
Chapter 175 - A Recall Dream Part 2

    His older self quickly replies as his body begins fading as well as his voice. "No, now hurry up and go back. Do not think of moving that place, just go there as you will have not one other chance like this...." He says as he disappears only for Yueliang to wake up on the grassy ground that he fell on.

    Having just gone through this weird situation, Yueliang sits up while feeling a faint sense of stinging flowing all through his body from the fall. However he then starts thinking with a calm thought process yet feeling a bit down. 'Well this was a bit weird. Hmm, my older self said I have to head back immediately. It seems like if I put this off, I will lose everything I have been working towards. Well, it seems I have to go see gramps, and have him let everyone know. If he does not agree, what else can I do?' He wonders as he starts standing up.

    Now having gotten back up on his feet, Yueliang walks up into the sky and opens the door before leaving the room and swiftly making his way to the throne room. All the while trying to think of ways out of this, although in life there are not always nifty tips and tricks to get through things. Instead of trying to take short cuts through things, one must just go through life, accepting the difficulty that occurs in life although you always must strive to make the right choices and help others no matter how difficult things may get for ones self.

    As such thoughts continuously flow through his mind, he can feel enlightenment begin to well up within him. However still having yet to have the full cultivation technique, he has to try to just absorb it into his body and soul, thus accepting it as a part of his life, rather than just adding it to and growing ones Dao as most other cultivators would do should they be blessed with such a miraculous chance.

    Trying to absorb this into ones self while on the run is much more difficult than one would imagine, however with current circumstances being as they are, there is not much of a choice but to do so, as he must get back. Pushing onward, he continues to proceed through the corridors and halls, trying to avoid causing himself a deviation in his almost non existent cultivation.

    Eventually having made his way to the throne room, and nearly finishing absorbing and understanding his enlightenment, he walks in with the new herald announcing his presence. "The prince Yueliang has  entered the throne room."

    Continuing to walk in, Yueliang soon kneels before his grandfather saying. "It is nice to see you grandpa."

    Without even putting down the bamboo scroll in his hands, he says. "I gave you free time before we leave tomorrow and yet you choose to spend your time here. It seems you want something, and if I am not wrong, it is likely that you want to go back. You have only spent a few hours here since your return and yet you want to return to that torment. Well, tell me the reason, this has to be quite good this time." He says as he lowers the scroll to his lap and turns his head to gaze upon his grandson.

    Feeling there is no way to hide anything from the emperor, nor should he as such is bad, Yueliang then says. "Grandpa, I know you said that my presence here is needed, however there has been a new development. Although my intentions were to follow your plan and just train later after doing what you and sister had planned, it seems my teacher from the cave has given me some new information."

    "What!" Rin drops the scroll and stands up in surprise. "How, wait you had no teacher except yourself. Even then you should not be able to communicate to such a degree once leaving that place. What did he... ahem... older you say?" He asks while instantly calming himself, yet not able too hide his interest and excitement in his eyes and facial expression at this new development.

    Seeing the curiosity and possibility of being able to succeed, Yue answers. "Well to sum it up he said I must go there immediately, or else all that I have worked for will be null and void. That it is not good, and there is no time to time to delay. Also, he warned not to even think of moving that place here. That it must be there, and there only. My training is to continue."

    Hearing this, places emperor Rin into a deep thought for a few moments before he asks. "He really said we could not move the place?"

    "Correct, and before you ask, no, I do not know why."

    "Hmm." Rin hums as he tries to figure out what it wrong but only mere seconds later says. "Alright, I will try to figure out more about this later, but in the mean time, as I do not intend to put your life in jeopardy we should head back. While the punishment is not yet known, there are places where old masters leave their inheritances, and while not all are eccentric, many have certain requirements to access them. So let us not put your good luck into further risk." He says while he walks out from behind his desk table.

    Yueliang nods, and stands as his grandfather approaches. Then turning around, he follows his gramps through the portal he made with a wave of his hand. In an instant, they reappear on the other side of the portal back onto the hot planet surrounded by giant lizard like creatures.

    Walking back to and into the cave, Yue notices his grandpa is still deep in thought, thus he starts saying while the two are walking. "Grandpa, there is no need to over think it. My training should not take too long. After all, he did say that it is not yet to an acceptable level. Therefore once I reach such a state, I should be allowed to leave once more without problems."

    Hearing this, Rin takes in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds, he exhales and says. "I understand. Just please try to be quick and do your best. After all it is not just your friends who miss you but your sister and I as well. It is a pity that things must be done this way, but when you get back we can take care of the other matters."

    "Mhmm." Yueliang nods, and then comments. "That sounds good, I will look forward to it. In the meantime, could you do me a favor?"

    His interest piqued but still guessing what it is, Rin ask. "What would you like me to do this time my interesting and wonderful grandson?"

    Listening to the over praise he is getting, Yue feels a little bad but then says. "I told my people I would be there tonight before this incident, and sis that I would help. If when you go back, if you could tell them that something came up, and that I am sorry for having to break my word that would be great. Of course, I will make it up to them later, but if I cannot live to see them again, than what is the point? I could only help one before the punishment, thus I can only do my best in the time to come." Yue explains dejectedly.

    With such an explanation, Rin could not help but feel he has grown, but at the same time is a little disappointed thus saying. "I will do this thing this time, but while I am proud of you, I am also disappointed in you Yueliang. You should always keep true to your word, so long as it is not something evil or bad. This is also why you should never fore swear yourself. Nothing good will ever come of doing such a thing. Hopefully you have learned from this experience."

    "I see, thank you for the lesson grandpa. This lesson will be taken to heart, and never forgotten." Yue comments.

    Rin sighs before saying. *Deep Sigh. "Remember do not make promises you cannot keep. Anyways, we have arrived at the tunnel, so please stay safe and be quick, we will be awaiting your return back home."

    Nodding his head, Yue then gives a bow to his grandpa before turning towards the tunnel he needs to go into and starts running into the cavern tunnel. Feeling pressure unlike before, subconsciously his body begins to slow a bit. Wondering what is going on, Yue thinks to himself. 'Why do I feel the pressure once again? Is it tempering me further, or did I take to long an what I had before has been removed already? .... No, never mind it is probably the first one.'

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