Yue and says. "Time for presents."

    Yue looks at him with an odd look, and says. "What do you mean? I did not prepare anything. Are you trying to pull something?"

    Rei quickly replies with a light laugh saying. "Oh no, please do not misunderstand. We actually got you gifts, things to take with you. You have done so much for us, and we have not been able to do much in return. So think of this as us expressing our gratitude, and fealty, as we shall always be there for you if you need us, well unless we cannot get to you like what happened with the moon."

    Hearing this, Yue could not help but laugh, saying. "Thank you all so much, I am glad to have such wonderful friends and family as you all."

    After finishing what he had to say, all the high orcs, goblins, the lich, tigers, snow leopard, and even the humans Yue took in, got in line. The whole line being Six thousand, and thirty one people long. Of course, while some in the line are coming with him, they still want to express the feelings they have deep inside their hearts.

    One by one, each came up, placing a gift onto a pile, starting off small, eventually turning into a mountain. While it took a while, Yueliang did thank each as they stepped up. Some gifts small, some gifts large, others numerous, however that mattered not to him. What matters most to Yueliang as each placed their gift, was how each did feel extremely heart felt. While each differed in many ways, one could tell each was chosen, and made with extreme care and precision as if they knew either what he needed or wanted.

    As this procession was ending, Yueliang walks up to the mountain of gifts, and waving his hand, pulls them all into his inventory. Then announcing to all of them. "Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, care, love, and loyalty. I look forward to using each of these gifts in the future. Now, just to remind everyone, tomorrow morning, two hours after dawn is when the ship will be leaving, thus if you are coming, please either come before then, or just teleport to me later." 

    Yue continues. "Regardless, since I am sure I took enough of your time, I would prefer to ask. Shall we continue to party, or do you want to get back to your lives?"

    Coming up to Yue, Rei and says to everyone including Yue. "Why would we want to end the party, just because of a little work we can do later? This is a farewell party, thus lets' make it one to remember through the ages!" Rei exclaims, and everyone cheers, excited to have such a party.

    The moment the cheering was heard, water started spraying out from the ground in different areas, and instead of falling, it floated in the air. The water even coming together to form a new landscape, and animals large enough that people started riding them. An incense stick of time later, more water appears and forming a dome around the place.

    Soon after, a variety of neon colors started to appear, making everything looks so much more different than before, and seeing this Yue asks Rei who happens to be walking by at the moment. "What is going on? I do not recall building such things. I mean I like it, but still, I am curious."

  Rei smiles and says while raising his hand and pointing somewhere away from them. "You see those dancers over there? Well one of the skill books we could get was dance magic, thus here we are."

    However hearing this, Yue asks. "What about if they want to enjoy the party?"

    "Relax, there are plenty of them, and they are taking turns doing this. You know they practiced a lot for some unknown reason." Rei says suspiciously.

    Hearing this, Yue got some ideas, and just says. "I see." Before heading into the midst of the exciting party to join in. However the moment he got into the crowd, the lights went out, the water turned black, and nothing could be seen anywhere.

    Looking around, a few people started freaking out a little. Although at least the others did not cause a panic, and remained calm. 

    'What is happening now I wonder? I..' Yueliang thought to himself, however before being able to finish his thought a voice resounded around them all. "Stay calm, close your eyes and you will once again see."

    Listening to this, Yue thought as he closed his eyes. 'What kind of nonsense is this voice ....' However despite his first assumption, he saw a scene so mystical one would think they walked into the garden of eden. Immediately after seeing this sight, everyone started running around having fun as if enchanted, and hearing music??

    Immediately after noticing this, Yue thinks to himself. 'Yang, mind telling me what is going on?'

    "You are currently ... being ... enchanted. *Yawn" Yang says whilst sounding as though his voice is fading in and out.

    'Yang? Wait, if I cannot hear yang, and he sounds tired, that mean that our souls are being put to sleep I think.' Yue analyzed.


    'Great, so I am alone in this, along with no help from the *yawn system.' 

    'Hmm, I need to go ... to ... sleep? Goodnight' Yueliang thinks to himself as he falls asleep.

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