
Chapter 139 - Misunderstandings

    With a smile on his face, Yue says happily. "I will grandpa. Have a nice day, I am sure you must be busy. Thank you for taking the time to take care of me."  With that said, the emperor walks over to his seat where his bamboo scrolls are and picks them up before leaving the room happy that his grandson is alright.

    As the emperor leaves, Yue closes his eyes to sleep feeling a little tired from not eating nor sleeping for about 3 or so days.

    This taking more effect than before now that he is back to being a normal mortal rather than an immortal cultivator (one who cultivates to achieve immortality). Not that this would effect his year count at the moment due to the systems influence, and he does not yet know that his cultivation has been cultivated.

---- 6 Hours Later ----

    Waking up, Yue feels well rested, and hungry at the same time. Getting up, he feels weaker than normal, and wonders. 'What exactly is going on? Why do I feel so weak? I sacrificed my knowledge of cultivation, not my realm, nor should my stats have changed.'

    Either way, he pushes the matter aside and just attributes it to a side effect of whatever his grandpa did to heal him. Although the word 'start' has been bugging him from what he was warned about, but attributing that to just starting up again, he reasons that away as well.

    Meanwhile as such thoughts are passing through his mind, he walks towards the door, albeit much slower than before.

    Once out of the room, he looks around, and finding the nearest guard, he asks. "Do you know where my grandpa is at the moment?"

    The guard answers. "Sorry my prince, I do not know his current location. Although he is likely either in the throne room or the dinning hall. After all, he does not leave this place much because he wants to ensure that should any problems arise he can be found."

    Getting a little more information than he was looking for Yue replies. "Thank you, I will check there now." Then turning around, he walks down the hall to make his way to the dinning hall first, as it will kill two birds with one stone.

---- 1 1/2 Hours Later ----

    Finally making it to the dinning hall, Yue mumbles to himself. "Finally made it here, this place is huge. It seems that realization is finally kicking in."

    Having finished his thought, Yue walks into the hall and looks around. Not seeing his grandpa, but instead one maid kneeling at a table on standby reading a book, he walks over to her. 

    A minute or so later, making it over to her he asks while standing on the other side of the table looking at the lady in grossed in her book. "Excuse me, I have a few questions if you do not mind."

    The Lady wondering who is taking her attention from her book looks up, and says with a bow. "I apologize for not recognizing you sooner my prince. What can I do for you." As she raises her head, she quickly stands up and closes the book in her hands.

    Smiling, Yue says. "I am sorry to take your interest from your book. To have you so engrossed in it, it must be good right?"

    Thinking he is testing or mocking her, she answers urgently. "I dare not, please tell me what I can do for you my prince."

    Hearing this he sighs deeply. "*Sigh. Why is it that I cannot have a descent conversation with anyone here. You all must have it hard if you are not even allowed to have a proper talk with someone."

    Seeing the situation for what it is, the maid quickly comments. "Please my prince I apologize. It is not that we have it hard, but how we are trained before being sent to any masters. We are fortunate to have gotten this job."

    Feeling a little worried that she might be lying, Yue asks. "Are you sure? I am certain if I ask grandpa you all could go free, and we can just get others. I do not want you to be unhappy."

    Hearing this, the maid begins to fear for her life and job, visibly trembling and a few tears beginning to form in her eyes.

    Seeing her reaction, he adds. "Alright, calm down, if you like this job you can stay. I just do not want people who are not happy to be here, around grandpa, sister, and I as it means they would be the first to betray us."

    Barely letting the prince finish his sentence the maid quickly comments as she gets back on her knees prostrating before him. "Please my prince, we would not dare to do such a thing. Please do not take this job from us. We are truly blessed to be here, anywhere else is dangerous."

    Saying these things, in her mind she is overthinking and debating. 'This prince is terrifying, I need to warn the others that if they do not treat him with care we may lose our jobs and likely our lives. Should I ask the emperor what to do? No, I might get punished in some way if he thinks I am accusing his grandson.'

    Meanwhile Yue just gets to the point asking. "Putting that aside, I came to see if I could get some food, and if you know where grandpa is at the moment?"

    "I will tell the cooks immediately, and your grandfather the emperor is in the throne room meeting with envoys from other worlds at the moment." The maid answer before turning around and rushing to the side door in the room that leads to many different places throughout the castle much faster to increase the efficiency of those working here. Shortcuts to them if one is to think about it simply, of course it is also a maze so if intruders come they would likely die in there.

    Since the maid left, Yue walks up the steps to his regular seat, and waits for the maid as well as the food. While waiting he starts thinking about the past and what he could do better out of habit.

    Meanwhile, the maid running through the corridors underground. Eventually finding the room she is looking for she runs up the steps. Once inside the kitchen, she quickly relays to the cook. "Sir cook, the prince would like something to eat, likely a full meal. Also, if you could spread the word, I found something for the servants to know."

    Intrigued, the cook asks while moving around the kitchen gathering ingredients and supplies. "What did you learn that you want me to tell the others?"

    Quickly she says. "This is important. Just moments ago the prince said he would relieve us of our jobs if we did not want to be here because he worries we might betray the family, or just because we do not want to be hear. However I worry if we upset him, he may have the emperor fire us."

    Feeling even more curious the chef asks. "What did you do to upset him that he would threaten your job?"

    "I was just sitting reading a book and did not notice him come in, and he asked if it was any good. Thinking that he was criticizing me, I answered I dare not and then he said what I just told you."

    The chef laughs and corrects her. "I would say it is more likely the prince just cares about you as a person not a servant. Recently he did something similar with another maid. You see, not everyone is vindictive like the old prince. You can rest assured nothing bad will happen because of this."

    Meanwhile just outside the room listening due to curiosity, the man starts walking away with the end of the conversation between the two. Even going so far as to make himself invisible as he is sure the maid would be coming out soon.

    The maid asks the chef. "Is this tea freshly made?"

    "Yes, just 3 minutes ago it finished." The chef answers while cutting up ingredients on a chopping board.

    Hearing this, the maid pours some into a teapot, then gathering the cups, a tray, and everything else, she quickly leaves the room to get back to the prince.

    Meanwhile just outside the dinning hall, a man appears and starts walking in. Soon after while Yueliangs' eyes are closed while he is contemplating, the man walks in undetected. Walking up the steps, the man takes a seat by Yue, and says in a soft low voice. "It seems you have made quite the impact on the servants my child."

    Opening his eyes, Yue turns his head to look at where the voice is coming from and a smile appears as he says. "Grandpa, what are you doing here? I was told you were in a meeting?"

    The emperor retorts. "Yes I was, and I told you to come to me first, but I guess your hunger won over coming to me right?"

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