
Chapter 209 - A Mistake?

    As the room fills with chi, Rin absorbs it swiftly, and begins opening the portal to the location that Yueliangs\' people have previously shown him, and as seconds turn to minutes, the portal in front of the orbit of the planet gets larger and larger until it is large enough to engulf the entire planet, and depending on the timing, maybe even the moon, however unlikely that would be. However he still tries to make it large enough to do so, despite the timing likely not being right.

    Seeing the portal appear in the night sky while the others and himself leave the building, Yueliang thinks to himself. \'We only have close to around 13 hours left until impact, do we really have enough time to make it through? If we assume this world is the same diameter as my last world, and same rotational speed, it would take just about 8 hours, give or take a few minutes. It is a pity I am not strong enough or I would have just done this myself, rather than having all these people have to help. But oh well, I guess it is nice to receive help sometimes.\'

    So with said thoughts, Yueliang starts walking over to Blake before asking. "Blake, just curious how long will this process take? Moving this planet into the portal I mean, because by my rough estimate it would be 8 out of the 13 hours we have left."

    Turning then looking to her left, she looks at Yue and says. "Why are you still here, you should be with your wife consummating your marriage. Stop worrying over useless things, everything will be fine. So go have fun, and we will see you tomorrow..." Then she turns and starts walking away from him before he can ask any more questions.

    Now, seeing as he does not really have an option, and thinking. \'Well, she is right, we just got married, we should be focused on enjoying it, not worried over matters that are already being dealt with right now.\' Thus he starts walking walking around to look for his bride who seems to have vanished once again even before he went off to find Blake. The last time having seen her was during the celebration....

    Times passes swiftly as he searches for his bride, even wondering. \'Where is she I wonder? It is not like she is a ghost, nor can she teleport as far as I know... Oh well, I guess the easiest way to find her would be to just do this....\' Then as he finishes his thoughts, he starts walking away from the group as his thoughts focus on Ai Lan. Closing his eyes, he takes a step once more as he asks the spiritual energy around him to take him to her.

    As the space begins folding around him, he notices something is off, that something is different and not right about the situation. Sensing this, he ignores the feeling and continues onward. ....

    Opening his eyes, he looks around and notices his surroundings are like that of the Greek Parthenon from ages past. Although there are a few distinct difference, one is that this one has a large bath in the middle filled with beautiful ladies playing around. However if that was not odd enough, they all seemed like doppelgangers of the women he loves. From listening to their playful laughs and chatter, to their appearance, they are exactly the same.

    Although upon the realization kicking in of where he is, he swiftly makes his way for the exit while thinking. \'I cannot be in such a place, and even if I could, why would I want to. Besides who are those ladies, and why do they seem like duplicates of the women I love?\' He wonders while making his way out of the building, but upon arriving outside, he sees even more duplicates of those very same women, and in his mind he exclaims. \'WHAT IS GOING ON?!! What is this crazy situation?\'

    \'Ugh, forget it, I can think about it later, for now I should hide lest I get involved in something I should not. Hopefully no one has noticed me as of yet.\' He thinks to himself as he sees some hedge bushes and trees to either side of him. So without delay, he swiftly makes his way down the stairs and up into the tree to try and relax his mind, and catch his breath. Although not from physical exertion, his mind is just overloaded and needs time to process.

    Once he is sitting on one of the middle branches up the tree, he lays his back against the trunk, and his legs on the branch. *Deep Sigh...

    After feeling he has caught his breath he starts trying to process his current situation. \'Let us see here... Right, I folded space to come to Ai Lan, and it seems this must be some odd reality? Maybe... It could not be that I traveled into my mind right? After all, every being, and world must be created, and surely someone would not create such a world with only women as far as I can tell, but the only women being the women I love right? Hmm, well the first thing to focus on will be finding my way out of here, but second even if this is my mind, I have never thought of such a world so where did it come from? ... Right, right, focus on getting out of here fi....\'

    "Oh... Hello, who are you?" A voice comes from beside him as the lady appears to be climbing.

    Hearing this voice, his head subconsciously turns to face her, feeling shocked to the core, however before anything else, he swiftly moves his legs to either side of the branch to keep his body from falling as the shock nearly caused him to lose his balance. Then taking a breath, he replies. "I am Yueliang, but you may call me Yue." He says while thinking. \'So Victoria,... I mean the people of this world do not know who I am? Good to know.\'

    The lady appearing to be Victoria, but in a long white dress, that appears to have come from the ancient greek era, takes her seat on a branch directly next to him before pulling out a book from who knows where. Then she says. "Oh where are my manners, my name is Victoria, pleased to meet you. If it is not a problem to ask, where do you come from? Do you like sweets, or prefer meats?"

    Listening to her words, he thinks to himself. \'That is Victoria for you, a curious, carefree, and fun lady, but also thinking more about what food she can make next to bring joy to others and herself.\' However despite his thoughts, he speaks his mind as he forgets for a moment about his current predicament. "Hmm, Sweets if I do say so myself. Although, as for where I come from, it is a world that is likely far from here. However it is a pity that I cannot take you there, as it was destroyed by a cultivator it seems not long ago." He says with a down trodden expression thinking of how it feels that many have died for such an absurd reason as to just make a pill.

    Hearing his words, she feels a little confused and asks. "Cultivator? Is that some sort of animal? Does it taste good? Also what animal could destroy a world, and how could you leave your planet?"

    Yueliang laughs lightly at these words, and continues. "Sorry for laughing, but it is complicated, as animals, humans, or just about any being can become a cultivator, as this is a term for those who learn to transcend their limits in a way. Also, I do not know if it taste good, but to leave my planet at the time of its destruction, I teleported away with thousands of others that I tried to save."

    "So you ran away?" She asks with a curious look on her face before saying. "My apologies, that was rude of me."

    "It is alright, and yes we did as we would have died otherwise, and there are still things that we would like to do before that time, such as having families, or learning. However, ever since that time, I have since learned that it is not about when we wish to die, but when we are ready to die. Sorry, this must all sound strange to you." Yue adds.

    Victoria shakes her head and says. "Not really, there are always things that we do not know in the world. For if what you speak is true, than the world, nay the universe is far more vast than we know. Either way, would you mind if I introduce some of my friends to you? We would all love to meet and get to know you more." She says with a glint in her eyes, focusing and not letting her gaze leave him.

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