
Chapter 204 - Planning And Taking Action

    Hearing this, everyone in the group nearly drop their jaws each for their own reasons, one such reason being that they are surprised they did not think of it. 

    Regardless, Yueliang says. "Now is not the time for jokes or nonsense, so I will speak my mind. We have all known each other for a while now save the kunoichi. Never the less, it feels like we have all gotten to know each other quite well. Although not all of us have been able to go on dates yet, and I do sincerely apologize for that, I cannot help but agree with Yin, and would be honored if you would accept. So without further ado... Will you Ai Lan, Orslaine, Blake, Meiren, Victoria, and last but not least Raynari marry me?"

    Ai Lan goes quite but nods, while Orslaine answers confidently. "I will."

    Then looking towards the others, Meiren says with both a happy smile but mixed with pouting. "I would love too, but first we must settle the matter of you leaving me before. Why did you leave without telling me?"

    Yueliang then says. "It was not my intention to do so, as I was called away, and had to go immediately. However there is also something that needs to be said on my part. I know that you have not yet reached the stage where you can take human form, but I will wait for you."

    Those around all said "Awe..." except for Yin, who just watched on will all seriousness and surprise that they all are accepting so easily.

    Either way, Victoria speaks up next. "While we may not have been able to go on many dates, and do things the way humans do before getting married, I will. Although I must say this, if it were not for the meteor coming to kill us I would have said not yet. But never the less, I would rather die married to the one I love than die without sealing the deal with you." She explains her reasoning.

    Hearing this, he says. "I understand, and am grateful. I love you as well."

    Raynari however asks. "It is not that I want to throw away such a blessing, but it must be said. Why would you want to marry me? Besides we do not yet know each other very well."

    "You know, when I first met you Raynari, you attacked and tried to kill me. While it seems like a bad start, to me, I feel that all things must start somewhere. You are talented, beautiful, kind, and fun. Although you could do to check your facts before you do things in the future. Anyways, the choice is yours." Yueliang answers.

    *Sigh. Raynari sighs before saying. "I will, but on one condition. That being that you manage to save this world of its current predicament, rather than us all dying."

    With that said the ladies look at her with confused gazes, but Yueliang says. "While I love a challenge, is now really the time? Never the less, I will continue to try and save the planet as such was my original goal after finding out about this. However, does this mean that we have to postpone the wedding or have part of it before and part of it after?" He asks those standing before him.

    That having been pointed out, Ai Lan speaks her mind. "Well does it really matter about having it now or then? According to my understanding, most people have multiple weddings rather than one for everyone as it is not only more intimate, and pleasing but also easier. Not to mention that, if you tried to marry each of us at the same time, rather than myself first as you agreed upon with daddy, he will likely beat you to a pulp a few times over."

    "Hmm, good point, although that last part does not worry me as long as I can be with those that I love, and that love me. Now the only problem is setting it up. And as for the guest list, it would probably best to only go with people who can make it here within an hour or so, as we still have to find a way to save us all." Yueliang comments.

    *Pft Hahah. Yin laughs before saying. "Have you really no idea what to do. It seems so simple that a baby could figure it out."

    Yue asks. "What is it that you find so obvious then?"

    "It is simple, but there are a few conditions for the plan to succeed. Firstly we need really strong cultivators, and quite a number at that. Do you think we can solve that matter?"

    "I can handle that! What next?" Ai Lan exclaims.

    "Second, the high orcs need to start working on making some rockets as well as an energy shield around the plant, which will take a lot of resources, but bear with me. Third we need the emperor, and to put it all together with a nice little bow, here you go. The emperor opens a portal in front of the rotation of this planet, the cultivators give their energy to the emperor so he can maintain the portal, and lastly the rockets and shield are to move it into a precise rotation in another solar system. So what do you think of my genius idea?" Yin asks, after laying out the basic explanation of the plan.

    Before anyone else could speak, Ai Lan states. "It seems feasible, however it seems that this will be quite the pricey and difficult venture. I can get dad as well as the cultivators, and daddy will likely help with the acquisition of supplies needed to fund this, however there is a slight problem. Where will we be moving the planet. You said a solar system but daddy has to know where, and if left in this one the meteor may come back around for us."

    With that, Yin goes into thought as he tries to think of a good solution to these issues. Especially since without the sun at the right distance they will either freeze to death or be incinerated, or something along those lines. 

    A few minutes later, Blake speaks up. "You do not have to think so hard Yin, we high orcs will take care of the location, as well as building since everything has to be precise. The exact location of the planet so we do not freeze or roast, and the rotation that it does not get to close to another planet seeing as at that point two planets would be destroyed rather than just this one when they inevitably crash into each other. Not to mention all the adjustments that need to be done. ..."

    "...Therefore, Yue, if you would set up the weddings and let us know when it is ready, Ai Lan, if you would talk to your father, and get the other matters dealt with that would be great. I will let my people know to get ready to build and to start doing the calculations, but we may need the emperor to teleport us a few times to get everything precise. Thus if you could add that to what you are going to tell him that would help. Victoria, seeing as we are going into work mode if you could take care of food and drinks, that will speed things up. Everyone else can figure out what you want to do. How does that sound my love?" Blake asks Yue.

    Smiling and feeling kind of proud, he replies. "Great work, we should get to work then. I will try to help out where I can once the wedding arrangements are done." Taking in a deep breath he continues. "I must admit this sounds like it will be a lot of fun, we are quite literally relocating a planet. Never thought I would be saying that." 

    The whole group smiles and laughs a little at that statement before breaking apart and going their separate ways to start taking care of what they need to get done. Along with Yueliang following Ai Lan in order to speak with his grandfather about his opinion on some things.

    After swiftly making their way to the throne room, Ai Lan and Yueliang bow as they enter and Yue takes the lead saying. "Apologies for intruding grandpa, however there are some matters of the utmost urgency that we must discuss with you. It should not take but a few minutes of your time, and once again, I apologize for interrupting yet another of your council meetings."

    *Sigh. The emperor sighs before saying. "Everyone, we will resume this in a few minutes, however it seems that there is something that I must hear out before we continue." He says before standing up and walking over to the two of his descendants who are standing at the large entrance way.. However rather than running with a sense of urgency he walks over there as if it were just another simple matter, and nothing serious. 

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