
Chapter 137 - An Anatomy Lesson

    'Once this gecko moves just enough for me to get behind it, I am climbing on. Come on, you can do this Yue. It is just living or being eaten.' Having finished giving himself a pep talk he waits for the gecko to take just one or two more steps forward.

    Stepping backward the gecko moves until its head it looking directly at Yue once more. Seeing that it has the large insect still in its mouth, and not wanting to waste any more time, he quickly jumps up and lands on the geckos neck. 

    However before he could get a hold on the creature, it quickly starts running up the wall to get him off. Thus causing Yue to lose balance and start falling back. However catching onto the tail, Yue does not fall any further.

    Although a small problem escaped his mind thus the current situation. The Gecko quickly 'drops' its tail and continues running away. Thus causing Yue to fall, and quickly turning his body in mid air, he slides down the smooth cave wall until a small protrusion shows up in his way. 

    Without much other choice, he aims his body towards this protrusion in hopes it will slow down his descent. Once he gets to it, maintaining his speed to the best of his ability, he runs along the protrusion, and does a front flip off of it to keep the kinetic force, lest he falls ... again.

    Landing on the ground perfectly, from the moisture he slips and falls on his back thinking. 'Well, that certainly could have gone much better. At least now I will not be eaten by an over grown gecko. *Sigh, It seems I will have to think of something else, because running for three days straight is not feasible in this place where I will likely be eaten, or die of exhaustion.'

    Instead of trying to looks for a ride to hitch at the moment, Yue decides to scale the cave wall. Hopefully this would produce better results.

    Running up the cave wall, Yue jumps and makes it back to the ledge he just jumped from, and looks around for areas to climb up from thinking. 'This should be fun, this will basically be me scaling a straight up smooth wall.'

    Without further ado, Yue leaps off the ledge and into a crack in the wall, just large enough to fit him going straight in. Immediately after making it into the crack, he jumps side to side off of the two walls on either side of him, thus making his way upward.

    "Wahh." Yueliang lets slip as he looses his footing and starts falling. However using his hands he pushes off the wall, and using his feet pushes off of the one behind him to get started climbing again without loosing too much effort.

    'Oh yeah, this is awesome.' Yue thinks to himself, while having fun running up walls that would otherwise be near impossible.

    Making it up to the top, jumping off of the wall, Yue grabs onto a stalactite and then continues jumping from stalactite to stalactite.

    Finally coming across some bats that have not left yet, Yue jumps towards one and grabbing onto the fur on its back, he pulls himself on and holds tightly as the bat flies away. Meanwhile many bats start swarming out due to the disturbance. Holding on with both his legs and his arms, he hitches his free ride out of the cave.

    Riding out of the cave, not much is visible with how dark it is and being surrounded by bats. However one thing is for certain, Yue can feel a strong breeze and feels that something is wrong. So without any further delay he climbs up into a crouched position so he can jump off at anytime if needed.

    Although that moment comes much sooner than he expected when an owl grabs the bat he is riding and trapping him against it with its feet.

    Wriggling around, Yue pulls himself out from the owls claw and starts climbing the owls body through its feathers eventually making it up to the owls back.

    While riding, Yue hears a voice calling his name "Yueliang."

    Hearing this, he looks around, and remembering no one else is there, he remembers the voice and how familiar it sounds. Therefore he asks in his mind. 'Yang?'

    "So you did not forget me after all brother." Yang jokes.

    Happy to finally hear from Yang again, Yue replies. 'As if I could or would even want to forget you, as we are twins and bonded even closer than any other set. I really missed you, are you all better now? Also, thank you so much.'

    With a happy tone, Yang says while knowing exactly what his other half is thinking. "Your welcome, and I am doing better. It will take a while before I am fully healed, but it is all good for now, and do not worry I am all caught up on the situation."

    "That is great." Yue says aloud albeit quietly.

    However before anything else could be said the snowy white owl turns its head around and swallows the person standing on its back in an instant. All while still maintaining flight.

    Now inside the owls digestive track, he takes a deep breath while thinking. 'Wow, just one unfortunate event after another.'

    Wriggling around in the throat, Yueliang pulls out the knives hidden in his belt again. Then separating and unsheathing them, he stabs them into the throat as he goes down. Thus opening the throat for the blood and guts to flow in, so he can suffocate it to death, and if he dies while doing so then so be it.

    As Yue is sliding down, blood and guts are pouring over top of him. Then pulling out the daggers, he starts cutting his way downward since trying to go out the top would be difficult until the bird lands.

    Cutting his way down through the esophagus, he makes his way down to the proventriculus. However accidentally slides through one of the cuts and makes his way into the owls heart, which is pounding louder than church bells considering how small Yueliang is compared to it.

    Slicing his way out of the heart, he ends up cutting his way through the liver, and throwing some of both the heart and liver into his inventory, he now has some fresh delicious meat to cook up later. However through this long process, he is thinking. 'Well, there are two delicious pieces I have found, sadly I cannot find the kidney or gizzard at the moment. Either way, now I will be able to survive easier a while longer in this place.'

    Soon after these thoughts, he makes his way into the intestines. Eventually making his way down he cuts a hole through the rectum, Yue makes his way out of the owl only to free fall down.

    Looking around, he sees that surrounding him is a large forest and thinks to himself. 'Great, now my biggest worry is likely to come to fruition. Ugh, if it were not for the system telling me I have to travel, I would be tucked away in the cave nice and cozy until this odd experience finally ends. I wonder how I will be surviving this one.' Yue ponders as he free falls towards the gigantic trees below him.

    However as his impending death comes closer and closer, Yue asks. 'Yang, I just thought about something. The mission says I have to travel to maintain the timer, so that means that I could use a ship right?'

    "Yes, but the question is what would you pay with? I am sure you already learned your lesson of paying with memories or otherwise. Right?" Yang answers.

    'You are right, I need to work on my impulsive buying. Then since I do not have any ideas, what is your plan Yang? If I die we all die after all.' Yue replies, and asks.

    Hearing this, Yang quickly replies. "While I cannot think of anything off hand, there is one thing that might work. Well if you do not mind risking your life that is. There is a quest for testing something, and if it works great, but you are risking your life in doing so. Not that that has much matter considering you will die if you do not land right. Anyways, this test will make you teleport every 15 seconds somewhere random on the planet. This is for those who want to explore. So, answer yes or no, as you only have about 10 seconds before impact now."

    'Yes, absolutely yes.' Yue answers as he watches the ground getting closer and closer.


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